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  • Root Admin
Posted (edited)

I am hoping maybe for a better name, but this is what it will do:

The Guardian will have powers to ban players from grabing shared items if they are found to have more than one of a type or if they are hoarding them on alts, or abusing them in any way (abuse ways will be clearly specified)

I need one for each shared items location. This is a MAIN role, its a full time role so to say,  but will require your time just in the first few days after the items are regrouped.


no requirement, ..except...one request..write 1-2 rows , not 0-1 not 2-8 etc, but 1,2 rows about why you want the role or what makes you deserve it, or ANYTHING that might convince me to give it to you, even active days but no role yet is a good reason, i will read all, but if you fail to write as much as requested your application will be ignored. (This was 1-2 rows)


The role will be one that involves you to be citizen of that land! for necrovion and east lands i accept exceptions. Mention the coords of the shared item dispatcher you intend to guard! mandatory. If you have no citizenship i can give you citizenship for that land if i select you to guard its dispatcher.




This role will cause a lot of fuss, i need you to write the rows requested so i know you are able to talk and convince someone, and how will you try to do it. its diplomacy/eficiency check ;)



I will assign this as a tag dispatcher role eventually, so later on you will get the chance to get this role without being selected by anyone, or to lose it because you won't fulfill the requirements needed then. However i will try to support those selected now as much as possible to keep their role when such an update will be made. Tag dispatchers are not really used.

Edited by Muratus del Mur

Will independent tools count? Meaning if I have an independent one will the guardian ban me from getting a shared one?

Also, what if someone gives me a shared tool even if I already have an independent one?

And 3rd: what if someone gives me a shared tool even if I already have one of the same nature?


What happens to members of resources guilds? Can they own more than one of same shared tool?

What if said members (of a resource alliance) get a number of the same tools to distribute them among citizens of the land (like we have it in Marind Bell)?

Posted (edited)

i would like to offer myself as a Guardian cause i do not already have a role and my active days have be good. i just became MP4 and the resources role is something i can get behind cause i have a green thumb and I'm always willing to learn. offering for 1_4x2_1 (passage of war)

Edited by haustorium
dispatch location
  • Root Admin

read the initial post, i asked for coords of the dispatcher you want to guard, i am waiting for more to apply before i select any of you. If two people will apply for the same position it will take longer,...think about the citizenship also


For the moment LotE doen't have much to protect but for the moment I will apply for 7_kitchen_1. I am fit for it as I am one of the most active shared item user in the history of MD. And I think that most of the ppl that talked with me about resources and items found out that I am reasonable and fair.

---- that was my 2 lines.

A very important addition to these tools is : the tools and their effect should be reset FIRST, just seconds before the items get reset. Otherwise they could be used for preventing ppl to get tools at next reset. This is not fair as it would punish a person before its action.



I like the concept behind this new role and I think it will prove helpful for the community.

I have only one concern regarding Necrovion tools.

The land is closed to mortals, there is no social structure: for the sake of coherence, the use of tools shouldn't be regulated, it should be pure anarchy.

If you're smart/brave enough to get in and grab the tools you should be able to use/hoard them for that week.

Just my 2%.

  • Root Admin

someone please be so kind and make a list/summary with all entries and post it here, together with what spots are still empty/undefended, ...if there are no conflicts (two people wanting to defend same location) i will start assigning the roles!

every time i get to check this my eyes are too tired to do this myself. Thanks


this role will not be permanent, but if you do i well then you might keep it. It is a very powerful role for a land, each active land should have a tool guardian.





Posted (edited)
coord player                                           Land
1_-2x4_3  Valoryn Loreroot
1_-4x-1_2   Golemus
1_-5x0_2  Miq Golemus
1_-5x4_2  Tal Loreroot
1_3x0_2  Neno Veliki Necrovion
1_4x2_1  Haustorium / klawdees Marind Bell
1_4x4_2  nadrolski Marind Bell
4_1x2_11  Esmerelda MDA
7_kitchen_1  No one Tribunal
7_localpub_2   Mallos Tribunal
7_teamarket_1  Nimrodel Tribunal
Edited by Mallos
More information
  • Root Admin

yes you are allowed to argue about someones application for a guardian role as long as there is someone else, maybe yourself, that can replace him and offers for the job.


If there is no other option i will select that single applicant and give him a chance to prove he deserves the role, so no you can't stop someone from being guardian of a place unless you "vote" for someone else,


update: if someone applies for two places i will not select him for any of them,



you are saving me valuable time, please keep the list updated and let me know asap when all the places are filled, i will provide shortly (as opposed of "soon") a list of all places. Even if not all will have someone to offer to guard them, i will still start to create guardians soon. Please notify me (if you can by email is great), when you consider i should start assigning these roles.




  • Root Admin

Here is the current complete list:


coord appvars app
1_-2x4_3 itemgroup=MD;maxgrab=2 itemdispatch
1_-4x-1_2 itemgroup=Golemus_lab;maxgrab=2 itemdispatch
1_-5x0_2 itemgroup=Golemus;maxgrab=3 itemdispatch
1_-5x4_2 itemgroup=Loreroot;maxgrab=1 itemdispatch
1_3x0_2 itemgroup=Necrovion;maxgrab=1 itemdispatch
1_4x2_1 itemgroup=Marindbell_pow;maxgrab=1 itemdispatch
1_4x4_2 itemgroup=Marindbell;maxgrab=1 itemdispatch
4_1x2_11 itemgroup=MDA_toilet;maxgrab=1 itemdispatch
7_kitchen_1 itemgroup=Tribunal_kitchen;maxgrab=1 itemdispatch
7_localpub_2 itemgroup=Tribunal_localpub;maxgrab=2 itemdispatch
7_teamarket_1 itemgroup=Tribunal_teamarket;maxgrab=2 itemdispatch


Mallos, when ready, email me playername, player id and the coord and "itemgroup" of the shared item dispatcher. I will first assign the roles then check the entires, or i will check your entries only if there is a dispute for same place. I need this topic for reference, but i need the roles assigned faster than i can review everything.

Like i said this will be a blind chance to whoever wants the role, and for a month or more that person will get the chance to show they can do it. After an initial trial period i will decide if the initial choice was good or not and i will listen to public complains in case there will be any about one or the other Guardian.

I need this tool up and running asap because i need to work on other things related to it soon


mallons, your effort will be rewarded, just keep things organzied exactly as i asked and make my life easier.


ps. now i continue being focused on an other marathon type of feature, crazy thing i am working on right now :D

Posted (edited)

7_teamarket_1  I'll apply for this as a guardian

*Nimrodel* 131999 AD:1957

I am an individual from the East and desire to protect the Tea related items. 

Edited by Nimrodel
Posted (edited)

I'll apply for MDA public Bathroom (4_1x2_11)  as Esmerelda, A Member of Archivists. (ID:81262)

I am the book keeper and the keeper of the Official MDA treasury. So It seems right that I hold the tools related to control of item collection too. I believe the post should not go to a non MDA person as the tools are in MDA.

Edited by Nimrodel

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