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Unban doesnt remove Jail Tag... Forever in jail


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  • Root Admin

[color="#CCCCCC"]Ann. 1966 - [2011-08-09 06:21:31 - Stage 10][/color]
People that somehow escaped jail (have jail tag but are not on jail soil) can now be grabbed by anyone that sees them and hold for 8 minutes in place. Grabbed fugitives become agitated and highly dangerous (do increased skilldamage when attacking and cant be attacked back). If enough people (6) hold them in place they will be put down and sent back to jail instantly.

Currently the unban spell does not remove the (Jail) from the users name, This was previously to show that they had went to jail and such. But now this means that people who have escaped or unbanned normally are treated the same.

This has led to people who still have the (Jail) or (excommunicated) tag who have been sent back to jail becuase they didnt get Mur to fix their tag.

And/Or this will also happen to anyone who now goes to jail, they will forever be sent back to jail all the time they have that tag.

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[color="#CCCCCC"]Ann. 1967 - [2011-08-09 06:30:00 - Stage 10][/color]
[b]Clearing some things about Jail Time and releases[/b]
The only right way to get out of jail is by being released by those that have [b]this ability.[/b] When someone is sent to jail, the sentence time refers to a MINIMUM TIME that person will stay there. After that period, that person can be released from jail [b]only by those with the right ability to do that[/b], [b]WHEN and IF they wish so[/b]. the unban ability is a personal ability and as such is used at the owners discretion. However there are other ways that can be used at your own risk, to get out of jail when time is up, or if you dare sooner, otherwise what would be the point of having fugitives features and such things :). Fugitives will obviously find it a lot harder to ever clear their name, integrate back, receive public roles, etc, so don't joke about choosing that path, even if a "criminal path" is now technically supported by the interface.

Well it is intended. When ur jail time is over u can request to be released by Unban spells but it won't remove the jail tags.
otherwise there will be no more Fugitives hehe.
I think only Demon king and MD council members have this [b]Right ability.[/b]
In other words Mur Personally wants to hand out cookies. Can't wait to have mine :cool:.

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  • Root Admin

[quote name='Tipu' timestamp='1313335445' post='90120']
Well it is intended. When ur jail time is over u can request to be released by Unban spells but it won't remove the jail tags.
otherwise there will be no more Fugitives hehe.
I think only Demon king and MD council members have this [b]Right ability.[/b]
In other words Mur Personally wants to hand out cookies. Can't wait to have mine :cool:.

So you think Mur intends people to forever being sent back to jail, just for one crime they did once? You think thats good? -_-

The tags may be there to tell people you have been in jail, but i do not feel Mur wants people who were jailed once and rightly released to forever be being sent back into jail. Otherwise he would just jail them forever.

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  • Root Admin

[quote name='Curiose' timestamp='1313344074' post='90134']
Well, unless people start actually READING the announcements and getting off their arses to speak to the man, then yes. They will perpetually be sent back to Jail until they get their tag removed.

The unban spell does not remove the tag, You understand this? its a bug, im not talking about the people who didnt mail mur. So your comment is just a rant that doesnt pertain to the topic at all.

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[quote name='Curiose' timestamp='1313360909' post='90158']
And do you understand that if people had wanted to get things done that they should read things properly and contact those who should be contacted? It said right in the announcement to speak to those who have the ability to, to remove your jail tag.
Which announcement are you referring to again?

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  • Root Admin

"If you somehow have the jail tag in error, contact me (Mur) asap to have your status checked/fixed."

None of those people who had the jail tag were in error, Previously they were meant to have it because they were in jail. Yet now it effected them, They quite possibly didnt relise what would happen since no details what happened to people who had it, and many if not most of them would have attained the tag through being unbanned.

None of which matters as my post was refering to the fact that unbanning did not remove the tag properly. Unless you are suggesting that everyone in the future should be unbanned and tag removed, which rather silly.

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