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Everything posted by Grido

  1. Can you please elaborate on what this is about? Link to somewhere? Something about what Marv's quest/a Comet Stone actually is? Otherwise it looks really suspect.
  2. nah, perfectly possible, it's possible in other games, so it can* be here as well, I believe it's done by typing "@Chewett whisper whisper" as what you type *saying "can" not necessarily "should"
  3. Who said [font=Arial,Helvetica]Exeggutor[/font] for me?
  4. [quote name='Udgard' timestamp='1327381157' post='102085']Wait.. so people can gain loyalty when in illusion mode? If yes, I think that's what should actually be fixed. If you are reset to your conditions from pre-illusion when you come out of it, loyalty gained during illusion mode should be reset as well.[/quote]This got fixed, used to be possible, not any longer - regardless of illusion [quote name='Udgard' timestamp='1327381157' post='102085']Or more interestingly, what would happen if the alliance was disbanded when someone tries joining it..[/quote]If there are invites pending, and everyone has left it, then the invites would still be valid. If an illusion is active whilst they're in an alliance, and everyone is kicked, on cancelation of the illu, they'll be back in the alliance.
  5. 1gc santa
  6. Grido


    Pretty sure Jun dropped his bid...cos I saw his old bid. Either way, higher please.
  7. Grido


    Oh I was looking at the wrong bit, ya, will hopefully get that added to pages I can edit - I can't currently.
  8. Do the buyouts mean you won't sell for less, or just that if anyone bids that amount they get it then and there? and that lower bids are still valid if no buy out happens?
  9. Grido


    Side bar ~should~ have all correct spelling now. Though I was pretty sure I'd already done that one, so check to make sure please - no need to post here unless it's still wron. Thanks.
  10. I seem to recall talking to someone (possibly Mur, but it was a while ago, so I wouldn't say that for certain) about this, and it was along the lines of it being intentional that you send them seperately, so that you "know" how much you're sending, so to speak. Things have changed though, that is true. And Jun, you posted first cos I started looking through the rest of the pages of New Ideas after I found that with search , coulda sworn there was another thread - I reference it in the last post...
  11. *looks for the search button on the forum*
  12. how many casts?
  13. So yeah...I can tell the difference between a single space, and a double space. At a glance.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Chewett


      yeah he can... and its bloody annoying sometimes!

    3. Prince Marvolo
    4. Shadowseeker


      it's annoying? I'm similiar to him, it feels uneasy if there are two..

  14. Creature ID: 696534 Kind: Nutcracker Tokens: Times Transferred: 1 Name: Gift Age: 247 Age after transfer: 148 Creatures, coins/notes, or a combination of both are acceptable. Will end on 26th, +24h if there are late bidders.
  15. I'll swap 1 or 2 gc for sc with you
  16. Memory Stone pack - 51sc And to kick them off; Rein 2 - 1gc Taint - 1gc
  17. Mechanic wise (from what I know of the code) it'd be easiest with numbers at the end of each name. I suspect it could be possible to shuffle the playernames to mix them all up (easier than typing in several hundred new names into the db). The "main" issue with this idea, which generally speaking people seem to like, is that currently if you have an illusory name, that is then the name you have to use to log in. People, if they use their name to log in (you can also use email or ID), they will be prone to get confused I suspect, thinking they're unable to log in for some bug or something.
  18. Not really an auction (note the use of the word "bid" in initial post) if it lasts less than an hour....and there wasn't any such time limit imposed in the first post. But meh, whatever. Sold, so closed.
  19. As a note; disbanding wouldn't have changed anything Seig.
  20. Grido

    lost spell

    No...as far as I'm aware spells have no relation to the cups of tea...
  21. The amount of credits:coin may vary depending on who you talk to though, as people hold different values - I won't put personal input as to the value as I don't do deals with credits so don't actually focus on the conversion, just that I've seen some "discussion" about it before. As Cheng says, 15sc=1gc, that conversion is however well established and I don't know anyone who uses anything else.
  22. You want a value reference sheet for what things are worth? Things that have already been stated to not normally be for sale, and so don't actually have a standing value? As for contacting, I would ~guess~ manu@md with a clear message header like "Coin Gathering Season" or some such, but shrug.
  23. Whilst yes, I would like to know what they did, would also like to say that it might've been actions against other kings. And also "to test their strengths OR breaking points" the king didn't necessarily have to resign due to the actions, but react strongly or something, idk I'd kinda like one though, I did get elections to start* for kingship in relation to Yrth being king (and he nearly lost).** *Which then triggered the other elections to start. **We're good now
  24. I use the TW illusion to gain Necrovion loyalty points. Before I started doing this I gained permission from Azull (the then leader of TW alliance) and Yrth (My then, and kinda still, king) I have since also gained permission from Peace who has also been leader during the period since I started. I have just noticed redneck is loyalty leader of the alliance, so I will determine more about the leadership of it before I use the illusion again, and if neccessary seek further permissions. If the permissions are removed at any point, I will stop. Since I am gaining persmission from the leadership of the alliance (and I would ask the king as well if there was one) before using the illusion, I see little reason against my using it. Is your issue against the illusions being accessible, or rather against dst having/using them? I see no complaints against other people with them.
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