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Ackshan Bemunah

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Everything posted by Ackshan Bemunah

  1. I am glad dst, no one, and nimrodel are not lorerootians. Grido's perspective (also not lorerootian): Interesting, but the anxiety of being pounced on every second makes finding NEW friends just get harder and harder with every active day, even across multiple names. Granite Wolf's not the newest player, so unfortunately there's that. Acting like a new player is always rewarding...well, unless everyone's ready to pounce on you every second, which seems to be biconditional with not being a new player.
  2. research, art...research, art. I really wish there was something I could do.
  3. [Redacted.]
  4. Right-O...I will do my best to prove you wrong.
  5. Why is everyone talking about ignoring questions? I don't see this in Fang's request. -- Seeing as nobody, and especially not Grido, has answered me yet as to what happened with fusioneers, I can't speak to this. Having seen multiple sides...Fang brings an energy to discussion that I haven't felt from any useful/powerful players. The so-called "drama" works well channeled into something other than schemery/planning. I could say that generally about MD, but it's very pronounced in this one. Help him out, ask some questions.
  6. If you want to make space for a scene, have a "default" scene, or a different one depending on land-relatedness of the role. I'm trying to think which scene/s exactly this should be.
  7. What awful impact does this incentive change have?
  8. I've read it, Rophs.
  9. (Despite multiple long discussions about it, I don't know where you're getting this perception. You seem to call "trolling" anything where you missed the real intention, even if you later find it.) In terms of kings voting on a council whose purpose is essentially to have MD create things meaningful, or "to manage, organise, and do things in MD"...well, that's also what the kings do, that's what the RPCs do. It might seem logical to have people who know how to do something decide who has that ability, but in this case it might not be the best plan. (notable that the RPCs did their job individually...not in a council, though there were some meetings, not very productive ones.) And since from our conversation it seems to bother you...yes, it's what they do, even though they don't exist right now. If they exist again, it would be what they do, again. (I really try not to wear masks here. It bothers me, a lot, when you think you see the opposite of that, and I wish you knew better. If you think it's spam, call it spam, take it out, warn me.) -- Separately: The biggest problem with these positions seems to be that they break a person's energy cycle. If someone doesn't have opportunity to recharge from MD within MD, they become inactive, simple as that, then there's nothing to pull them back except whatever the world happens to throw at them to remind them of us. (anyone who finds this interesting, ask to see ackshan's knowledge doc.) Not necessarily. We can handle periods of inactivity, the problem is when the role itself makes them afraid/reluctant to come back when they have to/want to leave. To my eyes the lack of this problem is why kings have worked out so far.
  10. Let's just have the RPCs vote on it.
  11. I realized that the above is empty without some explanation of what exactly was removed. At several points I had been re-stressing things for no reason...like "people shouldn't suffer" well of course not, but maybe something seems more important than that. "Why am I reading this, how dumb does he think I am" well...sure, we can all think for ourselves, you didn't need to here this and this. In more than one place I pretended your confusion was just their refusal to think, well of course not...if I don't seem to have something worth hearing, why should someone bother to understand. Probably worst was to keep pointing out things dst had done and their consequences, as if she doesn't know or can't figure it out. It's really not my business to be thinking for her, especially not if its her job, where obviously she'd spend a lot of time thinking. If you want you can bring in the worst of it, it is pretty bad.
  12. Just noting that I went back through my posts...had a sinking feeling about much of what was said, and wasn't able to see what exactly was wrong until the problem was pointed out to me, far too recently, in something I heard. It's pretty obvious, but because it was so recent that I learned it, I won't elaborate right now. dst, consider this an apology for undermining you by using words to put in question your ability to think for yourself...I should have said much less here than I did. I can't truly take back what I said and any effect that had, but I'll try to be more careful...
  13. What do you mean by this? I only periodically have felt an urge to actually belong to a land. They seem to represent avenues of growth in connection to soul/self...Golemus sanctifies itself, Marind's Bell keeps out half-heartedness, Necrovion delves and comes to recognize the distracting will, loreroot directs itself through honor (all honor is honor of source, honor of door-openers, teachers, advisors, etc.) Why do I want a character to affiliate with just one? I do, I just don't understand why. JM
  14. We can print it out and take a picture with it if that makes you feel better :P
  15. At issue is the possibility that someone is so much a part of the identity of a scene or scenes that it wouldn't make sense to teleport them without transposing the location itself, as well. "Summon Loreroot (coordinates of scene to be replaced with the Loreroot mainland)" spell...heh.
  16. Time to put this in the correct place... Most popular profile page, as measured by views... I am more than ten times as popular as chewett! :)
  17. It might be the same, it might be different. Depends how prepared you were when you came in, I guess.
  18. Contemplating this again recently (was Numerius Felix) I reached a conclusion similar to our dearly missed pamplemousse. The small angien is...an excuse. It's an excuse to descend, to the site of the well of tears. I believe, at this point, that descent into necrovion is guided by a similar set of mental events to the hatching of an angien. Doubt creates action within duality as the connection to the balancing point is broken on both sides...the good doesn't seem so good, the bad doesn't seem so bad. And then the whole doubt begins to seem small, and you move the opposite direction, through the gate on the right. You dissociate from the angien, and that's the "mistake", (maybe not, might be an appropriate response to certain hatched dualities) because then it falls silent. E: Similarly, when someone is escorted in, they reach the demented ascent. Right now this seems to me more like a play on words, that you ignore the duality to "go along with" the duality/crowd/doctrine...think "spirit of the herd" spell. However, the rest of the way up, you'll necessarily make a crooked turn because of the choice to ignore a doubt/question/contradiction between reality and the doctrine rather than resolve it now...you'll have to resolve it later, that's the twist.
  19. I think that simply the process of creating this box, having there for people to discover would be very very beneficial. Never knew what the black letters were, sounds fascinating :D I won't donate to making these, but would (without a vow, and assuming we can figure out practicalities, and since I'm lucky and can) loan to help cover the first box, i.e. YOURS, if that would take some pressure off you. And frankly couldn't care less if any more come into being; yours is the important one. :( well this seems like a much better thing to put real money into than that in a zillion ways, but what do I know about knives...
  20. In place of the pocket knife?
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