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Everything posted by Grido

  1. Employment is more continued payment, rather than one off though... It's more certain rights related to the person that are being sold, partial slavery, rather than total. You have the right to sell yourself if you needed the money, but then you'd have to try and find a way to buy yourself back later
  2. Whilst my memory can be clumsy, I don't recall being asked by you (other people, yes) at all about being resurrected, certainly I can't find any PMs from you either in game or forum, and I don't seem to have you on yim...I also don't tend to move from Paper Cabin too much, so talking to me in person would be unlikely, but the only remaining option, can you refresh me on it? Quite frankly I haven't paid much attention to the whole thing, but when my name pops up...
  3. Personally I find it worrying, but y'know that's just me...
  4. I worry for Loreroot sometimes...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Brulant


      I dunno, Chew, maybe Grido should just leaf them alone :D

    3. Phantom Orchid

      Phantom Orchid

      I will have to plant some wroshyr trees for you Chewett ;)

    4. Prince Marvolo

      Prince Marvolo

      Don't worry - Be Happy!

  5. Seig, I specifically mentioned land hierarchy, even if it isn't kings, and land hierarchies would naturally tend to develop, even without mechanical interference. By remaining neutral when your land is part of a war, you could (not would) well be seen to be traitors to the land - you would be using the weight of your members to influence your land's politics in favour of Necrovion, rather than itself. I say in favour of them, because it may not be able to act without assistance from yourselves, which according to this statement, you would not give. Long-term agreements rarely work on good faith, each side believes different things about the pact that the other half wouldn't agree to if known. The good faith view of the pact is different for both parties. Interesting and unpredicted things are all good fun, but then I ask what the point of making the pact is at all, if it's all based on good faith, and you want such things to happen. In my opinion, if you write terms, you write them properly, or you just don't do it.
  6. This post of mine is presuming you still consider yourselves Lorerootian (I have no reason to think otherwise), and also looking into the future when there might be some sort of land hierarchy again, even if that isn't kings anymore. If the hierarchy of Loreroot decide it should go to war with Necrovion, you would not? You would go against the decision of the land, in essence rebelling from it? Would you then aid Necrovion, or just "ignore" the warring? I would argue that as nice as this treaty sounds, you haven't thought through the consequences - Not just because of the above questioning, but also because of various other things which would heavily conflict your interests.
  7. Still valid, I have the ability to ban, which I'm allowed to use (people may then complain, but meh, until that happens...), not many people use it too frequently since then thankfully - bit of an epidemic back then. I can't send anon messages though, would kinda defeat the point of my warning someone. (Wasn't me, if that wasn't clear enough )
  8. Kyphis, I'm not just saying about the currently outdated ones, I'm saying also about the ones which will be outdated in the future, that someone will have to monitor frequently.
  9. It's massive, would need constantly updating, grouping, mentioning which announcements are outdated or irrelevant/wrong (that'd be individual looking, checking, editing). Oh and also linking to other pages from them. If done ~right~ then great, but to do right it'd optimistically take several months I'd reckon.
  10. [quote name='ChildOfTheSoul' timestamp='1328477068' post='103563'] Oh, I forgot to mention: Auction will run for a week, and then until 24 hours after the last bid. [/quote] *checks time stamp of last post* uhuh...week?
  11. then closed and moved
  12. Considering there's been previous for (video) games being blamed for violence (and I'm sure other things), I think it's a pertinent concern, yes. Drugs, though "commonly" used by a lot of people some point in their lives, are illegal. MD should not be seen to encourage illegal behaviour imo, not because it doesn't happen, but because if MD is seen to be doing so, it could receive legal action. I don't know about you, but personally I'd prefer not suggest risking that. The things you note that go on, do, you're right, but they're not illegal, and it'd be a tough time (directly) linking people doing those, to people doing something illegal irl.
  13. We're going to set up drug racketeering? lol... I think officially "allowing" or "encouraging" drug use (of even "pretend" drugs (nightshade is kinda real, but would kill ya irl)) would not go down well legally. As an example; "My son started smoking weed because of the allowed social atmosphere of smoking drugs in this game" - That sort of thing would not end well methinks. Other illegal items may not be so bad, depending on what they were, the concept is interesting, albeit risky and questionable.
  14. You do have the right to, of course you do, I was just pointing out I had an issue with how it's been done, which I have the right to do as well. And I wasn't asking for justification.
  15. I can say that the reason it went to 0 was because of a "fix" to illusions - which turntofrog is. However this should have only mattered if the illusion was active whilst the fix was done (this was a few days/weeks ago). How long ago did this happen? Also when was turntofrog cast on him? He appears to have 30k loyalty now?
  16. [quote name='Brulant' timestamp='1328305851' post='103336'] To quote the announcements, [/font][/color] [color=#000000]And I think the current list of useable spells is this,[/color] [color=#000000][/size][/color][/font] [/quote] There's more than that, few LHO spells got added relatively recent as well. Think few others.
  17. did this happen once, or repeatedly over an extended period? you should know the drill before reporting bugs...but it sounds like just the once
  18. Candidate A puts forth the vote, phrases everything in said post (though it looks fairly neutral here, this is hypothetical) however they like, possibly phrasing it in a favourable way towards themselves. Also, Voter 1 sees that Candidate A has put the vote forth, doesn't know much/equal opinion of each candidate and so votes for the person they've seen has put the vote up as they must be important. Do you not understand visual bias Seig?
  19. For clarification (and this isn't meant accusatory or such, so please don't read it that way), is this a TK event, raising funds for them, or a Seig thing? If the latter would you be keeping the remaining coins after bonus's have been distributed? Again, this is not me accusing or judging, I don't actually mind really, just your first post doesn't seem to mention anything.
  20. It's not redundancy...it's to safeguard the voting, one person may be corrupted, three is harder. I do find it mildly wrong that one of the candidates started this thread though.
  21. Grido

    Sugar Rush

    Mur, I think Nad was asking for Eon's skilldamage to be lowered, rather than his own.
  22. You know there's a minimum amount of time that has to pass before a location subtitle can be renamed again, right? can't recall how long that is off hand
  23. I guess it comes down to a simple choice, really. Get busy livin' or get busy dyin.'

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. No one

      No one

      or are you too busy being lazy ?
      I guees you usuall get up early just to have more time to be lazy ;)

    3. Sharazhad



    4. Maebius
  24. Forgot to say I moved the thread about 2h ago to the public land forum section I've been looking at constitutions lately, they're long and boring. But unfortunately/annoyingly necessary at times. I'll post properly later tomorrow.
  25. Kinda pushing for new player info to be on the help pages in game, I theoretically have access to edit the main ones now, so what do you feel should be added/changed with them?
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