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Everything posted by Ledah

  1. Heatveins seem to work... as would killing/reviving someone if you want to count those!
  2. I'll be honest that is somewhat surprising as I was able to get a new account to MP4 in a few hours of playtime without leaving GWI not so long ago. No lifesteal either! It used to take a few weeks to advance to MP4, there should be no need for people to rush through the game...
  3. An interesting topic, it probably was a good idea to split from the old one as it attracted a lot of negativity for some reason! It took me a few hours but I've now read the post, here is my feedback on your proposals. I am not a fan of allowing MP6 to store up infinite amounts of heat. There are quite a few items and other mechanics in the realm that have been balanced around players only being able to hold around 4000 at once - you also already have Erolin devices. I'm also curious as to how it would actually work - would they only have 4000 effective heat for things like combat rewards? If you have so many people actively worshipping you and each spell costs 500 heat to cast you can already cast 8 spells - is it such a problem if some heat is nominally wasted? I just can't understand the purpose behind the change. This is actually interesting. I'm not a particular fan of teleport spells in general, I think a few years back - or maybe even a decade ago, there was some serious talk about removing them but rewards for worshippers performing is something I can get behind. No. For one, combat is not all there is to MD. I understand and have no issue with people helping others raise their Mindpower level, but it should not be done via MP7 or anything like that. The ability to attack MP3 freely has been abused before by people who are trying to help - themselves in that case. As it is, players can easily get to MP4 currently and if they wish to join an alliance can go down that path.
  4. Ledah

    Protector Spells

    I agree entirely Fyrd - as I have mentioned before, I would rather see them added to - community elected LHO's, far more flexibility... sounds good to me! I am glad to see we agree on that front. As I said, I feel it is an abuse and against the spirit of MP6. More importantly, if you are going to give them more powerful abilities as LHO's, then it seems wise to treat the spells in a similar manner. I am glad to hear however that you are indeed a selfless MP6, Fyrd.
  5. Ledah

    Protector Spells

    This is a general discussion, DR. I have no issue with anybody and I have already stated what I feel the problem is - or did you not read my posts? Regardless, thank you for your valuable contribution.
  6. Ledah

    Protector Spells

    Ah that is what I meant - if it is pointless or not fit for purpose why keep it unchanged. More of a dismantling than a suppressing... I'm not out to punish MP6 in any way - is that the impression you have? I would much rather see MP6 become the new LHO as mentioned before - much more powerful and important than they are now. With regards to the spellstones and people dropping, if they are actively using their powers would they be able to consistently store them? That feels like a bit of an odd argument for in my opinion. Plus, if they can't maintain an adept count, already majorly reduced, to me that would imply there are not enough people who need/value their help.
  7. Ledah

    Protector Spells

    Thank you both, it is much easier to know what someone is thinking when they type rather than push the little buttons next to a post, much appreciated. I personally view the storing of the spells as a bit of an abuse which is why I made the topic, DR. Thank you for your authorative declaration of when a change can be made - we as a community have noted it. I disagree on the change being a suppressing of MP6 Fyrd - can you explain why you think that is the case? Diminishing perhaps, but I never felt being able to hoard spellstones was a key aspect of MP6, the same as LHO. I am actually very keen to see MP6 fully replace LHO and move to something more formal with regards to helping new players. If they were unable to stone spells and the like, it would be a lot easier to advocate for them having more powerful tools like some LHO had.
  8. Ledah

    Protector Spells

    Thanks for your feedback guys, keep it coming! I personally would argue LHO was earned more than MP6 has ever been. Also, hilst it may have been allowed for a long time and others have done it, that does not mean it can't change - or that it should stay the same. I also don't understand why we cannot compare MP6 to LHO with regards to this particular point, on the spells - can you elaborate? Apologies you feel the wording on the poll is deceiving as that wasn't my intention. I should have appreciated that English is not the first language of many on MD. I will try to be more considerate in future. Agreed, it is why I am not sure why we need them - perhaps best to put the system to rest for now then instead? As I see it, the people most interested in and actively helping new players are not MP6 or using it. Also, nothing is ever moot!
  9. I didn't realise you can stone the MP6 protector spells as I assumed they were like the LHO spells which, as I understand it, can't be put in a memory stone nowadays. I'm curious to see whether people think that should be the case for all prot-spells too? I feel like it should be the case that you cannot stone them, as the protector should be using the spells for the benfit of their herd, so to speak.
  10. Just wanted to thank Fyrd as always for making these quests, and lashtal for giving me the second part of a clue that got skipped over. Plus his... distinctive influence on the writing for this one! The WP will be put to good use... I can say it is well worth doing this one...
  11. /givetrophies 3 to Fyrd Argentus also did not seem to work.
  12. 11gc 1sc for the BP. 8gc 5sc for the joker.
  13. 8gc 3c for the joker
  14. 8gc 1sc for the joker
  15. 10 gold coins 1 silver coin for the BP Archer (ID 281496). Also, you can only recruit so many Angies now for folks who are unaware
  16. I'll go to 11GC... for Granos' Left Ball.
  17. I'd give you 5GC for each one
  18. I decided to go check on my dear friend MaGoHi as I was deeply concerned at the lack of a cooking quest this year. Imagine my shock and dismay when I find our brave Bacon Knight face down, motionless, in a pool of his own bacon puns. One note in particular caught my eye, however. It read... "Ledah my dearest and most noble of friends I know you will come here eventually seeking your anniversary quest, however I am currently somewhat indisposed. On my travels I came across a bacon pun so hilarious it has left me in this vegetative state. However, I know there is someone in this realm who will be able to cook me a fine meal, one that will break this curse and revive me! Go forth and bring me this dish!" I of course tried to revive him using my secret technique involving heads, however it was to no avail. So, my brave chefs, go and cook a meal... the one that revives MaGoHi is in for a great reward! Please, post your recipes, the finished product, and any other information that will help me recreate your dish... great treasure awaits you. 1st place: 18th Anniversary Creature + bacon pun from Mag 2nd place: 10 GC note + a slightly less funny bacon pun from Mag If there are enough entries then there may be other... prizes. Now, time to go check on Sunfire and see where my combat quest is...
  19. Cheers for the quest Fyrd Would like the 17th Anni Elu if it is going!
  20. A second mysterious unreleased coloured sounds interesting to me...! Thanks for the contest, and here's to the second stage... PS: My eternal gratitude to any entries in my glorious name to the ChatGPT quest.
  21. Thank you for the contest Mallos - I know I enjoyed it! I am certainly tempted by this mysterious new creature, it just beats out the moss...
  22. Getting in this year before @Chewett and @Aia del Mana.
  23. MD has a long history of being unfair - some people cheat and bend the rules and get away with it. Not that you would know about that of course, Else. In addition, I never said or implied the change in rules were unfair to me - please don't put words in my mouth. As an aside, I agree with letting people run their quests how they see fit... which is why I am never the first to whine about how they are run. Now, if people want to continue discussing anything except the contests in question, perhaps a new thread might be in order?
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