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Current Status of the Fusioneers


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Last night lots of chaotic things happened changing the leadership structure of the Fusioneers.

Here's a basic rundown of what happened in chronological order:

  1. Fang and Falronn are no longer members of Fusioneers
  2. Achshan reinvites Falronn back into Fusioneers, Falronn accepts
  3. While Falronn is a fusioneer for a short amount of time he sends an invite to Panthea
  4. Ackshan and Falronn are no longer members of Fusioneers
  5. Panthea accepts the invitation to Fusioneers
  6. Panthea sends and invitation to Ivorak without conferring with Change or mysel
  7. I cancel Panthea's invitation
  8. I pray heat to *Syrian* and surpass Panthea's heat
  9. I kick Panthea because she invited Ivorak without conferring with Change or myself (many fusioneers have been invited without warning, but after the events Fusioneers was in a sort of emergency state)

With that said, I am going to confer with Change about what to do with her new ally ASAP and get our act together. We are probably not going to recruit any new members until everything is sorted out.

Edited by Rophs
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So this was a takeover attempt involving or possibly involving Ackshan, Falronn, Panthea and Ivorak, who were trying to take control of the Fusioneers from Change? Have any of them, or any other possibly involved people stepped forward with their reasoning for doing so?

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 months later...

All right, Fusioneers have been under laylah's supervision for a couple months now and what she noticed is still quite disappointing.
The current status of the Fusioneers is: 4 members, at least 3 of which are alts and 1 member with unclear intentions. 
[spoiler]Golemians may refresh their memory here: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/15346-fusioneers-coming-to-an-end/

Besides, all the current members have very low briskness, which means very low efficiency in gathering heat and fusioning heat stones.
After careful consideration, I (laylah, Fusioneers's loyalty leader) have come to this decision:
I will set a 1-month deadline for people to present their application to join the Fusioneers.

The application can be posted here or sent to me via forum PM.
The only requisites are a minimum of 1000 briskness, being as hot as hell and willing to heat up everything around!!!
If nobody shows up in such a period of time, I see no better choice than disbanding the guild.
In that case, the fusioning devices will end in the hands of our Protectors (MP6), under the promise that heat stones will be given out for free.




Why now for free? Weren't heat stones sold until now?
So far they were sold because heat gathering was time-consuming and individual.

On the other hands, Protectors can rely on massive flows of heat from their worshippers. 

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If nobody shows up in such a period of time, I see no better choice than disbanding the guild.

In that case, the fusioning devices will end in the hands of our Protectors (MP6), under the promise that heat stones will be given out for free.


Can active members please let know the community what this alliance do? and which are its tools? and its importance?


Not that I don't know any of those, but if someone is willing to join this guild they should know that sort of info...

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They have the Heat Solidifer which can be loaded with heat from Heat Jars and then can turn one memorystone into a Heat Stone.


They have the Heat Jar Recaller type B.

Ackshan Bemunah has the Heat Jar Recaller type A.

Rophs has the Heat Jar Recealler type C.

edit: They instead of we

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This was posted in the Fusioneers ForumPM by me, and has not been replied to. So I shall post it here:

One can EASILY gather heat without briskness. I could fusion 10 Heat Stones in a single day without making use of briskness. There's a lot of ways to gain heat other than walking around.


Give me a guild invite, a 6k heat Jar, and the Solidifier and I will show you what I mean.


note: the original said 4k heat Jar, but I have since realized it would be more efficient with a 6k

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Can active members please let know the community what this alliance do? and which are its tools? and its importance?


Not that I don't know any of those, but if someone is willing to join this guild they should know that sort of info...


Not for laziness, but to avoid polluting this topic, here's the answer to BFH's request:


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Rophs, you have done nothing less than disgrace the guild.  I am truly saddened to watch this unfold.  However I made my choice, but encourage you to read what lash recently posted.  Sadly your very actions are the exact reason I left GG.  It is not the land that is polluted, but its people.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
  • Root Admin

For the record, i am willing to re-establish this guild again, functional as before, if there are people willing to make it work as it was supposed to, and as long as there is nobody that has a good reason why it should remain disbanded.

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Reasons why it should stay disbanded:


- it was full of alts

- it was taken over at one point by players that had no intent to use it as it should

- you don't need a guild for something that proved to work without one: Syrian acts as a fusioneer and she does it very well (so others can have the same role without having a guild that might possible take them away from their current allegiance)

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