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Everything posted by Glaistig

  1. Nevermind, maybe the forum can do without the people with fan signatures D: Does anyone want to make an attempt at explaining why they find Botan/Potato/weird-noises-girls-make cute? D:
  2. ... I don't know this one. I thought we read all of the manga together! D< And please let alone with the weird noises girls make in anime/visual novels/manga. It seems like it's always the girls with high voices. Grasans are cute, they are cute, are they not cute? Derailed..
  3. Derail.. it's derailing > I like the pig. I don't remember what it was called. Bota? Botan? Hmm. I used to have pet potbelly pigs before we moved and they got butchered.
  4. It's not really that long >_> But read it when you have time; it has information you should know. Like the fact that the little people eat dragons.
  5. Sol.. you need to read the adventure log. The whole thing, from the beginning. Those little people are actually cute Unlike dragons.
  6. For one thing she looks really old-fashioned. >_> She could be considered cute, but she can't compete with all the new styles.
  7. I just have to say, lots of 2D girls look better than 3D girls. Although there are some pretty ones. dst, want to fight? I can handle tampering should I need to. And you can interpret that either way~
  8. Yeah, they do look small enough to be like those little people. But you have to add a lot of them, and make them eat the dragon.
  9. Are you waiting for me to reply? I trust that eventually there will be no one creative enough to craft a reply, and it'll die for a while until someone new stumbles upon it and comments. Hopefully about how grasans are cute contrary to those who have bad taste, not how the girl in Inuyasha isn't cute.
  10. No! Why aren't there little people swarming all over the dragon and dissembling limbs to eat? Wth is this out-of-this-MagicDuel depiction of a guy with out legs hopping onto it alone?
  11. You don't understand! There is a broad depiction of oni by different artists and writers. I don't know which impression you hold in your mind. Ugly. Cute.
  12. Depends on how the oni looks. Onizuka would be a cute one.
  13. Fine, fine.. there you go, a different option. >_> You're missing out. D: How many have you tried out? Full Metal Alchemist was okay-good. I still have to read the manga.
  14. Umm. Did you sacrifice your drachorn? I wouldn't bother with spending a dollar on that. I'd use care instead so I could spend the dollar on something else. But if people would buy that, then all the better to make more money~
  15. What are you guys talking about? >_> There's two choices.
  16. Here we go It's a whole new topic. I didn't really like the Fate/Stay Night anime, but I look forward to playing the game. I liked Illya best. Well, she's cute.. I watched Zero no Tsukaima the first season. Heh. n_n; I didn't watch the second and I'm not going to watch the third, although my brother is following it closely. There is a bug with the Enlighten forum skin. The problem should go away if you change the skin to Rooq (or any of the other skins). You can do that by selecting from the dropdown list in the left bottom of the screen.
  17. You have to be invited into an alliance. The requirement is to convince a member of whatever alliance you want to join to invite you If you're interested in joining the Loreroot alliance, you would first enter the Support group. If you are active and seem dedicated enough, you will be moved into the official alliance. If you want to join the Lorerootian Support group, please click here and present yourself in a post answering the questions listed there.
  18. n_n; It's Lulu and C-two... something was missing in the forums until someone finally put up some anime/manga fan signatures Treehill, you can pm your guesses to the rpc who is hosting the quest. If you answer correctly you will receive a prize (eventually).
  19. Even though *BigC* ended up being a helpless cripple, even though he failed miserably and wouldn't have been able to redeem himself if the wizard had not chosen to summon Wodin with his soul/lifestrings/whatever, even though Wodin was lamely vain and mean to my dear pet, even though he kept on turning me into a goat because of inane and unjustified reasons, even though BigC-Wodin still ended up failing because he couldn't overcome the "darkness which crept over the land," he shall be missed. He was without doubt the strongest warrior (until Eden surpassed him) and he had a profound understanding of combat and strategy. I greatly enjoyed demeaning him, and I shall mourn the lost opportunity now. He didn't say good-bye. >_>
  20. I don't understand. /: I thought I did a very good job, although maybe I skewed it in favor of cuteness rather than realism. Yami reprimanded me yesterday for calling Khalazdad pathetic, so I felt a bit generous. I even gave him a little hair on the forehead. Is it so horrible-looking people think I'm deliberately insulting him? Now, I may dislike Khalz, but I'm not that kind of rude person. I say what I think of specific persons when the subject is brought up, but I don't resort to low blows like that. I'll show you my inspiration to prove it! I used Chiyo's head, ripped off from some random person's Photobuck album (now saved to Lu's): Chiyo-chan from Azumanga Daioh is one of my favorite characters. <3 She's really adorable. And I sort of modeled the torso after Dan-kun from Bamboo Blade (another image I used without permission, found with google image search): He's the one with tears pouring from his eyes while the rest of the kendo club strip and dress him~ He's pretty cute, too, isn't he? Miya-miya, the girl with purple hair on the right (you can't see her face in this picture) is his pretty girlfriend, and she has rivals. I won't say anything more in case someone is in the process of watching the series and doesn't want spoilers.
  21. Nevermind--now that I think about it, I don't actually need the commentary~ I retract my previous statement.
  22. ... Do you think I was too flattering? /: Oh well.
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