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Ary Endleg

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Everything posted by Ary Endleg

  1. LOL? So lets say I get a Morph on my alt and want it to go to my main. I arrange a trade with my friend, he gives his morph for my main and my alt gives him my morph. Technically I transfered Morph from alt to main. Same thing I explained above with items. I don't understand how that's not an abuse. Basically if I were to use that same method to tranfer gold coin from alt to main. You would claim it's not an abuse because coins had different ID. By your logic money laundering is totally legal.
  2. I don't understand you. In my eyes that's cheating the game out of 1 credit at least. To me it's a straight alt abuse, one account got something from another for nothing.
  3. What's the point? 95% of WPs come from automated sources. There's just no player content that would supply RPC-quality-quests for awarding WPs. In my opinion whole WP system is bad for current situation. It was probably good when it was introduced, but from my point of view, WP system effectively collapsed long ago.
  4. No, it's a sophisticaed fencing. Basically No one is describing this scenario: ChewA has Mechanical heart, but ChewB wants that item. Mur also has Mechanical heart (MH). So Chew makes a deal with Mur so that Mur passes his MH to ChewB, to compensete for Mur's loss of MH, ChewA will pass his MH to Mur. Mur still has MH, ChewA doesn't have MH but ChewB now has MH. Alt abuse can't be detected because MH that ChewA had isn't same as the one that ChewB got, due to different item ID which is used for tracking in logs. So yes, as far as I see it, No one is right to be concerned.
  5. Exactly. In fact I don't even see any background on Sasha's papers.
  6. It makes player unattackable at destination scene. So it's an issue. Seems to work with all "teleport" spells and items. If player gets moved to new scene and then re-logs, that player will be unattackable in destination scene, even if player moves out of destination scene and back to it, it will still say "player not here" even though he is there. I'll speculate and say this lasts only till next sharp hour and works only if player was online during porting and then relogged.
  7. No issues, just annoying popup (that causes refresh?). I'm actually having more issues with old summonedarmy bug popup that says "you are viewing fight that's not yours" and then refreshes. Can't yet find that topic for that bug but I know I saw it around. Update. This also happens with locate, so it's not just self-cast.
  8. Casting self-cast spell such as otherarmy, makes a popup appear that says "Array". Since this type of spells don't require list of names, I guess this is the result of recent spells change relating to multicast.
  9. I think this has to do with method on how you open the links. As in if you open them all at once by fast clicking and then voting once all of them are open.
  10. Title of the link?
  11. *bumps* :ph34r:
  12. Never have I ever begged for forum rep. This topic is so wrong in my opinion.
  13. If double resource stacks are issue with strongbox... Then why not make it that all new resources go to same stack directly, regardless if stack is in inventory or box. In other words. If you placed stack in box, newly acquired resources would go directly in there (added to the stack inside box). That means you could only have stack either in inventory or in box, but not both. You would still need to take it out of box in order to use it.
  14. When you do get time, I would like to read about it.
  15. I was wondering the same, what is unique about it? I speculate that it's like in other games, there are many instances of such items across the server but one person can hold only one at any given time?
  16. Are you sure that some "useless" (the ones that brain deems useless, such as your afternoon snack 10 years ago) memories don't get permanently erased by brain?
  17. In my eyes it's not about being complete, it's more about being put to wider use. Currently A25 isn't used.
  18. I think project Omega is admin/dev thing, smoother server maintenance and monitoring and such. At least so I understood from that announcement. If you ask me... just add heal button to HTML5 creat page and we are good to go into next stage. Only thing that I'm afraid of (and I think that rest of community is too) is that naming the next stage now could nudge Mur out of his developing madness.
  19. Mister Grido, I beg you, can "we" (actually only your part of the deal is being delayed) finally finish this trade?
  20. Dude! We are talking about grasan milk in here :wacko: <_<
  21. I doubt it's a bug. Your Tradesense is over 100, 168 to be exact. Meaning if you gain VP by 68% more than you spent it then it's very likely not a bug.
  22. So how it went?
  23. No. Rophs is talking about something else.
  24. This still doesn't disapprove my claim for MP5. Since you at MP3 always get Sword Balance and since there was personal heat gained, erolin was gained too. But I guess I can still be wrong. Also I've no clue how exactly this would work if you are defending.
  25. At MP3 it works differently, you always get Sword Balance. At higher levels it has to be 10% +/- on both sides and 30%+ difference. Apply that rules to your case and yup, I'm still right. Basically you at MP3 didn't get Sword Balance, you got it "forced over".
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