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Everything posted by Ledah

  1. You know, I am inspired. After following your clear and concise directions, I made my own elemental egg! However, in honour of Aia, I decided to make it a coloured elemental.
  2. I know an elemental egg when I see one! It would be interesting if you could do the coloured heat elemental next.
  3. That is a pretty cool elemental egg! Will you be doing any of the other creature eggs next?
  4. PM me your offer... my last asking price was a soul, however.
  5. Yes... but I will still want paying!
  6. 4 more names to add to the list! I'm always happy to sell a kill, if anyone needs one...
  7. I can confirm, after maxing this creature out... it is very much worthwhile!
  8. I suspect the issue is the elementals with 2 of the Santa shards on them, each. Other creatures with 1 of that shard are fine, maybe on the elemental or having 2 causes the issue? I'd say the priority for this one is low... I like not bieng attacked! Crits:
  9. Well, I of course agree to this!
  10. I would be a fool not to accept this condition!
  11. I would be a fool to turn down such a wager! After all... are there any out there able to kill the great Ledah?
  12. Another Legend Speaker has fallen... do not let down the team, Chewett! Admittedly it was only 2-1...
  13. Bacon Emperor I know you do not deal in mercy... but I have limited resources available! Please... will you have mercy on me this year and accept this humble offering? I call it... Bàcon à la Noodlé First, you need to go and hunt down some elusive Samyang™ HOT&SPICY Flavor (sic) Bowl Noodle Soup. Other brands are available, but performance is not guaranteed. Second, you need to carefully follow the instructions on the packaging, adding the seasoning and THEN the hot water. It does not work as well the other way around! Thirdly, you need to allow the noodles to brew. I use my water stained cutlery to do the job, although I hear there are more decorative utensils that do the same job. I wouldn't know anything about that though! Nearly there! While it brews, rummage around your nearly empty cooling device for some genuine ready to eat Grasan Bacon. Pose it nicely for the camera. Make sure to shut out the voice that makes you question how you got to this stage in your life. Finally, put the enitre block of Grasan Bacon in the noodles, whole. Bon Appétit!
  14. I'll yoink 2 of each eligible creature please
  15. As Chewett has insulted my honour, I am obliged to participate. Would have been good to know there was a tourney coming up a few months ago, I don't have too many eligible creatures... I will have to rely on your charity @Chewett
  16. If you ask me, the only way to truly solve anything is a good old fashioned sacrifice - we must sacrifice some poor soul(s) in the hopes of ending the incessant rain of plushies. Therefore, my device will be a rather saucy altar. The altar works primarily as a surface on which to conduct said sacrificing to appease the plushies. We would need a good amount of Stone to build it, plus some skulls to give the altar a nice uplifting ambience. Some Pure Gold to decorate it all would make the affair more stylish. Last but not least, we need bottles of Grasan Ferment... you just can't carry out a sacrifice sober! In order to carry this out en masse we'd need a lot of... volunteers constructing altars, providing skulls, and volunteering as tribute. I have enough ferment, so we are fine on that front. Should the mist continue to manifest afterwards, we could simply drop it in a river. If it floats it is harmless, but if it sinks I would suggest it has been purified by the water, so is no longer harmful.
  17. It would have been quicker but I got distracted...! Was good fun... found 65 so far.
  18. There is a very sensual mist at Willow's Walk 1_1x4_1... about 25 of them!
  19. I'm late, but I'll chuck in STF... how you used to stomp on my new player dreams with your rituals...
  20. I would simply remind them it is all a matter of perspective!
  21. Here it is... the fabled a long awaited public forum post on further improving the death system, as per Ann. 5557. The main area of focus is going to be the middle bit of the current death system, the small part of actually being dead. Whilst there is currently a very generous solo revive system as well as a less generous group revive system - both have their pros and cons, but both are very useful in their own way, in my opinion. There is also plenty to do alive, particularly making numbers get bigger. Interested in any and all ideas, but a few suggestions floating around at the moment: Removing/easing current restrictions (Regen and combat, for example) Unique resources/items/creatures etc. Unique quests I'm personally mainly looking for ideas and feedback over the next week or so. TLDR: Please spoonfeed ideas on how to make being dead more interesting.
  22. I did try to attack you yesterday, despite you being there consistently it kept saying you were in another scene... Tell me your secrets, I need this secret HC strategy.
  23. I am just honoured that people feel I am worth voting for! In such a... unique spread, too.
  24. Would be interesting to see the stats monthly, although maybe more interesting if it was also delayed by a few months... say you can't see January results until April, just to let the scores settle in and try to mitigate any mob mentality. Could also be interesting to see how the next set of votes change following the publishing of old results...
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