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Everything posted by Ungod

  1. what she said
  2. This is the common items list (from which you will choose your reward, these items are not to be include3d in the story...unless you want to) Orange peel Marble Slab Lavender sachet Small pouch Granite stone Bag of Spices Sloop goop Embers Incense burner Bone meal Metal Clankers Knator's claw Quarter Staff Dried leaves Grimy snake skin Voodoo doll Bone clock Champagne flutes Exotic Perfume Columbina venetian mask Also, entries are to be submitted through pm to me.
  3. This is a writing contest, for those of you who want to polish their writing skills a little. The task is to write a story of at least a page length, based on the following visual cue: The rewards are: 3gc + 1 RW + choice of a common item (will be updated when I buy those) - 1st place 2gc + 1 RW + choice of a common item - 2nd place 1gc + choice of a common item - 3rd place The condition is that you must get at least half of the maximum score to get rewarded, though If there will be an exceptional story, it will be awarded a WP as a sole reward, 2nd place will get rewards for first place and so on (4 stories to reward in this case). Time: about 3 weeks.
  4. We have had two entries, with dst scoring11/11 and sunfire guessing 6 out of 11. Gratz, guys...the Dark Treasure Keeper will find you, eventually....
  5. Ungod

    A good game

    You do set a 'value' to them (and that value is a unit prone to infinite multiplication). I was saying that the way to reach that value shouldn't go like 'let me choose a value that would be sports, because, as far as I'm concerned, I can just share infinity'. I don't think you can make a good game like that.
  6. I had a little flash some days ago, when I realized that we're dealing more often than we think with the mathematical value of infinity, when we try to 'create'. Take someone who wants to make a game - you start with the unlimited power of spawning, for example, creature after creature so that it can be farmed endlessly. Or you can write a little code in which from your apple tree each and every player can pick apple after apple. People even dreamed of stuff like this - the cornucopia. But that wouldn't be sports, and in an attempt to create a game of skill, you reduce the infinity to fractions. I think this is the wrong way to make a game, because when trying to split the infinite, we, being limited, lack a sense of proportion, and that will cause mistakes in the game. So instead of reducing infinity, you should create it (well, it's more about creating an image of it). For example, if you think of a plan of square tiles of the same size, then you decide to reduce it to a limited space - say, 9 by 10, and then you split it in two and add pieces on the last two rows - that would be reducing the infinite. If you start by placing pieces on a space, in accordance to your purposes and the principles of interaction that you want to showcase, then you might end up with a boardgame on a board of 9 by 10, but it would be obtained by creating the infinite. How so: according to the mind of the players, the space obtained can be further expanded to limitless spaces, or a pawn can be seen as a squad of 10 people, or 100, or 1000. There is a sense of proportion to the game and in fact, what you might have created is a small replica of the universe. All that may not matter when the end game looks the same, but I don't think you can get as good a result when you try to reduce the infinite. And that's an essential trait to cultivate if you're trying to create something: resist the temptation of believing in things such as 'godly powers'...
  7. Did you know that the Latin 'evolvere' and 'explicare' are descriptive terms for reading a scroll while unrolling it?

  8. I trust your math. Yeah, all silver. Or I could give half in gold and half in silver.
  9. Can you keep that for my next quest, please?
  10. At dusk, Karl was usually smoking his pipe while watching the falling sun's traces from his porch. But not today. Today he was frantically making a bag, placing curious objects inside. After all, he was the poltergeist specialist of the village... A dog howled. Karl stopped for a moment. Three? Three places at once? This is troublesome.'If I don't guess their names, I will be dragged in that bottomless pit'... You have to identify as many creatures as you can from the images. You do not need to identify the darkling, it's there for show You then send me the list with the creatures, in whatever order you wish, naming either the creature and level shown (e.g. molima level 2), or the default name (infested molima). You have one try and one week to do so. The rewards are: 1 sc for each correctly guessed creature, to a maximum of 11 silvers. However, the coins will go to the top three participants (so if you guessed seven, but three others guess more, you will not get a reward...or maybe I'll throw something in...maybe).
  11. 3 silvers for each and every common item you have there for sale. and I want your timeless dust, too.
  12. 3 sc for all your common items listed, also 7 sc for the 23 timeless dust.
  13. When you write 'bid accepted', it means 'sold' ? or can further bids be made? (if so, 3 sc for each of all those common items)
  14. here's some ideas: death, taint Not that i wanna go against my idea, but to have a mindpower flow would be like current in an electrical circuit...going 'back and forth'. And that's pretty much against how mindpower system is - right now, advancing is like a suprastructure that stabilizes. Making it unstable and reverting it to correct things should come with a heavy price - with many restrictions that can be viewed as impairing limitations.
  15. Of course, but brought by...what?
  16. I don't know why, but since some time ago I had the feeling mindpowers should be able go both ways: rise and descend. In the title I used Aeoshattr's term, who said he sees the current flow of mindpowers mp3->mp4->mp5 as correct. So I decided to look it up on the forum and found an old topic where Mur talked about plans to make the MPs go down. The topic is from 2011, though I thnk mindpowers' stability can be affected to reverse the 'normal' flow, the question is: what could affect it? Interested in hearing what you think, I also have an idea, but it might be too late for it (or too early lol).
  17. Bid accepted. It's too low, but I'm interested in seeing what is the demand.
  18. Remember that bid goes on in this topic or in private, in which case I will inform all parties of the bids made. If I write 'bid accepted', it doesn't mean bidding has stopped; I'm writing that because some bids will be rejected. Also, bidding ends when 12 hours have passed since the last offer. On sale: 50 branches.No minimum bid.
  19. Sort of... what I'd like about it, if it's implemented, is for the spell to be available to more people than just LHOs and MP6. Reason is, new players might be liking the taks from a certain someone from a certain land and thus they might naturally be shifting to Marind Bell, for example. So, having a few vets from each land, giving very personal tasks, usually related to their own land, is a good idea, I think.
  20. I don't know about others, but my initial post with the 'system' was inspired by the way my favorite game (Gothic) handled the player. You entered the Old Camp and there were people asking you to do stuff for them; Whistler, for example, asked you to buy a sword from Fisk, because they got into an argument and now he wouldn't sell it to him. The way I see it, I didn't convey my ideas that well, since people keep taking the selfishness out of the equation, which, in my opinion, is crucial.
  21. Ungod

    Walking tree

    War is illogical, but perfectly natural...anyways, I like that perspective - an internal fight and the tree that overcomes the murderous intent of a fallen warrior.
  22. Hey, looks pretty good.
  23. I have no intention to
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