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Eara Meraia

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  1. Upvote
    Eara Meraia reacted to dst in Thnings I hate in MD - technical ones   
    So, I hate the following:
    - Not be able to turn off the damn sound! I hate the PM or battle sound. I HATE the sound the page makes when you go to idle modle.
    - I hate the idle page. It's HIDEOUS and not MD related. And the poem there is not funny at all.
    - I hate the logout animation (and sound). C'mon! I used that animation 10 years ago when I was playing with power point.
    - Drop down list from the right panel. In many cases, it doesn't load properly.
    I'll post some more if I remember them.
  2. Upvote
    Eara Meraia reacted to Yoshi in Charity:Water for Yoshi's 23rd Birthday   
    To Adam's family and friends:
    Everything went well, with only a single, minor complication. The anesthetic started wearing off too soon, and Adam started snoring slightly halfway through, which started vibrating the equipment. It was quickly remedied however, and the surgury carried on as normal. They were able to do a complete removal through endoscopic endonasal surgery. He is currently resting, and will be out of commission for the next few days.

    Pre-written message from Adam:
    Thank you all for the prayers and support I've received through this difficult time. I tried doing it with just God and I, but found out, albeit a little late, that a larger support system is more beneficial. I came to realise that by not utilizing those people around me that God had placed for me, it was really just me trying to get through on my own. Next time, and I hope it never comes, I will do things differently. Thank you all again, you guys are amazing, and I praise God for getting me through this.

  3. Upvote
    Eara Meraia reacted to Menhir in Ann. 3010 - [2014-04-30 13:48:33 - Stage 12] - MD Auction   
    I would buy
    Independent Resource Collectors
    Rare Creatures
    Unique Items with an actual use
    I think I misunderstood something ... 
    Independent Water Collector
    Independent Memory Stone Collector
    Revival Item
    Creatures: Shade & Darkling & Tainted
  4. Upvote
    Eara Meraia reacted to dst in Ann. 3010 - [2014-04-30 13:48:33 - Stage 12] - MD Auction   
    I would buy the following:
    - Independent Bones Collector
    - Independent Rainbow Candy Box
    - Independent Pickles Jar
    - Kill item
    - Independent heat solidifier
  5. Upvote
    Eara Meraia reacted to Kyphis the Bard in 9th Birthday Quest - The Birthday Cake   
    Interesting tactic CotS, neg voting all the other entrants?
  6. Upvote
    Eara Meraia reacted to Kyphis the Bard in 9th Birthday Quest - The Birthday Cake   
    Due to poor planning* my cake collapsed when removed from the baking dish. Aside from that it went pretty well. Photos soon.

    The cake consists of, from bottom to top:
    A 100% Vegan chocolate cake (hahaha, it may seem pointeless considering the other segments of cake, but it is seriously the most delicious thing I have ever tasted)
    Homemade Honeycomb (softcrack)
    Blackforest Cheesecake
    Homemade Jam (mixed berries, mostly raspberry)
    Cherries, to write out "9"
    Cherry Sauce thickened to be a Jelly Glaze.
    To accompany, my wife also made a 6 layer jelly (she actually made quite a few, one dish for everyone and the giant one to be hacked apart with the cake)
    Between the five of us we consumed all but the last pieces in 30 minutes :P
    Poor planning: I was using the pan my wife uses for cakes, instead of the dish that I normally use. I neglected to plan for getting the cake out of the dish after assembly, as my dish does not have any issues no matter the cake size. My wife just laughed at me when my mistake was realized. It was still delicious though.
  7. Upvote
    Eara Meraia got a reaction from Eagle Eye in 9th MD Anniversary Quest- MD Birthday Cake Artwork   
    my cake :D

  8. Upvote
    Eara Meraia got a reaction from Sir Blut in 9th MD Anniversary Quest- MD Birthday Cake Artwork   
    my cake :D

  9. Upvote
    Eara Meraia reacted to DarkRaptor in Paint Your Aramor! (9yrEdt)   
    Quest Title: Paint Your Aramor!

    Brief description and rules:
    This quest was designed for last year's MD birthday and since only a few had the chance to participate i've decided to put it up again.
    In this quest the player will be driven in a little adventure to collect items, interact with npc's and solve puzzles.
    This time the goal would be to grab a fresh aramor and paint it! If you can't win it from official quests.. Make One Yourself!!

    You can use the Magic word: PaintYourAramor!
    After gather some information you realize that your best option to make a aniversary aramor is to ask for some help.. and who would be better to help you than the Elf?
    From what you have heard the Helper Elf was last seen at the library.. Convince him to help you!

    Go! Have fun!.. and a bit of patience :-P

    Along the adventure there will be tasks that will be evaluated and scored, the player to score higher wins. The finnishing time will only be used in case of draw.
    This will give all the same chance to win even if they are not present when the quest is launched.

    Score Table:
    MainTask(40pts) | Puzzle1(0-10pts) | Puzzle2(0-6pts) | Puzzle3(0-10pts) | SecondaryTask1(6pts) | SecondaryTask2(6pts)

    Until the end of the Aniversary.

    My Rewards:
    1 BloodPact
    Spellstones ( to everybody that finnish the MainTask and does not reach the main prizes ).

    Other Rewards:
    1 Council Sponsored Prize!
    ..From what i understand the MDBirthday rewards depend mostly on your FUN.. so Play it and Have Fun! :cool:
    Participation Restrictions (!):
     Players that finnished the quest last year can't participate.
     No Alt's Allowed..
    1. Carefully READ the dialogs with the NPC's
  10. Upvote
    Eara Meraia reacted to Blackthorn in MB Quest 1 : "MD Meme Contest"   
  11. Upvote
    Eara Meraia reacted to AmberRune in 9th Birthday Quest - The Birthday Cake   
  12. Upvote
    Eara Meraia reacted to ChildOfTheSoul in 9th Birthday Quest - The Birthday Cake   
    Here's my entry. It was a fun and tasty experience, I hardly ever bake. Happy birthday MD. :)











  13. Upvote
    Eara Meraia got a reaction from John Constantine in Happy B-day Sunfire!   
    Happy birthday, my dear drug. Stay hot :)
  14. Upvote
    Eara Meraia reacted to lashtal in 9th birthday quest: A tale untold   
    I want to tell you a story
    'Bout a sleepless man, if I can
    A man who'll stay unnamed,
    His tale untold, for you to unfold...
    On day 103 (Mon Apr 14), I will use your help to unravel a mystery...
    The event will take place in chat, at the Howling Gates, starting at 10.30 s.t. and lasting until someone solves it (depending on the participation, this may take a few hours to a few days).
    I will read 3 small excerpts from a tale (its beginning, a middle part and its ending) and you'll have to figure out what happened in between said parts. 
    You can ask me (in chat, all PMs will be ignored) any and as many questions as you like, to which I can only answer 'yes', 'no' or 'irrelevant'. Note: I must answer all the questions and I can't lie.
    The 3 excerpts will also be disclosed on this thread for reference, together with the most interesting/relevant questions.
    Therefore, even if you can't be there at the beginning of the event, you should be able to catch up.
    Scoring and winners:
    The first one figuring out the whole story will have to state it in chat to be declared winner (1st place).
    You obviously don't have to write a novel, a brief summary will do it (the whole tale can be summed up in 2-3 lines).
    Besides that, you can contribute to the solution by asking significant/meaningful questions.
    I will in fact assign 1 point for each and every question leading to a key/turning point.
    Said points will define the scoring for those placed from 2nd to 5th.
    1st: 1 soulweaver
    2nd: 1 tormented soul
    3rd: 1 skull
    4th: 1 unholy priest
    5th: bones (tons of!!!)
    This is all I can offer from my collection, sponsors are highly welcome! 
  15. Upvote
    Eara Meraia reacted to lashtal in Research - Worst part of MD?   
    I really don't think Research is the worst part of MD. I don't even think it's something the majority is interested in.
    It seems to me a deeper (not better, I'm not judging here) layer in MD.
    I think it's more likely for new people to be attracted by creatures, fighting, spells and such... While research is something that comes at later stages and grows together with confidence / experience of this realm.
    So, I don't see this research "issue" a mass problem, but rather something concerning lab rats, book worms and so on.  :D
    As for the hush-hush attitude.. What about MD's attitude towards spoilers?
    Why should one be open regarding, let's say, principles or symbolism or shades.. when we are not even supposed to share the ritual to beat LR guards?
  16. Upvote
    Eara Meraia reacted to dst in Research - Worst part of MD?   
    Imo that is the WORST "feature" of MD. Everybody is so hush hush and secretive about their research and proud that they "research" stuff. But except very few people that make their research public, everybody else keeps the research under tons of locks but they do brag that they are "into research". Bleah..
  17. Upvote
    Eara Meraia reacted to John Constantine in MB Quest 1 : "MD Meme Contest"   

  18. Upvote
    Eara Meraia reacted to Tipu in MB Quest 1 : "MD Meme Contest"   
    Hello MDers, creatures, tress, and non livings

    In celebration of MD Bday, we Mbians would like to hold a Meme Contest! There will be rewards for the best meme’s.
    Examples :



    Winners: 1st, 2nd,3rd,4th and 5th, Yes five winners [ Winners will be the top 5 memes ]
    Rewards : 1st Winner - Morph + Ann. Armor
                      2nd           - GG Dragon + Ann. Armor
                      3rd            - 5gc + Ann. Armor
                      4th            - Angien egg + Ann. Armor
                      5th            - Ann. Armor
                     {Subject to approval}
    Judges : Kiley, Nad, Azull, Eagle eye.
    Rules : Only Pure MD Stuff related jokes or messages (Images can be of your choose). So this quest requires  part MD Skills + RL Skills to win. U can post more than 1 entry.
    Deadline : 20st April 23:59 ST.
    Good luck!
     & Hail Mbians hehe
  19. Upvote
    Eara Meraia reacted to lashtal in Away for a week - brb with a quest   
    As the title say, I'll be away till april the 11th.
    But on 14 april I'll be running a quest for MD birthday: it will take place in chat, approximatively from 11 s.t.
    A great mystery to be solved and hopefully rich prizes and cotillons for the participants.
    So, stay tuned!!
  20. Upvote
    Eara Meraia got a reaction from Sir Blut in hello to everyone   
    even if i risk to be banned on my first day...I just cannot ignore your wishes. Thats why> cookies sandwitches for Azul, Rhaegar and Magistra.

    Thanks for all greetings. And..emm...I already met dst - very patient person
  21. Upvote
    Eara Meraia got a reaction from Sir Blut in hello to everyone   
    Hi! I am Eara. I accidentialy found this game and i already loooove it.

    Hope we have a lot of fun together and hope you are patient enough to answer 1000 of questions from a nosey noob like me^^

    Baked some muffins for everyone...Enjoy;)

  22. Upvote
    Eara Meraia reacted to Blackthorn in WTS Custom Avatars / Items   
    for sir blut...http://storenow.net/my/?f=17e1b8b047b0a06381d9a812988fd2f3
  23. Upvote
    Eara Meraia reacted to No one in Spent credits shop list   
    So, there are 3 things :
     - each 200$ spent grants you one gift / item
     - items will be UNTRANSFERABLE
     - granting the gifts will be done automatically in the future
    1. I don't understand why the items should be "UNTRANSFERABLE". You earn an item you should be able to gift it to others.
    2. abuses for this should be allowed in this case in limits as there are money earned by one person with hard work either by free credits (and 200$ will take a really really really long time) or by real money
    So, except the fact that we are indeed talking about possible abuses & alts, I don't see what't the problem .
    If you have invested in an alt, you will be able to collect the gift once it is done automatically.
    So, to all those that are in top : Thank you for your support and enjoy your items.
  24. Upvote
    Eara Meraia got a reaction from Eagle Eye in Drawing contest: Santa V   
    Since the last Santa drawing has been released we are looking for a new one! Previous years awesome Santas have been provided by duxie and dragonrider (you can see some of drawings HERE). Now it’s your chance to be the author for the next Santa.
    What to do?
    Draw the Santa (preferably full body, nothing cut off :P) Load the image to one of image hosting sites (imgur.com) IMPORTANT: Send the link with image as a PM on my forum account! (with the title: Santa V) Don’t make it public! All images must be kept secret until the winner is decided. Both: nice idea, MD-spirit and high-quality drawing will be considered in the process of judging. Naturally all images you send to the contest must be authentic. Each of them will be carefully checked.  
    This contest has NO official deadline. But hurry up, since it will end as soon as the winner is chosen!
    Rewards will be sufficient!
    So don’t lose time! Start drawing Santa V now!
  25. Upvote
    Eara Meraia got a reaction from Lania in Poetry   
    havent written poems for looong time. This one came to me recently on the cold winter morning. The one inspiring me, knows about it already :)
    Your eyes are closed You feel…yes, you feel the essence of sorrow. Not those senseless thoughts of this world Or fears of tomorrow. You feel shabby, ragged and old Your thoughts, your poems, your feelings are nothing Cold. But weird longing pain Keeps you alive. Or maybe insane. You know the answer As for you know and feel and absorb the core of the universe In you. ** ** ** ** Your eyes are closed You feel the touch of the familiar breath On your cheek. Is it real? Tristesse of your inner being Suddenly loses its meaning For and instant moment Of eternity. ** Your eyes are wide open and glare. They stare into the neverending Dark and everlasting Tunnel of my eyes Filled with surprise.   ** Are you alive? Smile.
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