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Everything posted by dst

  1. It's not your call. Chewett opened it so he should be the one deciding, don't you think? Or now that you have seen with your issue solved, you don't care anymore?
  2. Are you challenging me? Huh? Are you?
  3. So? No answer? How nice! Hit and run! After all he's leaving so why should he care? VERY nice.
  4. Thank you for the link to the thread. However there are few things that are still blurry: 1) That thread shows no winners. NOWHERE is the name of Neno mentioned. Did you make a thread with the results? If so, please post the link. 2) The description of the WP says otherwise. There is NO mentioning of ANY quest. How can I know that the Wp that you have awarded is indeed for that quest or not? You had other quests as well. So please fix it. ps: just so you know, I have nothing against Neno. He's an awesome artist and seems to do a pretty good job with his role. But I do have an issue on how WPs are awarded.
  5. Psst: the WP given to Neno for "Community Garden Artwork - Fantastic job on toolshed and other artworks. Keep it up!" is illegal aka against the rules. Please fix it.
  6. Making fun of you Bunny wanny :D. I like to rub it to you since you rub it to me for so many years :P
  7. What a backstabber! Biting the hand that fed her. Nice. Very very nice! Yrth, don't worry. Your name has not been tainted. I would never think you'd do such a thing (thing=betray GG for loreroot).
  8. 10 or 15 people? What do you think MD is? WoW with millions of players? :D
  9. dst

    HC Rules

    There isn't. Only mp3s that were interested were the alts created specially for this. All new mp3s would flee like headless chickens when HC started.
  10. In other words by pass your king's orders and reach the island without his consent.
  11. Fire, you're a GENIUS! Then we can rename fang and call him Hedwig. And stuck some feathers to him (roll him in tar before the feathers).
  12. Wasn't it obvious?
  13. dst

    HC Rules

    Alyon's job. He knows what happens when both contests run. He should deal with them.
  14. dst

    HC Rules

    It is indeed spoilerish but on the other hand we do need to have a reference of what is allowed and what not. Besides, HC rules page is available ONLY during HC. And I feel that participants should know the rules even if "HC is unfair".
  15. I stayed out of the fight because it was ridiculous. You two were like 2 goats meeting on a "one goat" bridge :D. Luckily one of you had to go to sleep and hopefully the sleep was a good adviser. Let's assume I am anew player with knowledge about php, html and whatever you're using. And let's assume that my intentions are not that "moral". What is the first step I take when trying to do bad stuff? I try to right click and I see it is not working. So I search for a way to overcome that. No one did find a way and he found it fast. You know about my coding knowledge and skills. He needed 5 minutes to explain (not even show) how he did and I understood and with a little work I might be able to overcome that restriction myself. As my collection of crits grew, I was unable to open the crits page because flash would crash with a BIG bang. No one solved that problem for me by making a script that present the crits as a list. You have seen print screens of how it looks. Is that abusing? I call that a really helpful way of dealing with an issue that is not really MD's. Trigger box displayed only the IDs of the players. We wanted names. So another script was made (a nasty big one that needed constant update). And it was good and soon it was implemented as a MD Shop feature. Now, that script has 2 small features (and one in pending) -the visc, location and tag info -the actions next to players are color coded (in this example there is just one action in grey but for example intoxication shows in green :) ) and they have a more relevant text -pending feature - the resources used to show in there along with the amounts calculated based on proper gathering - all of those color coded as well (like for proper gathering you'd have green, bordeline we had orange and red for depletion). It helped me not to deplete resources and everybody was happy. I agree. Attacking bots can be made. And there are players in MD that have them (you might not believe me if I tell you that he never made them but I am doing it anyway) and use them. Chewett knows whom I am talking about because I did complain to him. I believe we play this game long enough to know what hurts and what helps MD. What you did was make life harder for normal players. People with "skills" will always find a way around it. I don't have the skills but I do benefit from his knowledge. Do my opinions on the game are not useful because of that? Is my perspective of the game wrong because of the "altered vision"? I agree, the way No one presented his case is not the best approaching method. He's a programmer who lacks social skills and diplomacy. He usually compensates through calm but that has also a breaking point. But you should know better and ignore such things or if you really care about it, talk to him in game, whatever and see what he has to say. You still think you are right after the talking? Well then ignore him :D Anyway, what is done is done and there is no way back. I will stop here but post one last print screen taken few minutes ago:
  16. dst

    New ideas

    New ideas Started by dst, 07 Aug 2008 08:01 PM Of course is big and hard to follow. I would do something else: split the topic in 2: ideas that have been implemented and ideas that have not. And see what the ratio is.
  17. Chewett knows about it Shem. I reported it last night. He'll fix it soon.
  18. I am still for NOT melting them :D. They are hard to get and one of the BIG issues I encountered while trying to catch them all was the fact that although people were willing to trade them, they could not. And this is why I was able to beat Junior :D who had the money to buy them all in case he could :P
  19. dst

    HC Rules

    The underlined portion was an exception. It has only happened once and it requires wookeh's intervention. So it is still valid. A player that won cannot win it again without "divine" intervention to reset the pesky flag (or whatever there is there that prevents us from taking heads). "The more heads you have the more dificult is to hold them because of the temporary skill handicap they give during a fight." - this is not shown in the profile page. It is calculated by the system during fights and yeah, based on the amount of heads you have. It is VERY MUCH in place and quite a big annoyance. Now, here's what I propose as rules:[spoiler]What is this? This is a CONTEST! The first 4 of each MP group competing will get a prize consisting of a stats, skill and credits boost and a heads trophy medal! What are trophy heads? Every second month this contest starts and each player starts receiving Trophy Heads every day. You can see how many Trophy Heads a player has in the detail panel next to the chat when you click their name. If the player has Trophy Heads you will see a dark dragon head with a number next to it indicating how many they hold, if that player has no heads then you wont see anything there. How you get heads? Every time you win against a player who has heads you will get one from them. If you are VICTORIOUS (read rules about when a fight makes you victorious or just the winner) you get ALL of the enemy's heads. While in a sanctuary you can attack other players holding heads so long as they have 7 or more heads. If you have no creatures to defend yourself anybody who attacks you will get all of your heads. How is the top calculated? The top is calculated based on your heads score, and the heads score is calculated based on your total trophy heads and your online time you spent whilst you have those heads. The score increases from time to time (one score count at about 15-60min, random) with an amount proportional to your head count, and only if you are online and in a location where you can fight. In stage two of the contest you have to stay online and hold the heads in a predefined location announced on the newslog when stage 2 begins. What is stage II of the contest? When one player in each group reaches a certain amount of heads, stage II of the contest begins. During this stage players can only score in predefined locations on the map, making it a constant war for anyone trying to hold the heads. This stage is the final stage before the winners are decided and lasts just 24 hours. Because of the penalty a high count of heads gives and the large amount of heads collected in one big ball, during this stage any player has a chance to rapidly increase their score and get to one of the top positions. This is the final decisive round of the contest, but no one says that you have to fight it to win the contest, any strategy is allowed including running away with the heads to prevent others to get a very high score, it's up to you. What other things must I know? Each head brings a temporary penalty to the holder making it more difficult to keep them for a long time and increase their score. The players with the most heads hide in remote locations, go hunt them and take their trophies, don't let them keep the heads too long and gather a high score, they wont come to you, you must hunt them! Also know that you wont get a score while in sanctuary areas or inside areas where you can't be attacked. If you log off or go idle you will gradually lose any heads that you have accumulated until you log back in again. Players that have placed in this contest once wont be able to win it again, they will appear grey and striked out in the list, and they will not get heads when winning fights against other players holding heads. If for some reason a player will be able to play and win the contest again and get a medal that time too, he will get a gold heads medal. There are several restricted places that you are not allowed to use for hiding: all locations opened by Story Mode or by spending Wishpoint in the Wishshop. If you are found hiding in those places you'll be teleported away. If you continue to hide in such a place although you have been warned not to, you might get disqualified.[/spoiler] certain amount of heads - this should be turned into the amount needed for mp4 and mp5 to trigger stage 2 (I can't currently remember the amount and I am lazy to check) There are several restricted places that you are not allowed to use for hiding: all locations opened by Story Mode or by spending Wishpoint in the Wishshop. If you are found hiding in those places you'll be teleported away. If you continue to hide in such a place although you have been warned not to, you might get disqualified. -- I propose the following restricted place: Angiens-Shrine Sages-Keep-Interior The-Path-Keeper Path-Keeper-Second-Level Champions-Dome Winds-Gate Fenths-Wielder Passage-of-War Oak-Tower-1st-Floor Oak-Tower-2nd-Floor The-Laboratory Fort-Inner-Yard Kelle'tha-Cannon-Interior Round-Table Cannon-Control-Room Add/remove more if you like.
  20. Ah, now I get it. Your idea is interesting and it solves the issue with selling unmelted morphs + might add a new recipe to the few that we already have thus increasing the...fun. But the issues you've raised (transferring things that should bot be transferred) stand for the rest of the creatures as well. Right now when you totemize a crit, you basically freeze it with all it has (age, wins, xp). If the reverse process (bringing the crit to life) is implemented the way Mur wanted in the first place, well....hell will break loose. So, until we don't see how the "extraction" process works it's a bit premature to talk about this. Yes, we can propose ideas (it's healty and fun) but who knows what Mur might come up with and NONE of our ideas will fit. For example, I would like to see a recipe for each type of creature (to extract a drachorn, you need a certain amount of resources - also this can be scaled -the more you have/use the better the extraction aka the more wins, xp, age the drach will get and so on). I will also like to see creatures being extracted only on particular days of the week/month and only in particular places. Morphs are just the tip of the iceberg.
  21. Imo Day of Tranquility should be fight free no matter what. We will survive 2 days a month.
  22. Archives should be the best solution imo. And not one person but 2 or 3. Just in case one or 2 go MIA. This is also an incentive for the Archivists to start recruiting :D. And this is also a way for us, the community to do something for the game (ok, not me cause me is busy) and blame only ourselves (ok, not me cause I know the rules) if the rules are not updated :P
  23. Now can I have a medal?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. dst


      I want a medal for my flowers as well so no! :P

    3. Valldore Nal

      Valldore Nal

      No One should get one for your flowers :P

    4. dst


      but they are MINE!!

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