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  1. Upvote
    Ledah reacted to smartalekrj in Editing Calendar   
    lol the birth of my future child could be an event
  2. Upvote
    Ledah reacted to smartalekrj in How Do I Do My Job?   
    i got a complaint!!! you are way too nice of a guy!!
  3. Upvote
    Ledah reacted to dst in Missing Heat Orb   
    I saw in chat when he asked us to PM him if we want the extra heat orb. I did. I got my heat orb. As far as I remember Mur even said that he got only 26 PMs.
    It had to be done manually, that's why he asked for PMs.
    Seems the adrenaline of unwrapping the presents made you miss one
  4. Upvote
    Ledah reacted to dst in Missing Heat Orb   
    If you did not PM Mur to fix it (when he asked us to PM him) then you'll not get it.
    Since you miss it I suspect you did not send a PM ergo...no 7th orb for you this year.
  5. Downvote
    Ledah reacted to LadyDawn in 6 Month Jail - Adam Riddle   
    Ok, all this is confusing... seriously...

    For one I dont understand how a mental person (in this case character) should be put to jail for something he imagined that he did? As I understand the reason are transgressions that that character did before (or are we talking about transgresions that a player that owns the char did on other chars?) and this was just another drop in a completly filled bowl... If so, the char stil shouldnt be jailed for this drop but for those wich actualy ofend whatever (I dont know what char did or what it didnt do and I personaly dont care about that at this point). If mentaly ill then it should be done direfetly... may it be that someone whould become his therapst or similar.
    This action only lets us know that no character who would be mentaly ill is realy allowed to exist in MD and therefore if you want such character you will be jailed for months to come. Mentaly ill people exist in real world and in my humble opinion should also be in this game since their actions could enchance the world and offer countless posibilities of role-playing/interacting with such char.

    Or do we want MD to be a Fairy-tale land where 5-olds can play in sand? If that is the case then all wolfs, warewolfs, vampires and you name it what should be locked also. Would that be fair? No.

    Anyhow, as I said I dont know what was happening in the past but this is how a person that doesnt know percives this specific issue. (In short be extra good, behave like a good little child and be all-together a pure angel of light)

    Thank you.

    EDIT: Forget to add... I have nothing agains any of the persons involved here and it is not about if I agree or disagree with the actions, I am still new here and finding my ways, it is just about how the actions might be understood.
  6. Downvote
    Ledah reacted to pamplemousse in 6 Month Jail - Adam Riddle   
    [b]Finally[/b], Kings act like I expect them to! Rash, impetuous and in love with their own power!

    Yes, yes, Peace we all know that you could have banned all his characters if you wanted. But, my goodness, saying that mentally ill people need to "be locked up"?!

    I think these words, uttered so casually, might hurt a larger percentage of the MD population more than someones attempt to destroy the Howling Gates.
  7. Downvote
    Ledah reacted to Orlando Gardiner in 6 Month Jail - Adam Riddle   
    Not lazy to read all of this, but isen't it sick to send such a men to prison for what he did? if he truly is mentally ill, what purpose will it have? Jail should ahve two purposes, to protect himself, and learn what he did wrong or two protect the community. well, he was just 'attempting, and if you can see he could not succeed, no harm to community would be brought.

    for the second part, he will not be able to understand it, trough the fact that he is mentally ill. You should guide
    him and explain, help him trough is illness and show him the 'light, thus what he did wrong.

    Jailing this person would be unjust.., but whom am I to speak?
  8. Downvote
    Ledah reacted to Orlando Gardiner in Post Masters Reward   
    As looked at it myself, it was indeed ladydawn who came at it at the first place^^

    But that most certainly is not the point, and I wish for no credits of it either. But As for medals or so...

    I wanted post delivery boys:P
  9. Downvote
    Ledah reacted to LadyDawn in Post Masters Reward   
    [b]I voted yes and for medal for Chewett and Cutler. They acted fast and did good.[/b]

    [b]As for Orlando[/b]... I am sorry, but I will say a laud [b]no[/b]. You wanted a huge chatbox (if memory servers me correct), the postoffice was my thought in your thread, sorry. (Edited: and here is proof: [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/6084-a-huuuge-md-chatbox/page__p__51219__fromsearch__1&#entry51219"]Klick Here[/url]

    Anyhow, I think Chewett and Cutler are the only two that realy deserve an reward here. May it be for making this wish true or for other things that they do/did. (I know just of few but I will believe Kyphis on his words about them). Maybe a simple Special Recognition/Contibution Medal or simila would be in order.
  10. Downvote
    Ledah reacted to Lazarus in Post Masters Reward   
    The scripting they did is really helpful, but only Mur can decide about these matters.

    No offense, but I see this topic is all about Kyphis' credentials. Nothing more.
  11. Downvote
    Ledah reacted to Kyphis the Bard in Post Masters Reward   
    I feel that the initiative shown by both Cutler and Chewett deserves special recognition.

    Feel free to leave comments.

    Remember, while Muratus has final say he has always listened to the community where he feels it is both justified and necessary.

    Lets get these two hard workers a reward!
  12. Upvote
    Ledah reacted to Grido in How Do I Do My Job?   
    From someone shouting at me recently, thought i'd ask the public opinion of what i'm like at my job as LHO Manager

    No talk about what caused me to ask this, but welcome to talk about other things related

    LE: I'd appreciate comments, whatever you vote for
  13. Downvote
    Ledah reacted to Yoshi in Time Spent Tracker   
    You know how every place has the [Visits here: xxx] at the bottom? Well what if we had a [Time spent here: xx:xx:xx] as-well?

    It would show you how much time you have spent at that location. You could even go so far as to having a link where Wishpoints Top is, called "Game Stats" or something. This link would show you your personal top 5 location visits and your top 5 personal time spent locations. It could also have an overall top 5 locations/time spent for everyone. Idle time may or may not be counted. Besides the programming work/amount this might take, I think it would be an interesting addition either now, or in the future, once other more important things are dealt with.

    What do you think?
  14. Upvote
    Ledah reacted to Magnus X in Best Captchas   
    [b]WARNING! [/b]not for kids!
  15. Upvote
    Ledah reacted to dr why in Best Captchas   

  16. Downvote
    Ledah reacted to Kyphis the Bard in Free Pimped Grasans   
    [quote name='juntaozhu15' date='26 December 2009 - 10:23 AM' timestamp='1261786992' post='51066']
    well its hard to put an age limit on "younger players" but mostly mp3/4's who are not alts and are not staying at the lower mp to try and win heads or for RP purposes
    RUles me out then

    Ah well, I don't need it anyway, I have 4 and can already get another 4, if I pick up the grasans (which I wont)

    I just like competitions >.>
  17. Downvote
    Ledah reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in I'm Back   
    Glad to see another Vet return.
  18. Downvote
    Ledah reacted to Tipu in Are Drachorns Too Common?   
    Rumors say that the final stage of the angien will be more powerful than the drachorn itself. Also remember not all angien eggs hatch in the same way. Some do evolve into a creatures which can be like drachorn Hunter hehehe. And it is not luck based it is ur Karma. Ho yeah in MD every way of playing gets rewarded too. So for those who don't use Token in ur rituals the changes of getting those final powerful angien lvl are higher. Now don't ask me how i came to know this . I can't say cos its a spoiler hehehe
  19. Downvote
    Ledah reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Are Drachorns Too Common?   
    Not for silver, no. But for other rare creatures? Sure, why not?

    And just because one can only use one drachorn at a time(of each type) they can still have the others in reserve so when they sac the first Drachorn, the second can be trained in its stead.

    I personally love the idea of having the "little people" that tame the Drachorns being the Anti Drachorn creature.
  20. Downvote
    Ledah reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Are Drachorns Too Common?   
    Whats the point of having 12 drachorns? When only six are useable at once?

    They can keep all the drachorns on one account, but they can only use one at a time. What is wrong with that?

    Whats the point of keeping a single drachorn for all eternity when you can simply raise another and sacrifice the old one? Which is easily doable when you can simply purchase another drachorn and keep it to sacrifice the old one when the new one reaches the proper age.
  21. Downvote
    Ledah reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Are Drachorns Too Common?   
    Yes, Shadow. That is exactly what I suggest.

    I suppose they can keep them, but they can only use one in a ritual.

    I do not know how to do it, but I think that we reset all the drachorns to the egg stage(keep the age and everything) but perhaps that is too much work.

    Any ideas?

    Grido, they can still sell them to those who cannot purchase them.
  22. Downvote
    Ledah reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Are Drachorns Too Common?   
    [quote name='Orlando Gardiner' date='23 December 2009 - 01:15 PM' timestamp='1261592106' post='50906']
    I just simply agree. I mean, Doesen't the drachorn has his flaw? I suppose it has, but haven't been able to check it already. but it should just be harder to get them, instead if making a limit. like: you can still buy them for 51 credits. but it costs you 5000 honour and 500 loyalty and a wishpoint or so .., or less exspensive but you get the idea. you need to pay money, but you have to be a strong player to.

    Orlando, you shouldn't have to pay more for it. The whole point of the MDShop is that everything costs the same. (There are variances... I know, but not so large that it would prevent people from buying it) But, making a player wait longer to buy from the MDShop is only hurting MD/Mur.

    They can purchase as many Rustgolds as they wish, but they can only USE one. There is no reason to limit how many someone can buy from the Shop.
  23. Downvote
    Ledah reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Are Drachorns Too Common?   
    I never said that people who didn't aquire the Rustgold and the Reindrach from the shop can't use them. But they are limited to one of each.

    As for those who earned the Drachorns because they are powerful, I am sure they are powerful enough that four drachorns is still a pretty tough ritual.

    I know MANY will disagree with this. I am pretty sure I would too if I had more than one of each kind as well. (I don't I have one of each.(Still can't use three of them though... )) But, I am willing to sacrifice some hard earned creatures for the sake of balancing the game out.

    It is not about taking the rich's money, but that is what is needed. If you look at any game, all the different classes(Mage, Warrior, Priest etc) all have a weakness to another class. One cannot dominate the other.

    Well, we have WAY to many players dominating other players. And not in the usual sense. These rituals are so powerful that if we turned MD into Aion/WoW, these players could PWN the Mods. 1.2 million damage in one round is absurd.

    Another thing I would like to add, is to limit the ammount of tokens per creature. (However, that is another topic for another day)


    phantasm, that is the problem though. There is to large of a supply of Drachorns. And the people who have them hold the monopoly on them. A LARGE monopoly. They can charge 80 silver for a Drachorn, simply because they can.
  24. Downvote
    Ledah reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Are Drachorns Too Common?   
    What is the point of the most powerful creature in MD being hoarded like a troll hoarding it's gold?

    Aren't Drachorns supposed to be majestic beasts that are almost untameable?

    Then why do people like Leixer have 40 Drachorns?

    Why do most of the veterns have 4-10 drachorns?

    What is the point of an unbeatable ritual? Being unbeatable defeats the purpose of the mechanics of this game. All rituals have a weakness, but when the only thing that can beat the drachorn ritual are more drachorns, with more tokens, and more stats.

    This is a major flaw in the system. I do not see the point of this. All it does is cause more people to hoard their drachorns so that they can compete with these people.

    So, I propose this reasonable solution. One that none of you will like. At least, none of those who hoard their drachorns.

    I propose to limit each account with a single drachorn of each type. So, a person can only have a Madhorn, a Rustgold Drachorn, a Mutated Drachorn, and a Reindrach.

    That should be MORE than enough power for one person, but it does not make the ritual unbeatable. It's still a tough ritual, but it won't cause a person to be completely slaughtered when they come up against it.

    To stop people from aquiring more than these drachorns, I suggest having a check placed, when the Egg of each drachorn is ready to hatch, checking for another of its kind. So, a Rustgold Drachorn Egg is ready to hatch, and a line of code checks your current creatures to see if you have a Rustgold already. If so, it prevents your egg from hatching. (We could relate this to these Majestic beasts being overly protective of their master?)

    As for the Drachorns bought in the store, these can still be bought, but they can not be hatched until their siblings have been removed from the Creatures Page. (Ie. They can still be sold/traded to those who do not have drachorns)

    Please let me know what you think, and any improvements on this idea you may have.

    Do not just flame this, as it is a possible solution to a growing problem.
  25. Downvote
    Ledah reacted to Tipu in Abuse Of Silence Spell   
    Actually they should have Curse protection. Ho yeah we can use that Witch Hut North of winds sanctuary. Just get Witch there and Here it goes like this

    Spell protection lvl 1= 1 silver = 50 % chance u get protected from magic spell
    Spell Protection lvl 2= 2 Silver = 75 % chance u get protected from magic spell
    Spell protection lvl 3= 3 silver = 100 % chance u get protected from magic spell
    spell protection lvl 4= 4 Silver = 100 % chance u get protected from magic spell + 50 % chance the enemy gets the curse reflected to them.( This means its like a curse hits a mirror and they get affected by the same curse)
    hehehe It would be really funny to see some one say " Shut up " and they get their mouth Zipped hehehe.

    A) The duration of the spell protection will be valid for full one month.
    [img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_emoticons//cool.gif[/img] The enemy will have no idea weather u have a spell protection or not.
    C) Once A fails to curse B due to spell protection they have to wait for another 24 hr to curse B again.

    Now Warning !!! Now once u get spell protection the same rules apply to all spells. Now some one want to increase ur attack stats and he does a spell and if u have spell protection then the same rules apply. so if u get lvl 3 spell protection u would have no chance to get benefited by those spell for 1 full month so be careful before u use spell protection.

    Finally i want to bring bronze in this game as Silver is very hard to get. I have some idea, if i don't get eggs, tomato's throw at me after this post i might suggest that idea too. Frankly silver is too much for spell protection we need bronze hehehe. Sorry for wasting all ur time hehehe
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