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  1. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Chewett in Selling Seighearts Leash   
    And for this action, you lost the last of any respect i had for you.

    People are bidding for 1 use of the item. Then it will either be entirely useless or reset.

    Don't buy it, it's a con. I hope you are happy with yourself Fang.

    [attachment=4136:morals NONE.jpg]
  2. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Zyrxae in DNA Collection   
    Probably best taken with a grain of salt, but [s][url="http://storenow.net/my/?f=5002"]eh[/url][/s] EDIT: [url="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AhfiqLPs3vohdG5lWGMxNlhSc2VtbVdrUGxwQ0ZaekE#gid=1"]Updated[/url]

    This seemed like an interesting idea, started it a while ago but couldn't get Excel to format them automatically. Of course it's (almost certainly) not what the DNA was intended for, but there is a funny coincidence: the first part of the DNA can be read as a binary number, which in base sixteen yields a 6-digit hexadecimal color value.
    It's far from perfect: some of them end up as seven digits instead of six, and the last part isn't used...still, the results are attractive if nothing else.

    Anyway, it's easy enough to add alliances/lands onto the doc. Who knows, combined with [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/9625-assigning-colors-to-lands/"]this topic[/url], something could come out of it..
  3. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Peace in Happy Birthday Peace!   
    Awww you guys!!!

    Thank you all SO much for your wishes! I hope for the best for all of you!!! I LOVE YOU ALL!

    PS1: What's with all the kittens? Rawrr?
    PS2: I started MD as DarkPriestess22 and now 26... O.O
  4. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to biermann in Dante's Avatar Attempts   
    Drawing helps me think at times.
    So today I had to code a dynamic hierarchical index array, with in theory endless amounts of recursiveness.
    I ended up with a solution, and this:

  5. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Kaya in MD Tutorial Reconstruction   
    First I think I should post this here: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/7621-newbies-what-upsetscare-you-all It might be a bit older, but I think it hasn´t lost it´s validity yet.

    With the tutorial I think you shouldn´t try to rush the players. Don´t try to make them understand everything at once, cause they won´t. Patience is one of the most important aspects of the game, so we shouldn´t try to stuff everything there is to know in them at once. Therefore I like the idea of a longer ongoing tutorial.

    Tokens should not be added to the tutorial. All that would do is make the game look commercial and scare people away, giving them a feeling this is yet another game in which you can´t become strong enough to really enjoy it without paying.

    Story mode is like a double sided blade. While it might scare some away for others it might be a reason to stay. When I first started playing I quitted after a month or so, however the artwork, the magical atmosphere, and the story kept lingering in the back of my head causing me to return about one and a half year later. Perhaps it starts to soon, but without the story I doubt I would be here now.
  6. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Azull in A Matter Of Honor And Information Trade   
    True freedom is chaos. Only gods and the insane can handle it. And I'm not sure about gods.
    Most of us don't really want freedom. Of course many will object to this. But think hard about it before you do.

    Knowledge curtails the freedom of the mind, this is true.
    It's like a road through the jungle. Following the road makes for easy traveling.
    And yet may lead you to a worthwhile destination.

    But going along this road, looking at the chaos left and right, you may wonder what is out there.
    No one but yourself can stop you from leaving the path and venture into the chaos.
    It is difficult and painful and frightening. But in doing so you might find the hidden temples and the treasures they hold.

    Now I ask myself; would I have gone into the jungle had there not been a road to start with?
  7. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Mallos in MD Tutorial Reconstruction   
    I think the story shouldn't be optional. Splitting it up over the mind power levels could be a good idea, so mp3's get through it faster and don't get frustrated at the length. Wanting to see the rest of the story would also be another incentive to move up the next mind power level. Maybe if it's split up (and since they only get the 15 minute wait option) we wouldn't have to take out the wait times either, as that helps to teach patience in the game.

    The current tutorial has too much text and unnecessary situations as Burns has described. I agree with him that those should be removed.

    As I referred my friend the other day, he hadn't much of an idea what to do (told him to click the scroll, now click this, and such) and he quickly didn't want to play because of the numerous times he had to click the scroll, didn't want to read the text, and didn't care to do what was asked. I didn't mind any of the tutorial because the game genuinely interested me, but I'm sure there will be others who might feel the same as my friend did.

    I like the idea of having them do a pre-story mode sort of tutorial, like start them at the park and maybe after they do a few things on their own (a battle, speak a few lines in chat, move around a few scenes) then they get put into the Paper Cabin sort of tutorial.
  8. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Sasha Lilias in MD Tutorial Reconstruction   
    [quote name='Grido' timestamp='1344352884' post='119573']
    I don't think that there's any need for tokens to be mentioned in tutorial itself, maybe a separate faq/help bit on them, but not in the tutorial - I thought we were trying to reduce what they were reading? Rather than add to it?

    I agree completely.

    Remember that we all have already gone through the tutorial ourselves, therefore we can easily say "information is missing". But that is information we have learnt over time, others can do this also.

    Tokens are not an essential part of the game.(Yes I am well aware the majority of players use them).
    If you are to explain tokens then you might as well go on to explain ALL the principles, stats, etc, rather than just the basic. Doing this would be a good thing! Don't get me wrong, but 1) It'll end up confusing a lot of the new players and 2) bore half of them to death.

    We can't pour every ounce of knowledge we have collected over months and years, into a player over a period of days. It just won't work.

    I say that the tutorial be kept as it is, BUT when getting to new places or doing new things THEN it be explained. For example the first time you meet a tokened creature you are able to open a tutorial window about tokens, or the first time you sacrifice a creature a tutorial window explains about it in more detail?
    This is what I mean by a [i]running tutorial[/i].

  9. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Rumi in MD Tutorial Reconstruction   
    Our incomplete story mode can be confusing and is in some ways irrelevant to gameplay, yet it certainly contributes heavily to our culture with hidden meaning and symbology, gorgeous artwork, and (somewhat) personalized character development.

    If the (up to 24 hour) wait times turn people away and make them bored, can't we just do away with the wait times and stats/principles bonuses they give? You can make up all those stats in a short period of dueling and we all know it, but newbies don't.

    It would also be nice if the story wasn't repeated at each MP, but split into the chapters. Maybe shades and marind @ mp3, carnival @ mp4, under construction @ mp5.

    Of course, I'd like to see the story continue instead of under construction, and it would be cool if choices defined more than keys and access. Perhaps different paths could offer land loyalty or specific creatures or items. I dunno, just brainstorming.
  10. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Shantu in MD Tutorial Reconstruction   
    Maybe it's just me, but it was the story and all the beautiful art that intrigued me in this game. However, I agree that a newbie (with other games in mind) will always choose the highest number like biermann said. I honestly don't remember how bad the waiting was, but it might have had its magic. Patience is a virtue and all that. I agree however that making it faster is probably a good idea. You still shouldn't be able to breeze through the story in 10 minutes.

    As for the fighting part.. it seems to be a good idea to tutor the players on it, but please don't make the story mode optional. It just seems to go against everything the game is built on.
  11. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to biermann in Dante's Avatar Attempts   
    And another thing I flung together during work. Moments of pondering about code turned into scribbling, turned into this.


    I should stop scribbling and probably upload them, but well, the scribbling part is more fun
  12. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to biermann in Dante's Avatar Attempts   
    EDIT: current avatars that are either not uploaded or in my vault...and thus for sale: 0!

    Ok, I can draw a bit. I also failed to finish any drawing in the last 5 years (could even be 10) before coming here.
    And dealing with the size conversion has prove somewhat tricky as wll.

    There, I reckon that's enough excuses to lend me a bit of startup credit.

    My second attempt at an avatar (the first is already in the store)

  13. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Tom Pouce in MD Tutorial Reconstruction   

    my post was general of what was in thread, if it first was about tutorial and how to improve it, then about other subjects, going from token (that use magic), removing the story, removing stats gain, and .. other things

    and i think that this thread is in general spirit to improve number of new player going in MD

    i suppose there is some new player with my way of going in new things, before making a character, i had read a good part of the forum (where one can think MD is very unfriendly for newbyes looking from the outside), all the pages from the home page (and there you go with a lot of talking about inner magic) and some of the wiki (that as improve since then), and some of the MD archive ... and even read some good ,and some very bad review of MD ...

    I was debating myself for some time (a few days) if i would try this game

    but what [b]i see that is a misrepresentation, is the inner magic and spell .... if you look at the amount of pages talking about that from the home page ... one think its an important part of MD and even the main one ... but to my experience MD is nothing like that[/b]

    so the reason of my talking about that ...

    there pages for inner magic that is not there:
    [url="http://magicduel.com/index.php?pag=principles&c=&p=ciclicitatii&type=browser%20game"]http://magicduel.com...pe=browser game[/url]
    [url="http://magicduel.com/index.php?pag=principles&c=&p=echilibrului&type=browser%20game"]http://magicduel.com...pe=browser game[/url]
    [url="http://magicduel.com/index.php?pag=principles&c=&p=elementelor&type=browser%20game"]http://magicduel.com...pe=browser game[/url]
    [url="http://magicduel.com/index.php?pag=principles&c=&p=imaginatiei&type=browser%20gamehttp://magicduel.com/index.php?pag=principles&c=&p=imaginatiei&type=browser%20game"]http://magicduel.com...pe=browser game[/url]
    [url="http://magicduel.com/index.php?pag=principles&c=&p=intunericului&type=browser%20game"]http://magicduel.com...pe=browser game[/url]
    [url="http://magicduel.com/index.php?pag=principles&c=&p=luminii&type=browser%20game"]http://magicduel.com...pe=browser game[/url]
    [url="http://magicduel.com/index.php?pag=principles&c=&p=sintropiei&type=browser%20game"]http://magicduel.com...pe=browser game[/url]
    [url="http://magicduel.com/index.php?pag=principles&c=&p=timpului&type=browser%20game"]http://magicduel.com...pe=browser game[/url]
    [url="http://magicduel.com/index.php?pag=principles&c=&p=transpunerii&type=browser%20game"]http://magicduel.com...pe=browser game[/url]

    [b]instead its where one should talk about each token and each of its properties[/b]
    not in the tutorial
    [color=#008080]Token is the only wide spread use of magic priciple in MD now[/color]

    (one can agree with me that is a lot of importance made to feature not there or implemented,[color=#ff0000] it make an not true picture of what MD is all about[/color])

    (finally after many edit i think i made my thinking readable ..)
  14. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to gonzalocsdf95 in Community Garden Artwork   
  15. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Ackshan Bemunah in Evolution of the Realm   
    What has happened to the dynamics of knowledge?

    As I read the description, MagicDuel is foremost a teaching system and an opportunity to grow.

    Unless that part has changed, I don't see what the concern is all about.

    It probably has changed, but just to set a framework...You can also disagree with the framework...

    (Goodness, I really come off as arrogant, don't I? *hides behind a rock*)
  16. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Burns in MD Tutorial Reconstruction   
    I've just done the story this morning, and i pride myself with a little knowledge about the keys used in there, if you cut out two or three bits from the scroll it doesn't hurt, but skips a whole lot of going back and forth. If you get the portable map immediately, and cut the land guardian, you'd get rid of all the back and forth. Currently, you need to go to road of battles, the go back to view the map, then to howling gates, then back to grab the portable map, then to path of loneliness and back to howling gates again because the bull sits on the way. If you move grabbing the map forward to before you leave the cabin, you can just move through to the aramory without further ado, no going back and forth and no reading the scroll every two steps.

    I don't think the shade walk should just vanish, they are really important for the story. If you don't use that any more, the whole story needs a redsign, and i still like it a lot.

    And the MP2 thing would need to happen before the story, for obvious reasons. They don't need to be anatomically correct, if you know what i mean, it just needs to read and write in chat and get you through some dummy fights. If they actually have any principles or not doesn't matter at all, it just needs to look like a fight, just that it stops every now and then and points at something, like a golden blinky around creatures, attacks, damages etc.
  17. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Sasha Lilias in Evolution of the Realm   
    [quote name='Miq' timestamp='1344271897' post='119447']
    Please do not take small pits of what i said. I was not here in the time of RPC's and GM don't blame me for not wanting a change.

    Firstly they are not small "pits" at what you said. I am giving you answers to your statements.Secondly, if you were not here at the time RPC's and the GM were around, how could you possibly know if it was a good or bad idea to have them and whether they should be reimplemented or not? Hm?

    [quote name='Miq' timestamp='1344271897' post='119447']
    i have atleast 10 ideas that i'd love to have implemented but i keep my mouth shut because in the end they are just restrictions upon restrictions.

    Don't we all? You are always free to share your ideas, as am I and the rest of the MD population, but just because one person shouts, doesn't mean everyone agrees with it.
    Show us your ideas and push them forward if you believe in them. If you aren't willing to share them due to "restrictions upon restrictions", then you obviously aren't willing to fight for them. Which in turn makes it your own fault that your ideas aren't heard.

  18. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Sasha Lilias in Evolution of the Realm   
    Once again people seem to have a dislike for change...

    [quote][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I have 957 active days now and i also did my first shop reset today so now i'm thinking why did i spent all that money. In the sense of future what is the point of that.[/quote][/font][/color]

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]When I buy credits, I do not just think about the impact it will have on myself, but also the game. Yes, I know that once I leave the game my credits will no longer be any use for myself, but they will have allowed me to enjoyed the game more when I played and will have helped the game keep running.[/font][/color]

    [quote][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] Same goes with the RPC's surely they were not all that bad (i don't think even 30% of them were particularly awful).[/quote][/font][/color]

    RPC role was only really implemented to allow a certain, dedicated few, to create quests and fulfil their role slightly better. I believe it was Mur that said "[color=#000000][font=Georgia,][background=rgb(249, 240, 213)]Oh, and i almost forgot, for those that want RPC, please note that you get nothing more than your nice dots in the playername and some unimportant abilities to help you create quests for others, nothing more."- [/background][/font][/color][color=#ff0000][font=Georgia,][background=rgb(249, 240, 213)]Ann. 699 - [2009-03-01 00:08:09 - Alpha 8][/background][/font][/color]

    As the system progressed the need for RPC's was no longer there.

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][quote]I mean i came here after the time of RPC's the GM and so on. And every time someone talks of something like a GM they get their head bashed in with the ever so horrible Shoebs (probably wrote that wrong).[/quote][/font][/color]

    The "Bashing your head in" about the GM post is not as it seems. There are a few that may still be rather angry and annoyed with Shoeps, but most will be trying to fill you in on the little information they know.

    [quote][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]We lost kings, mur, gifts for less than very active, GGG, dojo, drachs, angiens, wp's.[/quote][/font][/color]

    [font="helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#282828"]The kings and queens will return when they do, mur is still very much the leading figure in MD(although he has deligated some of his power and decisions with the council), the GGG is gone because [b]the people[/b] wanted it to be gone, the dojo is still there(merely with another name and ethos), Drachorns are also still around, yes a little rarer to obtain but still there(likewise with Angiens) and WP's are gone? I don't know where you are looking but I see an influx of them, rather than a lack of.[/color][/font]

    [b]Once again. [color=#ff0000]Change happens.[/color] People arrive and people leave. One tool is broken, another is created.[/b]

  19. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Fire Starter in The cat is out of the bag :)   
    Well done, dear Congratulations and may the new member of your family listen to you, like you'll listen to it.

    (And make sure to double check - recently a friend of mine got pregnant too, and now they are expecting triplets, yeah! )
  20. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Kiley in The cat is out of the bag :)   
    Rule Number 1: Never feed it after midnight:))

    I am so happy for you:P
  21. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Peace in Reward Lag   
    Point was not made. I do not know even if the WPcodes were given.

    Take 5 minutes of your time at home, store the file (which I hope you have it saved someplace else besides MD's notebook) in a flash drive and when you go to work, shoot a forum message(or in game, whatever suits you better, we wouldn't want to add more stress to that, do we?) to Phantom with it and problem solved.
  22. Downvote
    lashtal reacted to Seigheart in Reward Lag   
    I'd like this topic closed now. The point was made.
  23. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Sasha Lilias in Reward Lag   
    What astounds me is that, within the four days of this complaint being filed, you have had little time to get the codes needed, but have had enough time to respond with arguments and reasoning, as poor as they may be, to your actions.

    Perhaps you should focus less on arguing about what you have or haven't done, and spend that time trying to right the wrong?


    Edit: Spelling corrections
  24. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Sasha Lilias in Transmutation   
    Since the silver and gold coins came out, there has always been a small problem of being able to change one into another. For example changing a gold coin into fifteen silver coins.

    It can sometimes be hard to break down a gold coin or trade in silver for gold. What with coins being able to be used for item creation or to pay for items, creatures or other goods, this can become rather annoying.

    So, I have two very basic ideas, that could be reworked or edited, depending on what others think.

    [u][b]Idea 1[/b][/u]

    My first idea would be to have a "bank" or "trade" station. This would be most suited in a shop, such as willows, and could be activated by talking to the man at the desk.
    This bank would allow for the option to trade in [b]x gold[/b] for [b]x silver. [/b]

    [indent=1][b]Example 1:[/b] [color=#0066cc][size=4][i]Sasha Lilias traded 10 gold for 150 silver.[/i][/size][/color][/indent]
    [indent=1][b]Example 2: [/b][color=#0066cc][i]Sasha Lilias traded 15 silver for 1 gold.[/i][/color][/indent]

    This would allow for an easy exchange and shouldn't have too big an impact on the gold:silver ratio as it could be converted at any time.

    [u][b]Idea 2[/b][/u]

    A transmutation spell could be implemented into the game. One for gold to silver and one for silver to gold.
    These could be placed into the WP Shop and, when used, turned the a certain amount of gold into silver and vice versa.

    [indent=1][b]Example 1: [/b]Gold:Silver - 1:15 per one cast[/indent]
    [indent=1][b]Example 2:[/b] Silver:Gold - 15:1 per one cast[/indent]

    This would allow for "simpler" conversions when needed rather than expecting others to convert for you or waiting for the TK's to do likewise.

    Comments on possible issues, changes, etc are more than welcome.

  25. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Sasha Lilias in The cat is out of the bag :)   
    As I've told a few already I feel I should make it so it's not gossip or "secretive".

    Some of you may have noticed my absence from the game for a while, reappearing every so often. The reason behind this is because my Partner and I have been busy with other aspects of life.

    Just under two months ago we found out our tries had succeeded and that I am expecting. We have since been planning for the child and, get ready for it, our wedding. Yes, I am now a mother and bride to be.

    Due to these I will be online more over the coming months, as I draw closer to my maternity leave, but shall be busy sorting things out. That means I will be here, but may not answer so quickly!!

    The child is due around the 6th of April 2013, so only 8 months to go!

    As MD is considered one big family, I thought it would be nice to let you all know.

    (Any advice from mums and dads is very much appreciated by the way!! )


    Edit: Realised I put "Yes I am [b]not[/b] a mother and bride to be" :L
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