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Everything posted by Nep

  1. Man, I was hoping it's a locust/grasshopper or something Anyway. Here are my next tips (from left to right, top to bottom): Plant, Bug Bug, Plant
  2. In order, from left to right: Plant Bug Bird Sorry for the delay, I got kinda sick.
  3. I've been looking to acquire one of these for a while now, so I'm opening this topic to see if there is anyone willing to sell. As for the price, I have about 12 or a bit more gold to spend on this. If you have a different price in mind, or maybe want something else, you can still contact me, we might be able to figure something out. Send me a DM either here or in-game if you are interested.
  4. Nep


    It's because of the EU's GDPR regulations. Basically, since the EU court can fine any site for mishandling the data of EU citizens, many sites that didn't have much visitors from the EU have chosen not to bother with it and just IP banned us all. A stupid solution to a stupid problem if you ask me.
  5. Oh right, I actually forgot about this. So basically, after the altars started working again I sacrificed fully grown trees with many won battles at the altars in Loreroot, No man's land and Golemus, but no new principles have been gained.
  6. It's fixed on my end. Thank you ~
  7. Creature ID is 867632. It breaks that error into multiple lines for some reason: That is the end of the code on the image I previously posted.
  8. To me it seems like it is related to the Christmas gift we received, or to be more specific the enlightning token on it.
  9. As the title says. After we load it with heat and press the button thing it gives an error message in an alert. I would copy the full message, but my browser won't let me. Here it is in screenshot form instead:
  10. Ah, I must have missed it then. I'll give it a try if we ever get the altars back
  11. This is some great news, it will be interesting to see what comes of it.
  12. I didn't know that. I sacced a lot of birds back in the day, but I never got a new principle. Is there some special condition?
  13. He pointed me to nadrolski who didn't open my mail in like a week So I'm looking for alternative solutions.
  14. I'm in the process of making some paper for my research notes, and for optimal production I need mineral water. What can I offer you in return? Possibly some silver common items, depending on what you need I can gather another resource for you, just specify what you need, and the exchange rate I have some fully grown trees ready for the altars to start working again Maybe I can raise something else for you, depending on what you need I can give you my autograph which, I can assure you, will be worth a lot in the future! Send me a message if you are interested, I'm sure we can work something out.
  15. That's one way to put it... I'm not sure about multiversal law or the likes, I'm just saying that whatever makes you "you" won't be present at the time of the reset, theoretically making it impossible to happen. And of course, this is indeed very risky. But, maybe better than repeating the same sequence until eternity.
  16. I don't think you can send a message back to your past self, since as stated above, everything resets. But, I think there is still a way to escape the loop. I've illustrated the timeline with a single line. It has a point where the reset happens, and a period of time before that when you are aware of the situation. Basically, in the short time you have left until the reset you will have to do something so outrageous/extraordinary that it makes it impossible for the loop to continue. What if you never reached the reset point, or to be more precise, "jumped over it"? In short, you will have to die. Let me explain. Shortly before the reset happens, you have to put yourself in the state of clinical death somehow. For example, you could hang yourself. But, you have to arrange it in a way that somebody who can give you CPR finds you shortly after and saves you. The point of this plan is that, at the point of time the reset happens, you no longer exist. Of course, your body is there, but it isn't your body that is going back, it's the "you" part that is currently dead. If done right, by the time you come back to life you have already passed the reset point so the loop won't happen. The main problem with this plan is that it's highly risky. You have to die as close to the reset point as possible, and have to be brought back to life as soon after the reset point as possible. This is because you have to minimize the time you are dead or you risk suffering brain damage, or you will actually stay dead because too much time has passed. You will also have to make sure somebody who can help actually finds you, or else, you will also stay dead. Of course, I'm saying this purely on a hypothetical level, I do not endorse suicide.
  17. This question has been on my mind all day since with the altars being dysfunctional, I'm kinda stuck with a forest of trees Anyway, let me think this over step-by-step. First off, to the best of my knowledge, a fenth altar is a device that "decomposes" the creature back to its original form, after which the owner gets all of the energy and knowledge of the creature: heat, fenths, stats, and magic principles depending on which altar you used. Reading the adventure log, we know that the altars are now somehow connected ("...reunited the bonds that once bound each alter together"). And recently, their energy is being channeled elsewhere ("...the shades begun to channel the energy from the alter in Necrovion ...). In my opinion, the interesting part here is the implication that in the past the altars have been connected like this. Was being connected their original state, and they somehow got torn apart later? Or, is it simply implying that such an event (the altars getting connected) has happened before? From the way it is worded my guess is the former. Either way, we can conclude that the altars being connected to each other isn't a requirement for them to work (they did just fine before), in fact the whole reason the shades were able to mess with them like this is said connection. Therefore, for an altar to work under the current conditions, it would have to be built in a way that it is impossible to connect to the others - kinda how Aia has suggested above, although I'm not entirely sure about the heat vein explanation. That being said, the heat vein theory could be confirmed if we did a bit of digging around the currently existing altars. My guess is that IF they are indeed connected to heat veins, they should have parts that go way underground. Assuming that the heat veins are way below the surface. If heat veins were close to the surface, altars could have been built anywhere. But, their placement seems to have some pattern. From what I saw, they are always built on flat land, never on mountains. So, close to ground level. And the biggest giveaway is Golemus, which mainly consists of mountains, yet the altar is built on a shore of all places, inside a cave. This makes me think that making our new altar float may not be enough in itself (what if heat just get "sucked down" into the veins if they are close enough), but we should make effort to build it on the highest point available. Of course, this is all assuming that the altars are indeed connected by some kind of underground energy network. If they are connected by other means, like telepathically, or maybe on another plane of existence, we will have a harder time stopping the connection on the existing ones, but on the other hand, if we build a new one it is very unlikely that it will be "plugged in" to the network just by the fact that it is an altar. As for how it should look, it doesn't seem to matter that much. All of them seem to have some place where you can "place" the creature, and a form of killing mechanism. As long as we have those, it should work in my opinion. Well, that's enough brainstorming for now.
  18. I don't think we know each other, but happy birthday regardless!
  19. First of all, I'm back after a 6 month sleep Hi! But to address the title of this topic. I only ever got to pick 4 principles, even though I'm MP5. I've never really questioned it, I thought maybe that is how things are supposed to be with the removal of the story mode. But, I saw other new MP5s with 5 principles, which makes me wonder if my situation is intentional, or I'm just the victim of some bug. What's the official standpoint on this?
  20. Do you think redmine could work for this? Nearly every company I've worked for used it, I think it's great for organizing stuff.
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