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Metal Bunny

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Everything posted by Metal Bunny

  1. So.. Woodman's quest had been going on for about.. 2 months? People collected the full picture and the full riddle, but, couldn't solve the last part. This quest will end at the end of 2009, so maybe, just maybe, people can solve it in the few days left. But I sincerely doubt this. That is why, if absolutely no one has solved this by the end of 2009, I will start a new quest in 2010. Simply put, this quest will be an easier version of the current quest.
  2. Don't post this here, report it to the moderators.
  3. Or.. do like I do, copy the pm or a description of it, into the pl and then send a pm back, with a warning. And if it happens again, squeel to uncle grido, mwahahah
  4. We need to have a separate section in the forum where these kinds of things (non-payment of items, creatures or currency and other fraudulent behaviour when it comes to trading) Because.. this kinda isn't what general topic is for? General topic means general stuff, which encompasses basically stuff that is happening in MD, not a single incident concerning 2 parties which in total consist no more than, what? 3 people? Also, I really couldn't care less what happened here, whereas I generally read and am interested in what is written in the general topic. Don't get me wrong, should I ever be the victim of fraudulent behaviour, I'll scream murder death kill, it's just that since I am just a third party and I don't have the power to investigate and I always enforce precautions to keep fraud to a minimum, it really doesn't bother me.
  5. To make it clear, so we can close this topic. 1.07 is smaller than 1.44 which is smaller than 1.7 If you still don't get it, then it may be because you didn't see 1.7 as 1.70 I hope you do now, please close this topic?
  6. [quote name='I am Bored' date='26 November 2009 - 05:46 AM' timestamp='1259210779' post='48507'] does you hijacking my thread mean you are lowing my warn level?[color="#0000ff"]No, because this post is also spam.So they compensate each other.DST[/color] darn [/quote] I nominate this for funniest quote Anyway, most influential isn't bad, but there are too many categories inside influential to pick from, because people will usually have completely different ideas about what influential means. I mean, just look at the times. They went for the dude who created 4chan.org. ¬_¬ And best PWR.. since we have no more RPC.. what do we do with it?
  7. The link isn't working for me, could you send a pm? Or change the link?
  8. Read most of the posts.. Aaaaand, hallucinatory flashbacks setting innn.. right about... now. I was mp3, mp5 dudes like genius, actraiser and deetn being mp7 at the time, kicking my arse. Didn't care, because at that point, I got to see new creatures, huzzah. A lvl 3 dark archer, 'wow' I asked, 'what is that?' 'That's awesome!' Now I need the age limit to max any creature.. wooptidoo... Remember when you only got 300 xp, max, per fight? And when mp5 were not as ungodly powerful as now? I do, I also remember what kept me playing. Not the grinding part, it was the friends part. But friends sometimes don't come quick. First real friend was BigC. Had fun times with him. But kept me coming back in the first place? What were those fun times with BigC? Exploring new stuff. You have to agree with me, exploring new stuff is awesome. But once you are done, what do you do then? Grind? Pvp? No real goal is set, and that goes on for a loooong time. Sure you have wp quests, you have other goals, such as getting into an alliance, or (it used to be) becoming an RPC, or maybe mp6, just to explore new stuff. But, WP quests are gone awefully quick, or really hard, like my quests, grinding takes ages and all that time you will be beaten down by ungodly powerful mp5. Roleplaying used to have an opportunity for RPC as a reward, but now, roleplaying does not get you very far, [u]I'm looking at you Mur, change this part especially[/u], alliance's are sorta bogged down in the point that one cannot really accumulate a lot of wealth in the form of either glory, or currency. Sure you have the torch competitions, but I don't even know what the rewards are, so why even bother? And glory? You can't even kill each other for real, and even if you could, you'd get that 'grinding' problem again. Mp6? Getting adepts.. active adepts, is dang annoying, and getting 80 worshies is an ugly business as well, and for what? Spells that can be handy, but once you get a hang of them, are just like the rest of the game, you get used to them. You get used to the scenery, you get used to the new creatures, you get used to the new battle system, you get used to spells. As such, there is not a lot of incentive to keep on playing. I thusly recommendeth that 1, Mur kicks mp3 godplayers up into mp4 or mp5, remember when you did that in alpha.. 3 or 4? Maybe it was 5... And you also kicked down players who were too weak for mp5 to mp4. This should sort of help with the 'newbies being beaten senseless' problem. Roleplayers should get some sort of incentive to keep playing. What I suggest is that you start either a really low reward system, that players can throw at each other, sort of like, 1/1000000th worth of a wp,and you just throw it around, or whatever. Like either give it to explorers; make the maze move (mwahahaha) and then put hundreds of those things in the maze. Or give roleplayers who are doing a job, such as bartending, a lot of those things. Because WP should be able to be collected, without the use of humans, otherwise you will ALWAYS have a problem with 'friends who know people who know the answer' or 'dangit, dst and shadow already got the wp's'. Or... you could start doing something else, you could start implementing decay. Simple tools or simple items, such as beer, that start decaying, within 1 hour? Someone who has a wp, can then make decaying stuff. One could combine this into a bartender who makes a lot of decaying stuff, and roleplays it well, and then starts earning gazillions of those points. Ungodly powerful mp5 players. Well... that's a big problem, lol. No clue, hehe. But making new stuff is always good. Keeps them exploring instead of grinding. But if you make new stuff, you should always finish it. Urgh, have to go to school, wrapped it up really sloppy.
  9. Anyone else find it ironic that dst is being close a troll and the rest wants to flame really hard? Anyway, I believe most people don't get this game as it is. If one has to put it into a category, one that doesn't even really fit but is the closest one there, it would not be RPG. It would be MMORPG. Slight difference there. In the sense that MMORPG has a single system, most of which eventually ends up in pvp. pvp requires npc's, but interaction with others as well. As such, the RPG and grinding are set into [u]one system[/u]. But because people are put into pvp mode from the very start the result is that a lot immediately do something else, as the point and sense in duelling, even though it's called Magic frigging Duel, becomes slightly less plain. The result is something quite extraordinary as the system of MMORPG's goal and interaction changes for MagicDuel. In the sense that one can choose to forgo the pvp and go for the Magic part of the game, whereas others simply keep grinding and go for the Duel of the game. In the end however it is inevitable that grinders and rp'ers eventually come together again, primarily because people quit, others get bored and once you are bored or are at the top of your game, you get bored as well. And once you are bored, you explore the other parts of the game. It's only natural. So please. Shut up. That wasn't directed at anyone specific, ¬_¬, please don't ban me dst. ¬_¬
  10. I suggest that you try and fight with your archers first. There is a way to.. be really vicious. If you are still unsatisfied with your archers, then sacrifice other redundant creatures first, because it is obvious Mur is still tinkering away at the archers and that your sacrifice values may change later on.
  11. I am looking forward to so many grievous and frustrated complaints. But you have to realize, this game is always under development and things can change, abruptly, on the fly It's why I like it so much. Except when I start pooping golden eggs or somehow live through a fatal head wound for 2 weeks.. Anyway, the archers do not have an initiative or a defence stat. Now I realize that when they attack, they use power as well as the owner's principles. But.. 0 def and 0 ini? What happens if other creatures attack the dark archers first? Is it supposed to be this way?
  12. Close and refresh. It happens when you open it at the exact time of the 1 hour interval when it is refreshing. At least, to me it does.
  13. Hehe, if I am correct, my piece of ''linguistic art'' should give you a chuckle, if only because I wrote it the day before you removed RPC's , pay no mind to the rest, it's part of my humor. Enjoy the others' gifts and know that you need not thank us, we thank you for making this game
  14. Not me Tests said I had an IQ ranging from.. 135-142.. so I took it safe and picked 135.
  15. OR, your country has a decent education system, willing to not only help people with learning disabilities, but young, smart and unchallenged people as well. And to properly find such people, they let the children do an anonymous test (for others, you get to see your own IQ), at different ages, to determine an aproximate, but fairly accurate level of intelligence and capability of learning.
  16. Metal Bunny

    Who Is Right?

    I'm surprised Grido hasn't committed fraude at this poll yet... *cough*unlike my awesomeness poll*cough*
  17. Rotterdam would be awesome, lol. And every friday is fine with me, as long as it isn't this friday Saturday gets harder, especially if it is somewhere ''relatively'' far away like Maastricht. Cuz.. I have to pay for my rides on the weekend.
  18. Well, obviously, I agree. And this time, it has absolutely nothing to do with the leader. Take any random leader, any random, supposed powerful king, with a strong mandate. One could still be a citizen without following the laws and rules of the land, or more specifically, of the king. One could be pro-slavery, like in America, before Lincoln. Imagine, if you will, that I was a wealthy slave owner from the south. Three generations in, I am a true blood American. Then, all of a sudden, civil war breaks out and I refuse to follow the new laws that ban slavery. But I'm still a citizen of America, no? I fight for what I believe is right, or in this case, more profitable, no? I disobey the leader, but I am still a citizen. A clash over laws and what one perceives as best for the land should not and does not automatically remove one's citizenship. At most, it makes one a pariah or prisoner, if the law or king is popular, but a hero when the law or king is very unpopular. But one would still be a citizen. Also, what if one person completely identifies himself as a citizen of a land, in this case GG, but simply because of one stupid law, or disobedience, he is stripped of his citizenship. Then what? Should he apply to LR, MB or NC? Nonsense; those lands are so different that the person, even though he still committed a small crime, like, pee on the GG bridge, would still identify himself as a GG citizen. Just because he peed on the GG bridge he can't be a citizen? Even if someone removed his citizenship, he would still consider himself to be a citizen of GG, mainly because he completely dislikes how alltogether different all the other lands are, and most importantly; he still cares for the land GG as a whole. Laws and kings are not the land as a whole. Identifying with the nature of the land and the totality of the population, culture as well as having an affection or good intentions for the land as a whole, that's what makes someone a citizen in my opinion.
  19. Udgard, at least put in what kind of pic it is. No one knows what you mean with 'those kinds of pics'. Say it's at least NSFW.
  20. Pfah, I barely had any abilities to begin with. The one who will be clipped the most is the one who is going to miss their spells the most. I didn't have any spells except for 1 bugged one and a spell doc giver. Seriously, when I became RPC, over a year ago, I had less abilities than some of you PWR's have. So.. de facto, not a lot changes for me. I'll just feel naked
  21. I'm gonna feel naked without my dots though. But just like if you were living together with your partner and then you got married; nothing's going to change. It's just the title. But man, I had my dots since.. summer 2008. Lol.
  22. Brilliant idea. If I have to say so myself
  23. Not a pulse? That's a bit harsh, more like, no brainwave activity, or complete inability to read anything other than letters. Now, if you were to ask why Wodin had to go, then you'd have no pulse.
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