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You can all thank Eon for the delays :D

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Isnt Eon amazing? :D

I pissed her off enough to first have her attack me :3

I then pissed her off enough to have her assassinate me as of

Server time: Nov 05 03:55:54
~ Day: 309 Year: 7 ~

Game time, and now you can ALL look forward to delays in rewards and sponsorships !=D

Make sure to give Eon a big round of applouse next time you see her, so she feels all special and warm inside o3o

I dont even mind, i get to see Molquert again xDDD

Thanks a ton ya big doofus, i greatly enjoy your wasting one of your killing item uses on me, instead of someone important, and being able to make you so angry i can control you x333

Oh, and everybody else? dont forget ^^ have a nice MD filled day ^3^/)))

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That sounds like a personal problem ;3

Edit: Oh, and the more negative reps the better everybody :D

I want the world to think that the Head of the TKs is about as evil/caniving/obnoxious/i could do this all day/deprived/twisted as DST on a good morning =3=

Edited by Fang Archbane
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[quote name='Fang Archbane' timestamp='1352080774' post='124968']
Game time, and now you can ALL look forward to delays in rewards and sponsorships !=D
That's what everyone else in the TKs are for. I don't see how this delays anything, didn't you say that you wouldn't be rewarding people yourself?

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I said i wouldnt be SPONSORING quests myself, King Pippy Pip, Ruler of all things Delicious :3

My fellow TKs do all the sponsoring from now on, i do all the delivering o3o

And plus, this death of mine will cause delays because i am the ONLY TK that has all of the tools i need to deliver items/creatures/etc to anyone correctly and in a "timely" manner D;

Well. at least i did. seeing as being alive is kind of a neccessity xD

Hrm. i might ask for some kind of Death Immunity in a tad, just in case this seems to bug everyone enough to become a "problem" xDDD

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  • Root Admin

[quote name='Fang Archbane' timestamp='1352086971' post='124978']
I said i wouldnt be SPONSORING quests myself, King Pippy Pip, Ruler of all things Delicious :3

My fellow TKs do all the sponsoring from now on, i do all the delivering o3o

And plus, this death of mine will cause delays because i am the ONLY TK that has all of the tools i need to deliver items/creatures/etc to anyone correctly and in a "timely" manner D;

Well. at least i did. seeing as being alive is kind of a neccessity xD

Hrm. i might ask for some kind of Death Immunity in a tad, just in case this seems to bug everyone enough to become a "problem" xDDD

Seig delivered items when dead, those keys can be given out, even i know this... surely as the leader of the TK's you know you have multiple ways of doing things...

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Thats not how that works DST. I need to stand in a VERY specific space to be ported to the Treasury. And seeing as Ledah has my Leash, i cant do much. Let me rephrase. ANYTHING. And no Chewwy, sorry, but i wont pass my key to ANYBODY. Not because i dont trust my Treasure Keepers, but because i cant afford to have ANY mistakes happen while someone else has my Key, because that would fall straight on ME. And yes, while two other TKs have temporary keys, they do not have my Logs, nor will i give them out to any other TK until i decide the time is right.

Long story short? I cant do anything. What do you all suggest i do? Im curious as to the Publics opinion.

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There's Molquert, people with reviving items, and if neither are workable or fast enough, then you could always ask to be teleported to said "specific space"

idk if you were joking or being serious about the death immunity thing, but I'm completely against anyone being immune from it - a harder time, maybe, but not immune.

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Hey Fang, If you would allow me too, I could help you deliver the prizes to anyone who might happen to have won anything. Besides I was not informed you would be the only one delivering prizes, which totally makes my new title obsolete. One of my favorite things as TK was delivering prizes. I am sorry if you do not agree with me here but the questee's that worked hard winning should not have to pay because Eon got upset with you.

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I can have my TKs port to ME Eonyan, not the other way around D:<

If there are other ways that i do not know about, tough time Eonyan, kick rocks T^T

You cause this ruckus now enjoy it. You love to cause mayhem and we all know it O>O

And no worries Zenny-poo, i WILL have my other TKs deliver from time to time, but itll be for very special reasons, and few and in between o.o

Im sorry if no one likes the way i run things, but they WORK, and at the end of the MD filled night thats all that really matters O-e

And maybe Eonyan will learn that killing me is a bad idea. Not for me, i could care less, but for the Community o^o

Every time im killed there will be delays. Every time im ported out of MB, there will be delays. So think once or twice before you mess with the one delivering the goodies. It might just come back to bite you in the rear ;e

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Well if this is your attitude then don't be surprise when it will come back and bite you. Should I remember you that you're still in trial probation?
If TK can't run without you then you're NOT a good leader. What happens is you stop playing because of RL issues? Will TKs have to wait until Council appoints a new leader just because the current members have tied hands due to you being incompetent and not trusting the people YOU chose? Or have you chose them just to fill in the spots and shut me up?

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  • Root Admin

[quote name='Fang Archbane' timestamp='1352182459' post='125045']
I can have my TKs port to ME Eonyan, not the other way around D:<

If there are other ways that i do not know about, tough time Eonyan, kick rocks T^T

You cause this ruckus now enjoy it. You love to cause mayhem and we all know it O>O

And no worries Zenny-poo, i WILL have my other TKs deliver from time to time, but itll be for very special reasons, and few and in between o.o

Im sorry if no one likes the way i run things, but they WORK, and at the end of the MD filled night thats all that really matters O-e

And maybe Eonyan will learn that killing me is a bad idea. Not for me, i could care less, but for the Community o^o

Every time im killed there will be delays. Every time im ported out of MB, there will be delays. So think once or twice before you mess with the one delivering the goodies. It might just come back to bite you in the rear ;e

I also feel this is an incredibly foolish move, i understand that you dont want to give the key out but all you are saying is "i dont trust my tk's enough to give them access and ask them to deliver things" logging whatever is simple as you just need to tell them what data you need...

All in all you are just telling every single TK that you dont trust them... thats incredibly poor form, i wouldnt be surprised if they arnt planning takeovers after you saying this so publicly.

You are not an alliance Fang, no matter how much you want to hoard the power you are not.

Have you ever heard the saying "fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me"? What it essentially means is that if someone breaks your trust once then its not your fault, but if they do it again it is. You apparently have trusted the TK's enough to be in the alliance, but not enough to do anything important? thats very poor... show some trust, let them actually do their job and see what happens. If someone does something bad then they will likely get punished and things can be fixed...

[b]TL;DR: Fang is saying he doesnt trust anyone, thats a load of rubbish, no point of TK's if fang does everything. Fang should trust the TK's HE appointed and let them do stuff. He is using his position to try and get revived which is wrong.[/b]

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[quote name='Fang Archbane' timestamp='1352168062' post='125034']
Not because i dont trust my Treasure Keepers, but because i cant afford to have ANY mistakes happen while someone else has my Key, because that would fall straight on ME.
Guess what else falls on you. It's the fact that you won't allow anything to be done due to worries. Mistakes can be fixed later, but deadlines can't be met later. You like Mur so much, so here's a bit of information for you: Mur went out on a limb all the time. He made mistakes, but he also made progress. Get your head out from whatever hole it's in and work around your circumstance, rather than succumbing to it.

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[quote name='Fang Archbane' timestamp='1352086971' post='124978']

My fellow TKs do all the sponsoring from now on, i do all the delivering o3o

Please trust your fellow TK's member for the Great and for the Best of Treasure Keeper

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I see only to options here.

1. Fang you impress me very much with a well played role, which is not only played immature but at the same time taken out straight forward of the hollywood &amp; bollywood movies of the last 20 years.


2. You´re truly like this.

I don´t know which one would be better or worse and which one I should believe is the truth.

If it´s 1. then I bow in front of you showing you the respect for such a well played role in MD.

But if it´s 2. I have to say a little bit more:

You truly believe that not a single player in MD realizes what your reasons are why you put up this post? Do you really believe this? It´s so obvious that you caused a reaction of a player who is powerful and known as he/she is. You expect to slap someone in the face and not being hit back? This is not about Eon at all. First you tried to point at Eon. After that you tried to point at us forcing us to do something against it, like a little child coming back home to mummy and daddy, crying because a big boy slapped you back because you slapped him first and then expecting from mom and dad to hurt the big boy again? Come on ...

If you wanted to inform us as it would be normal when you are not able to do your JOB !!! you would have needed two lines for this, just showing the facts. No you did not. So what do you think we do now? As you can see we do the opposite, because we are not what you think we are. Obviously ... you should think about YOU first next time, calm down and then reflect on your own, before showing everyone this wimpy behavior again. From my point of view you topped everything I have ever seen here on the forum.

And one more thing. If you are not able to do a job correctly and at the same time try to misuse your position you will be replaced by someone who can do it as Others already mentioned.

You know if it´s the first or second which is true, we might never know.

Edited by Menhir
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MD population as such can be classified in two ways:
1. Eon-dst- No one haters and non haters.
2. Lorerootian haters and non haters

As Menhir said it was wrong to provoke Eon. Yes, the whole skill damage is a pain in the back side and he seems to win everywhere, gets away with almost everything, gets medals, and seems to be favored by council, Rendril, Mur etc. People dislike him because they feel its not fair that he gets away with almost anything, or consider him immoral or feel jealous of his accomplishments.
You should really see Eon's profile page. Doesn't really justify his behavior but you do get to see things from a different point of view. People who think they are 'good' aren't that 'good' really.

Fang you are a nice person, who had it in you to see good even in fenrir. What in the devil's world made you go provoke Eon even though he is barely active nowadays? Anyone with a sane mind knowing Eon would agree that the probability of something like that happening is very very high. But still you had to do it. So the inability to do your work is almost entirely your fault. Fault No. 2 is blaming Eon for it. Fault no. 3 is not being diplomatic enough (which kinda is coz of how you feel towards him) to think over what your post would sound like in public.

Also, I believe that fang is just being cautious about his job and about his posts, believes that his posts would make things fun. I don't think one need to behave maturely to take care of their work. I don't think he'd give the sponsoring part to his 'crew' if he didn't trust them and I'm sure his fellow TK's know that.

Really lets stop being so hard on him or Eon as a matter of fact.

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I'll be on Fangs side for this cause I like to be on the losing side of things (what's the point of winning if there was no challenge/what's wrong with losing if there was?) and well I am favored to him overall.


In my view Fang will break down under all your pressure (or maybe we like to think that) and end up letting his TKs reward stuff on their own. In fact in his reply to ZenTao he already said it would be possible. And he already stopped when he said he would be doing all the sponsoring, that's no longer the truth.

With that said, do any of you even want to see Fang be a good leader?

Do any of you think you can do better and want to apply for the position?

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I can, and have done better.

Already applied long before this shenanigans.

How to do better:

Stop pussy footing around and do his job. stop being a blamer for his own short comings. Be more mature, etc. Really. All of these 'ideas' have been said time and time again. Yet he doesn't seem to get the idea.
Oh well. his fault, his folly.

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At least Fang is letting people know why he is delaying stuff.

We can all sit on the side lines and say this and that about how he should and shouldnt do things, but really the last time I saw people do that all that's happened is now quests get much crapper rewards. Yay. "The Community" seemed to be all about that though so guess I'm a minority viewpoint on it. Keep chiseling away by all means...


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[quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1352198906' post='125053']
[b]He is using his position to try and get revived which is wrong.[/b]


Ok. Fine. Done. At this point i just dont give two DSTs so its done and done.

Ill have my Treasure Keepers do all the deliverys until im revived. Im done with this argument. If the People think they know how to lead this Alliance better than me, fine, fair enough. Ill do it your way. If it works, yee motherluvin haa. If not, oh well right?

Well do things your way for now. Why not. What do i have to lose?

[quote name='dst' timestamp='1352188973' post='125046']
Should I remember you that you're still in trial probation?

No. You seriously dont need to do that. I realise that, and ive made it CLEAR that i realize that. If the Council doesnt like me, they can BOOT me and get someone who would do the job better, and the only one i can think of off the top of my head is ZenTao

(Let this be know T-T If im to be booted, i nominate Zenny as the TK Head until further notice)
[quote name='Pipstickz' timestamp='1352201185' post='125057']
Mur went out on a limb all the time.

... you got me there Pipster... my love for Mur is kind of... extreme... hrm...

[quote name='Menhir' timestamp='1352202607' post='125060']
1. Fang you impress me very much with a well played role, which is not only played immature but at the same time taken out straight forward of the hollywood &amp; bollywood movies of the last 20 years.


2. You´re truly like this.

In all honesty? Im not too sure myself, but i would have to guess its the second O.e;

[quote name='Nimrodel' timestamp='1352220564' post='125076']
Also, I believe that fang is just being cautious about his job and about his posts, believes that his posts would make things fun. I don't think one need to behave maturely to take care of their work. I don't think he'd give the sponsoring part to his 'crew' if he didn't trust them and I'm sure his fellow TK's know that.

Nimmehz ;~; Your sweet, and i thank you for trying to find something that might not be there but, please, dont defend me :(

Im an idiot. Thats really all there is to it :|

I love all, dislike very few, and hate even less :/

But some have... earned that right >>;

Some are just given it D:

[quote name='Curiose' timestamp='1352225126' post='125079']
I can, and have done better.

Good for you? o,O Im sorry, but ive heard way too many bad things about when you were in charge to even CONSIDER giving this to you O_O

*waves a ZenTao for President flag and chants the ZenTao National Anthem*

[quote name='Curiose' timestamp='1352225126' post='125079']
Already applied long before this shenanigans.

hehe... Shenanigans is putting it lightly xD

[quote name='Curiose' timestamp='1352225126' post='125079']
Stop pussy footing around and do his job. stop being a blamer for his own short comings. Be more mature, etc. Really. All of these 'ideas' have been said time and time again. Yet he doesn't seem to get the idea.
Oh well. his fault, his folly.

So let me get this straight. Your asking me to stop being myself and be some uppity boring tool for the man?

*waves a revolution flag*

Rhe Vo Lou Scion!

Edited by Fang Archbane
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