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Everything posted by Grido

  1. I would suggest that a player is able to rearrange (manually) the order of creatures within their bestiaries. I mean both within a single one, and should you have more than one, between books. If they're for collating and such, surely you should be able to rearrange them into a more appealing order?
  2. From what I figure, it's because he has a....colourful past, and some people have long memories. The same people have developed a general dislike for him and it's spread a bit. There are other factors, a general dislike of his personality being one, but get to know him, make your own mind up about that.
  3. [quote name='DARK DEMON' timestamp='1346236925' post='121225'] After reading those, all I can say is that if viscosity can't be removed, there should be regular LHO runs to keep the viscosity down at the MDA gates. [/quote]That's not going to happen. [quote name='Liberty4life' timestamp='1346239534' post='121227'] or maybe lower mda gates base ap cost instead of ranting about visc [/quote]This idea works for me.
  4. FS, just to confirm, you were at GoE when you tried to send those coins? (And Seig, you still there?)
  5. [quote name='BFH' timestamp='1345910468' post='121040'] First battle. Something that will make them eager to fight. It should be automated, how are them supposed to build all by themselves if concepts aren't initially explained? [color=purple]You can explain a concept and still not have it automated. Just skip your automated step, and go straight into them picking one of the rit options.[/color] MD fight system is just a bunch of text. That makes you eager to fight? Compare to other games MD is unique but can get better, animation is a good way to conquer the minds of new players, lag should not be the excuse. [color=purple]Lag is not an excuse, it is a fact. It happens. Adding extra animation will make it worse and will lead to more complaints and less people sticking around because they are no longer "taught" the patience in MD because you have removed the filters from tutorial and story.[/color] Current tutorial is very bad Grido. Players appear at the paper cabin. They say what the hell is this about and just close the window. Fighting, making do something interesting is a very good option. If you guys are against it, please suggest something. [color=purple]I am not arguing that the current tutorial is good. I am saying why are you forcing the fighting option on people, we will end up with a tonne of fighters, and a lack of anything at all else, because those that would've done something else will see an automated fight system as soon as they log on and will expound that thought into what the rest of the game must be like. I already said a suggestion, modify the fight bit, shift it to later on, like with the shades, and hey presto.[/color] Because they will get the impression that they are here just to win. Losing is also part of the game. [color=purple]yes....but like I said, fighting isn't everything, there's so much else to the game.[/color] Shouldn't be an excuse Mur is not here. Council have his same authority. [color=purple]I'm not talking about authority. I'm talking about understanding. I'm not entirely confident of anyone currently in game of having enough understanding of each principle that they would be able to write a condensed version of it.[/color][/quote] [quote name='Deleo' timestamp='1345913863' post='121046']P.S. Please keep the fighting dummy idea alive, especially if later on works as a "whenever I want" access to the ritual management.[/quote] There are reasons for not being able to set a ritual without anyone present, but I can't find an appropriate post to reference currently. If you look in the "New Ideas" forum area there are numerous threads with the suggestion though - search "rituals" or something.
  6. [quote name='BFH' timestamp='1345905396' post='121033'] [b]New Players Tutorial:[/b] [b]Marble Dale Park: ‘MP2 Stage’[/b][list=1] [*]New players will enter the game as MP2. [*]They will appear at the Marble Dale Park (no walking arrows should appear) and immediately a fight will be unleashed with a Bot. Completely automated. [/list] As the fight progresses things like “This is your opponent. These are the opponent creatures. These are your creatures. You Won/Lose should appear. [color=purple]Whilst the general idea of this is fine to me, I would be completely against the first thing in MD being something, anything, completely automated.[/color] First Major Change affecting everybody:[list] [*]Fight animations: fights should be very animated, such as lifesteal, other abilities should show any sort of animations which will make the new comers get surprised and eager to fight. [/list] [color=purple]I'm pretty sure you know about server loads and stresses on player's systems that cause lag, so I'm curious why you would introduce more things that would slow stuff?[/color][list=1] [*]They will get to fight a second bot. This time they will have to search for him on the scene, among all players and click the attack button. [/list] They should be guided. Maybe with a floating box telling them their active task: “Search for Fight Dummy, click his name, and hit “Attack this Player.” *They will get to choose from a predefined list of rituals. (Random selection should not appear). They are guided (again with any arrows or thing floating) and they will unleash a first attack by their own [color=purple]Predefined how? And this being a new player, what do they know about to make their choice? Educated guess that they'll feel pretty lost and confused at this point.[/color] After he finishes and fight window closes, they immediately see a page explaining most of the things (That page should be added to help pages and LHO Faq)[list=1] [*]They get to fight a third/final Bot. This time they should be only shown the active tasks. (Eg Find BFH and attack him) They will get to choose from a group of predefined creatures [NOT only aramory ones, idea is for them to notice there is a huge variety, so that when they recruit their first creatures they get interested in getting others] and they will have to create their ritual and attack. This time they can either win or lose. Bot shouldn’t be piece of cake. [*]After third fight, they will be asked to click their Scroll Copy (left panel, first icon, means that task is eliminated from MP3) and they will advance Mind Power (to Mp3) and teleported to the Paper Cabin. [/list] [color=purple]I am of the personal opinion that fighting should not be the first thing introduced in the game, that it should be something like "Here is MD" > Fight/Quests/Explore/RP/Whatever. Having fighting as first and foremost will likely give a wrong impression to players about to start. Use a similar format, but bump it to later.[/color] [b]Mind Power 3: Paper Cabin[/b][list=1] [*]At the Paper Cabin they should see the floating box telling the Active Task of Clicking the Glowing Scroll. [*]Immediately a page should appear explaining what everything does. It should also be included in help pages and LHO’s faqs. [*]Continue and… [/list][list] [*]Tasks of finding the “Scroll Copy” should be eliminated, it should unlock on MP2 stage after 3[sup]rd[/sup] fight. [*]Task of Finding Copy of MD Map should be eliminated. Let them have it from beginning of mp3. [*]Jump all the tutorial, skip lad guardian, up to “Explore the Southern area of the Map” It should go something like this: Use your map [Map Icon Image] to explore the Southern area of No Mans Land. [*]Skip liquid dust House warning and task since it is continue exploring. [/list] [indent=1]Alternatively to all the previously mentioned points just make the Main task (it can be put as float also): “Go outside and use your map to explore No Man’s Land and find the Aramory”.[/indent][list=1] [*]When reaching the Aramory, make it clickable without the need of clicking the scroll and ask them to enter. [color=purple]Also remove arrow heading to Gates of Ages[/color]Right now it can be very confusing since there are no instructions telling “YOU NEED TO CLICK THE SCROLL TO ENTER”. After they enter, they should be given the task to recruit at least two different creatures. They should not get out of there having 3 barrens… This means that: “Congratulations you recruited your first creat” should be eliminated and should appear after they recruit two different creats. [*]When they face the shades, they should face a real target, currently shades are piece of cake. I also believe they should not have the “choose random option” They should be forced to use the system to create and use their own rituals.[color=purple]Why? Not everyone comes here to fight[/color] [*]After fighting any shades, screen should auto refresh for the other shade to appear, currently it is leading to many: “This action is locked.” [color=purple]This might confuse a couple people for a simple matter of fixing slowness in loading the new state, but meh[/color] [/list] [b]Story Mode Options:[/b] Analyze very carefully the statements I’ll be giving here, because this is the major problem. Option 1:[list=1] [*]After they fight the last Shade they get to choose between starting story mode right away or start it later. [/list] [b]If they start story mode: [/b][list] [*]Principles should show some sort of small summary. (Currently if you click info they do show some sort of summary, I think it should be made “Show on top”. [color=purple]Suggestion of who to paraphrase them? Presuming Mur is unable, I mean[/color] [*]Waiting intervals should be smaller or none. As I said before, the longer they wait, the most they will leave. There are currently 6 waiting intervals, before free roam. Multiply by 15 and it means too much time, which is nothing good for a new player, and our player base. [color=purple]Removing the necessity of patience in players...awesome[/color] [/list][list=1] [*]A question for community: What about if free roam is given right from the beginning of story mode? We can give them some base stats and remove them conform they advance in story. [*]Immediately after story I think they can be allowed to choose an avatar. Give them to option to directly exchange one of their free credits for the feature or simple give it free.[color=purple]You need to first unlock the avatar option in the shop, that is more than $5 deep, you would be removing that shop feature if that happened.[/color] [*]Spelling errors. I believe Grido can make a group to find and fix them.[color]Well the group is anyone that fancies emailing/messaging me, everyone is welcome to do that.[/color] [/list] [b]If they pick not to start story right away:[/b][list=1] [*]Story could be started any moment directly from their scroll or pc’s one. [*]They get to see fight and profile icons. [*]They receive some minor stats, which should be removed at the moment of them starting story.[color=purple]Why remove?[/color] [/list] [b]This option fixes the part of waiting without wanting. Presenting the real game [/b][color=purple]It doesn't entirely, but I'm in a rush to elaborate atm[/color][b], making them stay. Making MD’s playerbase bigger.[/b] [b]Option 2:[/b] [color=purple]see above comments for below section[/color] They start story mode right after last shade.[list] [*]Principles should show some sort of small summary. (Currently if you click info they do show some sort of summary, I think it should be made “Show on top” [*]Waiting intervals should be smaller or none. As I said before, the longer they wait, the most they will leave. There are currently 6 waiting intervals, before free roam. Multiply by 15 and it means too much time, which is nothing good for a new player, and our player base. [/list] [indent=1]** A question for community: What about if free roam is given right from the beginning of story mode? We can give them some base stats and remove them conform they advance in story.[/indent][list] [*]Immediately after story I think they can be allowed to choose an avatar. Give them to option to directly exchange one of their free credits for the feature or simple give it free. [*]Spelling errors. I believe Grido can make a group to find and fix them. [/list] [b]So improve this plan, since I need concrete things now. I’ll edit according to community opinions and based to logic.[/b] [/quote]
  7. Burns remembers correctly, the highlight(and arrows as well, really) should be removed really. But yeah, there's nowhere for them to take you to.
  8. [quote name='Guillak' timestamp='1345460558' post='120533'] The idea was to show who voted for what at the very end only. As long as the vote is ongoing, nobody could see anything. There [b]shouldn't be[/b] any reason to hold a grudge against someone who didn't vote for you as long as the entries are anonymous. But that implies the entries have to be anonymous in the first place indeed, centralized by the quest organizer. You are [b]supposed to [/b]vote for the best entries, not for your best friends. If your friends come to hate you because you didn't vote for them, with all the more reason if you don't know what entry is theirs (of course you can cheat: "I'm entry A, vote for me please", hence making all votes visible), then you shouldn't call them friends … Am I just being too naïve? [/quote]My bolding. It's probably me being cynical, but it's something to think about.
  9. That I'm aware of, no current voting system like that exists (forum or otherwise). The viewing of who voted for what is possible on the forum, but it's been disabled. You'd have to be 'careful' with doing that, as it would lead to a certain bias - if you saw 'Person A' has voted one way, and you want to be in their good books/such, you may also do similarly. Equally a Player may form a grudge against those that voted opposing them, or people's votes may be otherwise swayed due to others being able to view how the vote went.
  10. Pip, you should note that the punishment is only for misleading topics on the forum in relation to it, not if someone does some dodgy trade in game which doesn't have a part on the forum...
  11. mildly offtopic, but "Michel de Montaigne - thinker..." is such an understatement, lol
  12. Where possible, I do arrange so, unfortunately sometimes there are indeed periods where no LHO are able to cover. Any non-LHO, are more than welcome to spend their time there looking out for new players, particularly if they want to become a LHO. Any issues with LHO, or lack thereof in any particular place where someone feels they should be, should be sent directly to myself via any means of communication that can reach me. I see absolutely no reason to post this on the forum, certainly not prior to speaking to myself regarding it.
  13. Of all the people that have come and gone, I will remember you.

    Read more  
  14. @Tom, Inner Magic has occurred before, but it was within the Adventure Log, which isn't running currently... The Spell Docs, which are related to it, I believe Mur said he was going to find another way to distribute them? Besides which, where in the tutorial does it mention Inner Magic?
  15. Far as I was aware, this was a restructure of the tutorial, not the story mode as well? For those comments regarding grammar/spelling in the Story, will get it done when I have a bit of free time, might do some lunchtime tomo if I remember - massive thing though so if you have any specific pages in mind please direct them to my forum inbox, or email; grido (at) ymail (dot) com, and they will probably get done quicker. Specify to me by copying a few sentences off it, I'll be able to find it then, thanks.
  16. I don't think that there's any need for tokens to be mentioned in tutorial itself, maybe a separate faq/help bit on them, but not in the tutorial - I thought we were trying to reduce what they were reading? Rather than add to it?
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUUsGaEbhkA
  18. [log=Previous result][quote name='Grido' timestamp='1281647398' post='65975'] [size=1][b][size=1][color=#d000a0]ENFJ[/color][/size][/b][/size] [color=#d000a0]Extraverted - [/color][color=#d000a0]Intuitive - [/color][color=#d000a0]Feeling - [/color][color=#d000a0]Judging[/color] [color=#d000a0]22 - [/color][color=#d000a0]62 - [/color][color=#d000a0]50 - [/color][color=#d000a0]22[/color] [size=1]Qualitative analysis of your type formula[/size] You are:[list] [*]slightly expressed extravert [*]distinctively expressed intuitive personality [*]moderately expressed feeling personality [*]slightly expressed judging personality [/list] Famous people; Ronald Reagan, Pope John Paul II, Nick Nolte, Tony Blair, Katharine Graham[/quote][/log] Almost 2 years on, numbers have changed a bit since last time I did it, still the same type though. ENFJ Extrovert(56% [up from 22]) iNtuitive(38% [down from 62]) Feeling(12% [down from 50]) Judging(22% [same])[list] [*]You have [i]moderate[/i] preference of Extraversion over Introversion (56%) [*]You have [i]moderate[/i] preference of Intuition over Sensing (38%) [*]You have [i]slight[/i] preference of Feeling over Thinking (12%) [*]You have [i]slight[/i] preference of Judging over Perceiving (22%) [/list] So few of us Extroverts here.
  19. More MP3s = good. You have a few facts 'wrong' though. Not wrong wrong, just missing a few details which explain things out a bit. With the hits graph you found, you might want to compare that against what paid advertising was being done at the time, I suspect that there would have been a few weeks worth of it around the time the graph was formed, however there has been little to no paid advertising for a while, as far as I am aware (BFH would know for sure). [quote]if he/she replies 'for good' then we ask why, not in the way of a text box,but rather, buttons, and we only input options he's seen so far for example if he quits before story mode it would be something like 'the battle system is too boring' 'the graphics are horrible' 'the gameplay so far is really stupid' and ofcourse 'other' and then, we do what facebook does to those who are trying to deactivate their account. Whichever option they pick, we tell them why that's NOT true, like 'the battle system is too boring' reply 'if it seems too boring for you, then maybe you have yet to find the creatures which will make it better, or have yet to understand it. Give it some time, and you might like it' then two options 'stay' and 'still leave'...[/quote]Personally I'd get annoyed by that and just completely ignore it, possibly giving me incentive to ~not~ return, but then I'm probably weird. Either way, I doubt a player will write a host of details about their game experience just before leaving it for good - what do they gain from that? (Human nature predilects the desire for gain). Not that it's not worth doing necessarily, just I'm not sure we'll get a large amount of useful data. With that welcome message thing, could do that fairly easy with LHO if it's felt the messages in chat left for players doesn't do enough - will see about drafting out something between them.
  20. I believe the reason was along the lines of, so that you 'felt' how much you were spending. As for a trading scenario, I have no idea how much coin stock they have, or even if they'd be willing to, but they might be able to set up a trade scenario for this. That way the levels of gold and silver remain exactly the same and there's no worries. LE: apparently I didn't indicate I meant that bottom bit in reference to TKs
  21. Yes, a year ago in fact. But I didn't then ask people for some understanding regarding it. Besides which I believe I clarified that I didn't have to by way of how my position works, you on the other hand, I'm pretty sure are meant to be fairly open about stuff - definition is of course loose, not saying you're going against your role or anything when you deny explaining. If you don't want to answer, don't, but then don't expect a whole lot of understanding from people if you choose that route.
  22. [quote name='Grido' timestamp='1344063410' post='119184'] If you'd care to answer? Perhaps if you could shed some light on why it's not possible to delegate [b]we would be more understanding as a community[/b]. [/quote] [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1344083924' post='119232'] I don't have to tell the community anything. That's why. [/quote] [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1344129658' post='119263'] ... A bit of [b]understanding [/b]would be nice. [/quote] I think it's clear why there's no/little understanding from the community.
  23. [quote name='Grido' timestamp='1343997289' post='119126'] [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1343884855' post='118969'] delegation is an important part of running a team. You cant and shouldnt do everything, if you gave everyone in the TK's some WPRC's and such, then all you need to do is ask X to give reward Y out which doesnt take long at all. If you personally give all the rewards out, then TK's become much more pointless and a one man band. [/quote] [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1343952764' post='119052'] Yes, you are right Chewett. The TKs are meant exactly for that. [/quote] So why isn't it like that then? (or at least appear like that) [/quote] If you'd care to answer? Perhaps if you could shed some light on why it's not possible to delegate we would be more understanding as a community.
  24. [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1343884855' post='118969'] delegation is an important part of running a team. You cant and shouldnt do everything, if you gave everyone in the TK's some WPRC's and such, then all you need to do is ask X to give reward Y out which doesnt take long at all. If you personally give all the rewards out, then TK's become much more pointless and a one man band. [/quote] [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1343952764' post='119052'] Yes, you are right Chewett. The TKs are meant exactly for that. [/quote] So why isn't it like that then? (or at least appear like that)
  25. you can also buy packs of credits codes as well, can't remember specifics, but think you transfer to md paypal, then email council or something - if you do that, please look up the actual bit that says about it, I could be wrong, lol.
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