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Everything posted by Ungod

  1. <cool/> that reminds me I haven't played football in years..i should be player (1)0
  2. when I read that, I remembered that scene from Gladiator in which the emperor (I think?) asks something like 'wasn't the OTHER team supposed to win?'
  3. so is search, you need to wait some seconds before doing a new search. is it a bug?
  4. I didn't see it with the boxes, but now that it's lists, I saw an unread post from two days ago in MB private forum. I didn't see it anywhere, not in activity, nowhere. It's not that I can't read it or anything, I just don't get notified that it exists.
  5. Ungod 250021 (last time I let the wolf loose, should I be afraid of werewolf bites and twilight fans?)
  6. How about read topics? I see the star, but cannot click it, so I cannot jump to last post... (I still need time to adjust to the forum who can tell me where I can see the latest 5 or so posts?)
  7. Maybe replies to the status updates can be shown like they used to (without opening a new window)?

  8. lol, Mago When I read "the effect of a spell", I thought about the drunk spell...how about making pickle juice that removes the drunk effect? (clickie: a jar; put 5 pickle in a jar and wait)
  9. yep. also, there's no 'mark as read', which I'd like to use on...all those calendar events, for example. aand..there's no way to jump to last post, apparently? edit: gallery images don't work for me edit2: so, I guess everybody has the option of writing a reason for edit now? only forum managers had it before, if I'm correct
  10. I only got 1 point of Loyalty and that was to my land, after idling at GoE. No homeland number stayed the same. I will not test it again, as I want to raise my MB loyalty for now and every day counts....thrice. (it makes sense that once you choose a land, you no longer should gain 'no homeland' loyalty points)
  11. Funny, because the guy I talked to just returned from Glasgow :) I don't know if I want to visit UK in the near future. My fear is that humans can blow up their planet/home, not that they can create a society ruled by fear and other psycho tricks. Not that I can't see them trying, but over a certain line, it's suicide. And, yes, I have faith in the survival instinct that will prevent this suicide. Of course, every now and then such instincts fail, but I don't think we should fear it. Fear accomplishes nothing, and this book is not useful as a reinforcer of our survival instinct as a society.
  12. I think the dagger has chosen targets...or maybe the new land itself did...freaky
  13. Hah, nice observation, Ary, I was focusing on the whole dystopia thing I didn't pay attention to the other. @no one: well, let's put it this way: I had a talk with someone and video cameras on every street and 1984 came up. The feeling I got is that he (and people I talked to in the past) believe 1984 is here, that we're living it. So I wanted to read it - what's so compelling and believable about it? the way I see it, it's the image of a nightmare, it draws from reality just to paint a scary landscape; I don't see the value of it...for me. might be good for other people, who knows. (I appreciate the time folks took to read and write, btw)
  14. I started reading Orwell's 1984 a couple of days ago and I couldn't go past 5 pages. True, it *was* midnight, so maybe that helped in letting it go, but I realized something the next day. From what I read (and I know the story, the 'message'- wiki), it was a somewhat correct depiction of the general feeling that people in Eastern Europe felt during the communist years, but it was so exaggerated...It was a painful read and, most importantly, boring. I understand the term 'dystopia', I understand that it has exaggerations, but such a society could.not.exist. The mixture of elements simply makes such a 'construction' impossible. More believable is Huxley's Brave New World, but that one portrays the human being as just hedonistic, and that is simply untrue. If man craved only pleasure, his book would have never been written. All in all, these texts not only bore me, but seem to me to be simply expressions of fear. But I remembered the reverse - utopias. And then it hit me - these are just modern (well, modern...there are utopias written from antiquity onward) heaven and hell depictions. Nothing more. I know it seems such a big difference - what's 'punishing your sins in an eternal pit of fire' have in common with 'a totalitarian government is watching you, cameras are everywhere and you can't say what you really think'? well, they're both untrue, for one. also, they scare you and, last, but not least, they give you a wrong perception of what a human being is. It seems so weird to me that all these texts ignore the bigger context - the natural one, and focus so much on the human-created environment, coming up with outlandish stuff. Now, I'm not particularly interested in correcting people's mistakes or beliefs, but I do have a huge list of books on my disk (and it's enough to visit some bookmarked sites and I can add a few hundreds easily) and for me utopias and dystopias are classified under 'bullshit, not gonna happen' category now. Yeah, I read a short version of the Bible and some sensible bits. To me, 1984 and (let's give an utopia name) City of Sun look like modern Bible bits to me, kind of saying "I dream of..." (and you can have nightmares or sweet dreams). Anyway, it's a long text, I'm wondering who will ever read this, but if you do, and you have an opinion, you can write it down here, maybe. I am more interested in opinions that disagree with mine, though it is unlikely I will change my conclusion.
  15. I idled accidentally at GoE couple of days ago, midnight caught me there, and I only got 1 point of MB loyalty. I believe NML gives no 'no homeland' loyalty (which I partly understand why)
  16. Weird...I had 540 MB loyalty yesterday, today I have 542...shouldn't I have 543?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Junior


      No wonder i literally thought my head was playing games with me, don't mess with my Head again chewett :P

    3. Chewett


      At one point the announcement inv L used some details discussed by mur and I but not implemented... yet

    4. Chewett


      Announcement contained...

  17. Well, I'm afraid things won't go well for this 'bandit' if he is weakened and those 'sisters' catch him...
  18. I'll try to write a short one; since this is not about Necrovion, I'll use spoiler tags. This might create some work for mods :)) [spoiler] I saw this question a number of times here, and I also talked to someone about it - why do allies have to exist in the first place? Isn't a land perfectly fine without them? The argument I heard was that :vets don't see allies anymore, they see only people (btw, jump in if you feel like it ^_^ ). People that did this or that, people they like or hate etc.; allies are pointless, in general. Now, I think this is a fact. It's not only an argument, I believe it's how things came to be. What I argued is that lands get more individuality with alliances and more 'character'. So, a land without allies is more undefined or less structured and powerful than one with allies. For example, I am very much interested that no MB alliance gets taken over and we retain our diverse purposes inside the land. It's not necessarily a "view from the top", it gives me further 'RP boost'. I guess what I say is not something new, you kind of know this, but you react to the situation at hand, in which having allies feels pointless, you see people instead of roles and so on. [/spoiler] This being the case, perhaps closing the land is a solution, because the moment it will be opened, new ideas will appear and a new identity, maybe, new energy into a "new" ally?
  19. I think the way it works right now is ok, even if there are sidetracks, it's fine overall. If you wanna change it, that's fine as well, but don't eliminate some 'silliness' for the sake of 'efficiency'. Imperfect systems are more fun, generally.
  20. Hmm, I wonder how the story will progress... :)
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