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Everything posted by dst

  1. Oh yeah...monthly ranting topic about HC . Blackwood...sorry to tell you but tough luck. There are ways to avoid getting all your crits killed and the first and basic one (which you should already know) is DEF rituals.
  2. Yami, since you were one of the few players I really like in this game I hate to see you leave. On the other hand I understand your choice. So all I can say right now is: good luck and let's hope for the best. Farewell Yami!
  3. dst


    He was there cause he jump to leader. Baaaad move. I shu-ed him. But this is the first and last time I did it.
  4. How could I have forgotten! Eldrad! He had an awesome avatar and I almost lost first place in HC because of him. He was a challenge to me. Too bad he quit soon after I started playing
  5. dst


    And maybe we should add this: [url="http://img30.imageshack.us/my.php?image=deetn.jpg"][img]http://img30.imageshack.us/img30/9013/deetn.th.jpg[/img][/url]
  6. *kicks herself for not listening to her mother when she was trying to teach dst how to draw* *kicks and double kicks herself for her stubbornness* *triple kicks herself for letting her mother waste her talent on educating dst rather than painting since in the end dst is still rude and mean and with no manners*
  7. I am not and I don't intend to work in that direction. If it happens that I get a victory fine, if not...tough luck. As for loses: I cannot gain any. So in time (depends on how much I fight) I might end up balanced.
  8. Exactly what I predicted. MD is like Sahara: a desert . Oh...and I am always (or almost always) at GOE (sometimes idle sometimes not). Feel free to attack me.
  9. Closed as requested.
  10. Name changed. If you feel the need to use this topic use it. This way we can spare the forum of spam and flames. @Watcher: Yay! You read my like an open book. You are perfectly right:I am blind and egotistic and everything else. You know me soo well...I bow to you. Maybe I will erect a statue in you honor...oh wise one! Please...don't pack your keyboard, we need players like you here: players that are only good with words but when it comes to facts...
  11. You don't deserve an answer all mighty and important Watcher. I never see you in game so I doubt you have any idea how to set up a rit. And I don't see you on the wp list with at least 1 wp. And I don't see you on any other lists...or am I blind? You're not a MD player. You're just a flamer. Go play somewhere else cause this is MY topic.
  12. dst


    Actually it's the other way around: the login takes the last flag. Trust me...I tested it several times . So I believe he logged in after her.
  13. I don't need to impress you. You worth too less to actually bother at least trying that. And do I sense some jealousy in there? About me abusing the system? Why weren't you able to do it? Or if you were why didn't you do it? So cut the **** and get down to earth.
  14. [quote name='Watcher' post='31880' date='May 21 2009, 09:04 PM']Those who believe they 'earned the right to be snobby' were so long before they "achieved" it.[/quote] Maybe watcher but you don't know for sure. And you cannot argue that I do have bragging rights.
  15. dst


    Closed then. In case someone has more questions please PM me or any other mod to open it.
  16. dst


    To be honest right now I need to install a vmware to put solaris on it . So whish me good luck cause I have no friggin idea how vmware will act under ^%%$%^& vista..
  17. [quote name='Harion' post='31801' date='May 21 2009, 04:27 PM']you can stick that snobby mentorship of yours up your...[/quote] Thanks for the nice words. Same to you btw. And you know what? I earned my right to be snobby so deal with it.
  18. He he! Happy Birthday Shadow!!!
  19. dst


    Kafuuka: games are the reason why I still have Vindoz . I know how linux works and other unix based systems and I totally agree that they are the best. BUT they have a major flaw as I said: few games actually work on linux
  20. dst


    After reading all you said Kafuuka all I want to do is throw my laptop on the window. THEN I will be sure I am safe
  21. For this you have to talk with Chewett. He knows how to fix it. And next time please use the search button since this bug has been reported before: [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.php?showtopic=3913"]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.php?showtopic=3913[/url] Continue the discussion on that topic please. I will close this one.
  22. Insulted? I can't care less . I am not going to take anyone under my "wings" unless that someone is an extraordinary person (in which case he/she will not need me). I was asking cause from my point of view it's not the right approach.
  23. Small little bug... Do a test: ask for someone to be your adept for a day and see what happens. After that ask him/her to stop and see what happens.
  24. Just playing the devil's advocate: Why should someone take you under his/her wing especially when you ask for this : "state your qualifications benefits you can give me strength and role in MD" Shouldn't be the other way around?
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