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Everything posted by Aethon

  1. Anything is welcome. :)
  2. Nominating yourself for a position like this with no description as to why you'd be suited? Why do you think you'd suit being part of the PC? What have you done/organised that was successful? Do have enough organisational ability and knowledge of MD? I find it hard to believe the answer to much of the above is "yes" but I'm happy for you to prove me wrong. I think PC should be a no and the "smaller group of interested players" should be "restocked". https://magicduel.com/page/Announcement/view/2931
  3. Aethon


    *Was. It was also Gargant's, along with all the names of all the other avatars' previous owners... But now it belongs to Jun.
  4. How can you expect others to see you as a "King", or say you are "claiming the crown", when you yourself openly accept that you are only "pretending" and will wait until you are "accepted"? As far as I'm aware Eon declared himself king, as did a few I think. Currently it looks like: You - "Can I be the king?" and "Will you accept me?" Eon -" I am the King." and "You WILL accept me." Now, you both have the right idea...you just need to combine the two. You must state you are the king but you must also ask for acceptance and state why you think so; without the backing of your fellow citizens, your "fight" for the crown will continue to be nothing more than a joke and will never come into fruition. Set your roots, find why you are the king, gather a following and act like a land with structure and dignity, not internal fights and feuds.
  5. My leash is back in my possession and is now back up for grabs. As before my selling point is "I have skills that may come in handy." I shall not elaborate on these though I am sure some of you are aware of what skills may be included. The starting price is 2GC. Bidding will end in 48 hours or 24 hours after last bid. Terms and conditions I will remain a "slave" for 3 months. From thereon after it will cost 1gc a month, or 4sc a week, to keep the leash. Otherwise it must be returned to me. Agreeing to purchase my leash should be seen as a contract and breaking the end conditions will result in: Banning from future trades. Banning from quests created by myself. Further action to reclaim the leash and/or coins owed. Items, spells stones, coins, credits, etc. All are accepted. I will state the current winning bid every chance I have to update. The leash expires mid August 2016. Highest Bid: Princ Rhaegar - 3gc + not having to look at Miq's snowman.
  6. The leash will last for 4x the original enslavement time. As Rider chose 3 months, the leash is valid until Mid August 2016. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/16720-golden-chains-2015/?p=166928
  7. Still up for sending cards if anyone wants on! Currently only have Dstling and Nimmy on my list, so let me know if you want to exchange! (Has to be before the 10th!)
  8. Doesn't work for me either.
  9. Most Improved - Wideberth Champion Fighter - Sunfire Prime Quest - Zleiphneir This one and this one
  10. After a long day of training (and about 3k Loyalty gain as well) I became a grindr! :P
  11. 5sc
  12. Oh? I was thinking about your noob quest? That wasn't coded? If not, sorry. :)
  13. Why are we not given names of the person we're giving to? Even if it's done through a third party? That's how secret Santa is supposed to work..?
  14. Top Techie - Jubaris
  15. Fossil of the Year - Lintara
  16. Happy birthday Ivorak. Though you're often silent, you're not forgotten! Apologies for the late topic. Hope you had a wonderful day!
  17. Chatless scenes were restricted during torch contests. I assume this goes for both competitors and non-competitors as one could drag/pull the other to the location otherwise. Edit: Could be due to a blanket restriction on item locations rather chatless scenes?
  18. If we are now allowing same land nominations I would like to nominate: Champion Fighter - Darkraptor Top techie - Darkraptor And Outstanding Service to MD - Kyphis If not, ignore the above. Also, Fossil of the Year - AmberRune
  19. I find it odd you "forgot" when you held quite a part in the rules discussion thread, which is where this should have also been discussed. Anyway, I suggest these off topic messages are moved to the rules discussion to keep this one clean.
  20. 20.04.2015 18:40
  21. Best Beautification - Neno veliki
  22. Rookie of the Year - MaGoHi Helper of the Year - *Syrian* Preeminent Roleplayer - Aeoshattr Adventuring Award - Vladan
  23. Most addicted - Syrian
  24. I have around 160 Active days in MD. I joined around January/February time though had to take a month or two out of playing. No, I had never played an RPG like this (where you actively role play) though, if you have a grasp of language, it's rather easy to learn and adapt to, I feel. :)
  25. Firstly, welcome you back! I'm sure much will have changed around the place, though you are sure to see faces you recognise, so make sure you say hello! (That would be my first "to-do" to a newb) Now, how to start...perhaps point by point? Yes, that seems suitable. I would not say the game itself is stagnating, more the activity within in. Whilst the game still progresses and has it's loyal followers -- and a few new ones here and there -- the activity of those followers within MD dwindles. Most now stay rooted at the GoE, fighting and grinding. There are still a few occasions where activity picks up, but this is usual due to either chaos (death, slander, ill will, etc) or pre-organised events/happenings (MD Birthday, " Story Makers' " quests, etc). Working out how to battle this is hard as we would need to determine why people's activity is becoming stagnant. Is it due to laziness? Because the game is turning more towards fighting than RP? Because people simply don't want to RP? Because there aren't enough quests that make others run around like headless chickens? The list is endless. I (emphasise on I as it's my opinion) believe that the appearance of stagnation is due to less players. There is no longer hundreds of players all playing at the same time, instead there is 30-40. Out of those 30-40 only a handful are "active" enough to run around, do things, make noise...make the place seem alive. So yes, in short, I believe that there is little we can do at the moment until we start getting more people engrossed in MD. :) I would suggest (in order): Speak to everyone - Get to know players, new and old. A lot will have changed in 6 years and you can't expect to know it all yourself. Besides, it's always nice to make new friends! Get involved - Take part in events and quests, perhaps even make your own. Don't shy away or just choose to read about it later. Some of the best ways (i've found) of making friends and learning new things is by getting involved with everything and anything. Read, read, read - Read everything. Old forum posts, new forum posts, blogs, adventure logs, creature details, personal papers, announcements...there is a lot of knowledge and help to be found if only people were to read a little more than what's right in front of them. And finally Much of what I wrote above applies to this, I feel. Read, read, read, speak to everyone and get involved. From doing that you are likely to learn everything you need. I know that it worked well enough for me, and I was starting off as a brand new player, with no experience. Though, some of it will come down to your own personality and perseverance, of course. :)
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