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Everything posted by Grido

  1. there's the issue if you run out of avatars to look at, if it did that, but yeah, can imagine it'd be pretty annoying and also, if you accidentally skipped past, or remember one you saw before etc
  2. Grido


    Message myself, Chewett or Burns if you need help with anything on there
  3. In continuation from what Burns has said, the accessible area when the game opened was about a quarter of the size, and has been expanded upon since. If you look at each of the lands, some have distinct style differences, there was more than just Valy who drew at the start (though he drew the most), some location images have been removed, others replaced.
  4. i anc ays ngsthi ni rdha ot ndstaerund yswa sa llwe Struggle to read that? Well we have a lot of non-native English speakers on the forum, who I am sure find it difficult to understand what you are saying, please try to moderate it a little to make it more readable for everyone. Feel free to speak like that in game though, I only reference to forum language.
  5. We're not having multiple Wikia's. I'd also say to have every announcement, inc repeating ones, so that they are continuous and there are no missing numbers. A player when searching the announcements may believe there to be some missing accidentally should there be missing numbers. Repeating ones should be in categories together though, which will be done.
  6. Out of interest, how many people would assist in categorising and summarising the 2254 announcements that there are at this point? Other than Chewett, Burns, Nava, and Myself, that is. cos that'd be work... already spoke to you about it, would prefer random button not to be biased so much, but otherwise like it
  7. Depressing thought of the day - Toy Story came out 17 years ago (1995)...

    1. Maebius


      Oh god, I feel old! :)

  8. For reasons I don't really want to go into (cos I'm lazy atm), mechanically speaking, you technically are already your own adept. Might muck things up.
  9. [color="#660000"]You can not be your own adept.[/color]
  10. Related points raised in this thread (probably); http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/7766-adept-forever-maybe-not/
  11. No confirmation, but meh, if it's not actually fixed message a moderator with a link to this thread so they can open it, or open a new one. closed and moved LE: or it would be if Chewie had made me a mod again after the upgrade... (no lol's etc in reply to this please)
  12. any luck?
  13. How's the artwork looking?
  14. Well I thought it was fixed now, but checking I see an orange dot top left...
  15. So....Metal Bunny likes "My Little Pony"....

    1. Pipstickz


      So does half the internet

    2. Maebius


      Yep, we are 20% Cooler for watching it, right? ^_^

  16. The list of items gets knocked the the right when the land loyalty comment comes up - mirrors the page accross
  17. any apostrophe's within a mood status generate it as /' or \' (can't recall which), adding an extra character.
  18. WP spells = any spell obtainable from the Wish Shop. I had in my head the "original" idea, of it just being scriptable, the person writes in the code when heat > 300, allow cast of x spell or such, which was why I was saying about allowed/not allowed spells. Unless you had fixed locations that had this (that has it's own issues) as in, uneditable etc, then you would find abuses. For instance, I code take_all stones without even mentioning anything of the fact just because I wanted to cause trouble. You'd also have to take heat from the player, cos otherwise you start casting spells for free.
  19. From what I recall speaking to him about it, probably around the time of that post, it'd have to be put into the script (his side) with exclusion/allowances for the spells that shouldn't or should be able to be cast from it. Maybe make a list of spells you think should be allowed through the clickables? Personally I wouldn't have any WP spells allowed (makes them seem cheap), Ban, Unban, a few others as well I think, but a list is always good.
  20. How many times do I have to say this... LHO do not have a "force mp3 spell", nor have they ever. The spell they had unlocked a story mode page which they could also unlock from a few ad, or fights instead if they liked. Also Awii, Ze/Zir not widely accepted as actual terms currently (I have issues with all the proposed "new" variants)
  21. ooc - Abra is the account you're referring to Lib, I won't say who was given access to it, and would dissuade others similarly. They should be treated as separate entities as that is how they are used.
  22. Think on this; A man is chained from head to toe to a wall, not able to do anything except move his head and talk. He says "please release me, I don't know why I'm chained up". Someone walks along, hears the plea and without thinking about why he might be chained up, helps to release him. The man is killed by the previously chained man, who then walks calmly off. Lesson of the story; Learn why something is as it is, before trying to change it. Do you know why Abra returns to Golemus, or are you just blindly trying to help him?
  23. Where'd you get that impression? I don't think I've ever heard anything like that. Far as I know, you can have land loyalty for all lands if you like.
  24. err, Seig, yeah it does. As Burns said, you are directly benefiting your main through use of your alt. That is the very definition of alt abuse.
  25. Grido


    [quote name='Raven' timestamp='1329234585' post='104265']The numbers will be chosen from six throws of six dice. First number will determine in which place the number will be taken from in the next round. So if in first row we get number 2 then in second row we'll check the number which is on spot two and so on. [i]For example:[/i] [i]Raven throws 6 dice and gets [b]2[/b], 4, 5, 6, 4, 4 [/i] [i]Raven throws 6 dice and gets 6, [b]5[/b], 4, 2, 3, 4 [/i] [i]Raven throws 6 dice and gets 6, 6, 1, 2, [b]2[/b], 6 [/i] [i]Raven throws 6 dice and gets 2, [b]4[/b], 5, 6, 4, 4 [/i] [i]Raven throws 6 dice and gets 6, 5, 4, [b]2[/b], 3, 4 [/i] [i]Raven throws 6 dice and gets 6, [b]6[/b], 1, 2, 2, 6 [/i] Result: 2, 5, 2, 4, 6, 4, 2[/quote] 2, 5, 2, 4, 2, 6? No? Also, you appear to have listed 7 numbers in your result... LE: I fancied doing some math... If you get 4 numbers correct, you get 20% of the total gained so far, you pick from 6 numbers for each dice throw, meaning the odds* are 1 in 6*6*6*6=1296 of getting it correct. If you get 5 numbers correct, you get 40% of the total gained so far, you pick from 6 numbers for each dice throw, meaning the odds* are 1 in 6*6*6*6*6=7776 of getting it correct. If you get all 6 numbers correct, you get 80% of the total gained so far, you pick from 6 numbers for each dice throw, meaning the odds* are 1 in 6*6*6*6*6*6=46656 of getting it correct. Now ~personally~ I wouldn't even touch this unless if was closer to 3 rounds of dice to win, due to the frankly complete unlikelihood of anyone ever getting any coin back. Apart from you. *Before anyone points out, yes I know these aren't entirely accurate as the number before picks the next dice number etc. but it then gets more complicated if I try and work that out.
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