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John Constantine

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Reputation Activity

  1. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Azthor in Happy Birthday, lashtal!   
    Happy birthday! I, for one, salute your death-evading, life-saving ways.  :))
  2. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Gljivoje in Quest: Lucidity   
    I enjoy quests with hedonistic tendencies. Let me be 10th member in this merry company.
    ID:247317; I'll try to fit with other players requests. I don't think something'll came up all of a sudden for me.
  3. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to DARK DEMON in Quest: Lucidity   
    I sponsor 10 silver for first place, 5 for second place, and 3 for third place.
  4. Upvote
    John Constantine got a reaction from Myth in Quest: Lucidity   
    These quest is close to my heart:) Count John in.
    John Constantine (ID: 242609)
    I have free time: Sunday: 18:00 - 23:00 and Monday: 15:00 - 23:00.
    PS: I hope I will manage to find out the portal code of Pillars of Harmony first (to get out of GG...)
  5. Upvote
    John Constantine got a reaction from Sir Blut in Quest: Lucidity   
    These quest is close to my heart:) Count John in.
    John Constantine (ID: 242609)
    I have free time: Sunday: 18:00 - 23:00 and Monday: 15:00 - 23:00.
    PS: I hope I will manage to find out the portal code of Pillars of Harmony first (to get out of GG...)
  6. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Syrian in Quest: Lucidity   
    i will sponsor 5 pickles and 3 heat stones, to be given out as you see fit 
  7. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Myth in Quest: Lucidity   
    Good day to everyone!
    I'll start off by saying that this is more of an unpredictible contest than a quest, and here's why...
    - all the booze you can get my hands on, which I will ditribute at the appropriate moment;
    - the chat log, after the event is over.
    - no alts;
    - sponsors can't compete. (thanks DD!)
    - above the Paper Cabin Study Room.
    - september 6th, 21:00 server time (Saturday) - september 8th, 24:00 server time (Monday)
    - players will sign up by replying to this thread; the order in which they will participate is the order in which they sign up;
    - contestants will gather at the designated time and place;
    - when the time comes, each participant receives a drink, a sentence/phrase and 3 chances to utter it as clearly as possible, while drunk, through letter permutations.
    Note: Please include in your reply the ID you will be participating with, along with a time frame in which you are available.
    Player gets a bottle of rum and the sentence: "I can write well, while drunk." Player drinks the rum and begins.
    Try 1: "Ia cn rwite, elwl whed linurk." --- 14 points
    Try 2: "I nac ,twie relwl dhlier uwk.n" --- 11 points
    Try 3: "I can wtirell e,w dnile wruh.k" --- 16 points
    The points are given according to how many of the characters landed in their right spot. Player final score will be the highest of the 3 tries. It's possible that multiple players will get the same score, so I'll ask people with experience in these things to send me some suggestions via PM (in-game or forum, doesn't matter which) concerning prize distribution in such cases.
    I'm aware that booze is meant to randomize letters in chat, even add the occasional "hic" every now and then, and that this might make this quest seem difficult, but it is meant for a bit of fun, nothing serious.
    After everything is over, I'll ask someone for the chat log, enter every try in a excell spread sheet and calculate the score manually.
    Participants will be added under this line via post edit. Signups have ended!
    01. rikstar
    02. Sir Blut
    03. Rophs
    04. John Constantine
    05. Kamisha
    06. lashtal
    07. AmberRune
    08. Intrigue
    09. TheRichMerchant
    10. Gljivoje
    11. WittyLeWat
    12. Samon
    1st place:
    - Angien Egg, age 1900+ from me (Mythrandir);
    - 10 silver from *Dark Demon*;
    2nd place:
    - Pimped Grasan, age 1800+ from me (Mythrandir);
    - 5 silver from *Dark Demon*;
    3rd place:
    - Blood PactHeretic Archer, age 1800+ from me (Mythrandir);
    - 3 silver from *Dark Demon*;
    4th place:
    - 1 pickle + 1 Heat Stone from *Syrian*;
    5th place:
    - 1 pickle + 1 Heat Stone from *Syrian*;
    6th place:
    - 1 pickle + 1 Heat Stone from *Syrian*;
    7th place:
    - 1 pickle from *Syrian*;
    8th place:
    - 1 pickle from *Syrian*;
    Extra (if any):
    - 1 silver coin to every participant from me (Mythrandir);
    Have fun! :)
  8. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to DARK DEMON in Quest: the reasons behind Mur's murder   
    To prove there is no such thing as god, because a god can't die, and Mur died
  9. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Eara Meraia in Transposition in rhythm and sound   
    This is meant to be a little in between entertainment for those who enjoy music of all kinds.
    In this tiny quest you have a chance to be both – participant and a judge at once. You have to be able to think musically and know a couple of songs to fulfill the task.
    How does it work?
    Sign in in this thread (until  Aug. 29, 23:59 ST)
    Get a randomly assigned person (from the pool of people who are also participating)
    After you found out the name of that person (name must be kept in secret) you have exactly 1 week of time (Sept. 1 - Sept 8.) to find a song that characterizes this person best of all (we are talking about MD characters, not real people!). Both music and lyrics will be counted.
    During the week you send me the link with the song and a short paragraph (up to 150 words) explaining why this particular song matches the person so well.
    The song and explanation will be forwarded to a person and 2 more judges, who will decide how much does your song matches the character. (judges will have a number of criteria)
    You will have to judge a song and a passage somebody else (persons name will be hidden until the end of the quest) wrote about you.
    After all judges and participants made up their minds the scores will be counted and the winner announced.
    You have to be ready that both - songs and explanations are to be posted on forum for amusement of the rest of the audience.
    Songs should be in English language.
    Updated final list of rewards:
    Place 1: melodic charm, imperial aramor, 3 GC
    Place 2: 2GC, imperial aramor, toadspeak stone, mirrorritual stone, teleportpapercabin stone
    Place 3: 1 GC, toadspeakstone, mirroritual stone
    ATTENTION: players who get to places 2 – 4 have a chance to win the second melodic charm!
    For that they will have to participate in the second round of the challenge with a quite difficult task to fulfill (which will be the same task for each of them and the same kind of task they had in the first round. The exact details about the second round challenge will be announced after the first round results are published).  If somebody of those who got rank 2-4 refuses to participate in the second round, the player of the rank 5 will have a chance to do so.
    Final list of participants
    Lania dst Aeoshattr Rophs rikstar Sir Blut AmberRune JadenDew lashtal Intrigue Marvolo Menhir Lazarus Ars Alchemy Assira Valoryn Princ Rhaegar darkraptor Eagle Eye Change Krioni powle
  10. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to dst in Quest: the reasons behind Mur's murder   
    By killing a god (demi etc) the killer tried to free himself since humans are made to be dependent, God-worshipping beings.
    Removing (killing in this case) a god, opens up for human creativity to flourish and fully develop. Instead of always turning their eyes to a supreme being and a supernatural real, they will start acknowledging the current world aka  killer aspirating to become hmmm...an Ubermensch :D
  11. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to lashtal in Quest: the reasons behind Mur's murder   
    Wait... What??? Mur has been murdered??
    Who could be so insane as to kill the creator of this world?
    Who could be so stupid as to waste his powers on a Demi-God, who can probably revive himself by just snapping his fingers?
    The author of this action claims he had reasons to do it, and offers a Wind Dragon to whoever guesses the most of them. 
    Deadline: 1 month from now.
    Limitations: your theories must be posted on this thread, no private messages or forum messages.
    Hint: there are 5 reasons. 
    How this works: I will periodically read your entries (which may contain 1 to 10 reasons) and for each post containing at least 1 correct reason, I will quote your post stating how many are correct. Mind this: I will tell how many, not which ones.
    As the deadline expires, the one who figured out more reasons wins. In case of tie, who posted first wins.
  12. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Chewett in Forum Reputation System Poll   
    See, THIS is what we need. People being helpful and finding stuff rather than just complaining about something.
    Iv installed the hook. Thanky. I wont be installing the other one, dont want more flaming of peoples.
  13. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Zyrxae in Forum Reputation System Poll   
    I've talked to Chewett and apparently the following reputation options are possible:

        •    'Like' system—what we currently have. You can now view who likes what posts, by the way; thanks Chew!
        •    Positive and negative, transparent rep
        •    Positive only, transparent rep—almost the same as the like system, but you have to click to view who liked what
        •    Negative only, transparent rep
        •    Positive and negative, opaque—what we used to have
        •    Positive only, opaque
        •    Negative only, opaque
        •    No reputation system at all—means what it sounds like.

    Transparent means you can see how people have voted on posts; opaque means you can't.
    Options such as making negative but not positive votes transparent or vice versa aren't supported by the forum software.
    Some discussion has already taken place on this topic, but it's been over a month and people's opinions may have changed.
    Lastly: I have an opinion about this topic. If you consider this poll biased, say so and we can go from there.
    A tiebreaker poll could be used in case of a runoff, but that may be unnecessary—we'll see.
  14. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to DARK DEMON in Spontaneous Poetry Quest!   
    Wahoo, congratulations!
    Awesome event, Lania, you just made Lin and I realize that we can do poetry! :))
    Thank you so much, and please do hold more of these in the future :)
  15. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Lania in Spontaneous Poetry Quest!   
    The judges are done and.... The results are here! 
    The winners are as follows:
    1st place: Team Dartara (Dark Demon and Lintara) - (Contact the TK's for the Rusties and for 2 gold each. For the third gold, sponsored by Soothing Sands, and the Wiiya bubble,from Rophs, you will contact me. ) 
    2nd place:Team Assittr (Assira the Black and Aeoshattr) - (Contact the TK's for 2 gold each. For the third gold, sponsored by Soothing Sands, and the Wiiya bubble, from Rophs, you will contact me)
    3rd place: Team Richant (Rikstar and The Rich Merchant) - (Contact the TK's for 1 gold each and me for the silver.)
    The poems:
    Team 1 (Sunfire and ZulNaar) Topic: Abandonment. Quote: "Sometimes a person needs us to abandon them, but we hang-on anyway, which can be devastating for both parties.” ― Bryant McGill
    Loneliness is a state of mind
    it brings us to the darkest places
    But also makes us kind
    when seeing friendly faces
    We are their poison, yet they say nothing
    a pain, not physical, but burns inside
    It poisons everyone, but none says anything
    it fills us with a feeling of loss from which we cannot hide
    We only sigh, stabbing our heart with another rusty needle
    whether we stay behind or depart
    Our souls are getting feeble
    our only hope, every end is a new start
    Team 2 (Dark Demon and Lintara) Topic: Childhood. Quote: “Everything is ceremony in the wild garden of childhood.” - Pablo Neruda
    Covered in the morning rays of sun
    Jump, roll, play, run!
    On the grass before the heat of day
    No burdens, no rules to obey
    One afternoon a dozen fields of different color
    Oh, how beautiful they look together!
    Then dusk slinks in and colors change
    And the innocent mind thinks, "Oh, how strange!"
    Night steps out and calls them home
    Sealing another chapter from their tome
    Another morning flips a new page
    Until you pass that wonderful age.
    Team 3 (Assira the Black and Aeoshattr) Topic: Fear. Quote: “A man that flies from his fear may find that he has only taken a shortcut to meet it.” - J.R.R. Tolkien
    Turning in the mist, your eyes play tricks
    The wind rustles, a crow mourns and your heart leaps
    Delving deep within the darkness your emotions do mix
    Wrung like a spring, you hear spiders sing with sticks
    A chill raises from the base of your spine
    You dare not turn your head, but take more steps – nine
    Your throat holds your breath trapped
    You try to scream, but your lips are chapped
    If only death would come quickly instead of being held captive
    One last step, one last glance as the shade remains ilusive
    Its building, its closer, there is no space.
    Around you turn, to see a bloodied, grinning face.
    Team 4 (Rikstar and The Rich Merchant) Topic: Friendship. Quote: “I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light.” - Helen Keller
    As I set my step, so did he.
    i”ve never known him to be
    I drowned him, so that I could see.
    i lost him, so i then lost ”me”
    He set a step, so did I.
    he asked for truth, he needed lies.
    The lies for which he asked me why.
    to which i have just one reply:
    Would you rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light?
    the mirror nodded and dissapeared from sight
    Team 5 (Sir Blut and John Constantine) Topic: Living. Quote: “Don’t die before you’re dead.” - Rachel Wolchin
    Laid desolately in my last hour, on my last day
    the things that could happen, weaved nests in my brain.
    All of the champagne, I told myself the rest to blame
    but Truth like a lightning bolt - has struck my veins.
    This is not the deepest that I have bled
    I looked in the mirror to see the flesh.
    An old fart looked back at me, I can't wait to rest
    rejection was futile, my grave have to wait.
    I would like to thank and congratulate all participants!
    Also, many thanks to the judges and the helpers! ^^
    May the verse be with you! :D
  16. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Ungod in MD Snakes and Ladders   
    I had some time on my hands so I made a very unprofessional S&L game 
     http://storenow.net/my/?f=fa11bf8686bd58d1bfb6696715afde66 , 
    I will use this topic for posting stuff - maybe some will turn out to be useful.
  17. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Lania in Spontaneous Poetry Quest!   
    Hello! Hello, one and all!  I thought I should give a try and prepare a small quest for the upcoming Summer Festival. 
    What will happen? 
    1. We will gather up at a scene (most likely at the Necrovion Gates, but it's not certain now so stay tuned for updates) on 16th of August. (probably around 22:00 server time - again, stay tuned for updates)
    2. Each team or couple will have to compose a poem together, with a topic given by me on the spot + a quote (also on the spot) that they will have to take into consideration when making the poem.
    3. The length of the poem will have to be min. 8 verses, max. 12. 
    4. Rhymes are a must! (I don't care if they are one after the other or entwined, they just have to be there)
    The poems will be made in the form: 
    Player X: One verse
    Player Y: A second verse
    Player X: Another verse
    Player Y: Another verse and so on.  
    1. Team up with someone (each team will be of only 2 individuals);
    2. Sign up your team here (you can chose a name for the team if you like)
    3. Sign ups will end on 15th of August 00:00 server time. 
    1st  place team (each member): Rusty, 3 gc, 1 Wiiya bubble;
    2nd place team (each member):  3 gc, 1 Wiiya bubble;
    3rd place team  (each member): 1 gc, 5 sc.  
    (Thank you TK's, Soothing Sands and Rophs for your sponsorship! ) 
    Edit : The criteria the poems will be judged on are as follows: grammar, proper language usage, usage of given topic + connection to the given quote, originality, style and expression. 
  18. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to dst in Exercise your imagination   
    Let's do a bit of work out. Let's assume you (you=general you=any MD player be it new or vet) are given MD to manage. Also you have unrestricted access to coding (let's assume you can either code  yourself or have someone 24 hours at your discretion to ask to code stuff for you).
    What would you do? What would you change? What would you add? What would you remove? What roles would you create? What roles would you remove? Things like those.
    And I want exact ideas like: I would add chasekhalazdad spell as a wish in Wishshop, I would create a colored version of angien that would do the opposite of current ones (aka instead of losing ve while attacking, they would be gaining the ve of the crit they are attacking).
    Don't think about the lack of money or players.
    Also if it's too much to write about maybe it's better to focus on an area: for example battles or spells or the influence of the sun on the mind of the noobs..I don't want to see overpowered items/roles/whatever just for your selfish you. I don't want to see  "Mur like"  ideas like: I am making this role for this person because I dreamt of a black cat last night.
    Basically what would you do if you were given a dieing game like MD and you'd want to revive it?
  19. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Eon in If you could implement one item ingame...   
    I would implement an item that turned a dead character into a ghost, giving them some limited abilities in game. Walk around, maybe haunt (movelock/curse/whatever temporarily) someone, and let out a ghostly wail when he/she tries to chat.
  20. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to DARK DEMON in If you could implement one item ingame...   
    Even bigger boost. Plus this would be a single, personal item.
  21. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to DARK DEMON in If you could implement one item ingame...   
    I would implement something that gives me a huge temporary AP boost.
  22. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to dst in Helping MP3's   
    Thank you captain obvious.
  23. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to DARK DEMON in Helping MP3's   
    There obviously has to be investment, dst...
  24. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to dst in Helping MP3's   
    Because there are no money available you noob!
  25. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to DARK DEMON in Helping MP3's   
    So why not question the obvious.... why isnt advertising taking place atm?
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