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No one

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Everything posted by No one

  1. I will certainly join this
  2. yes, like that.
  3. 1. there is no creature name 2. for some resolutions, the "heal" appear next to creature holder instead of below. Add a new line / BR between the A and SPAN in the creature's DIV ... but this is just an idea.
  4. You are right ... only if you agree with Dst. (check her signature.)
  5. Today it started a "Weather: storm". During this "event" I could gather water (Rain Water) but there is no water generated as a normal rain where "Sky visibility: Sky is visible". <---- this is the bug Also, there is no image for the weather. Note: Storm is still in progress.
  6. @BWF: you can use the [ spoiler ] ... [/ spoiler ] tags (with no spaces) so that you can make the post smaller. Yes, as I said your creatures lack the "regeneration" skill. When you fight or when you replay your battles you will see a tab named "stats" (which unfortunately is not present in the "export" tab. Check each creature's stats and you will notice that your "Root Warrior I" don't have it. All the creatures that "recovers XXX Vitality" have that "regeneration" skill present. All the creatures that have the "gains YYY Xp" have survived the battle (won or lost does not matter). ------ What you have to understand next is : Where are your creature's stats coming from. The next things to understand are : What are the stats that affect my creature? How are my creatures affected by stats?
  7. Ok, because you asked so nicely, I will try to answer you: "first level two colored shop root warriors" don't regenerate: A creature gets to regenerate VE if at the beginning of the fight (or during) it has some "regeneration" applied on it. Now, as you applied 0% influence, that means that your creatures don't get additional "regeneration" from your own account. 0 Regeneration = 0 VE regenerated So, the different for the other creatures to regenerate is a mystery :) , either creature stats or tokens or ... something else. Try to find out for yourself. Now, here is a spoiler on the stats for the "first level colored shop root warriors": Power , Defence , Initiative If, after the above explanation, you still can't understand why your other creatures get regenerated ... you should try and post some more information on those magical creatures & fights, maybe a fight log.
  8. Indeed you are dumb. And you should take your advice and learn to read. Thus last reply to you: Yes, you do : https://magicduel.com/players/Blackwood%20Forest&override=true Yeah, got that from the beginning. You should have posted from beginning a link to your "new player" profile. As for bull ... make a "new player" account and read what it is saying.
  9. 1. What is the level of your "two colored shop root warriors" ? 2. What amount of influence did you used and your stats (a link to your profile will help getting your stats)? 3. The ritual gets broken when all the creatures in a ritual gets killed ... I think it is the only way (unless you sac all creatures from the ritual and try to use it). ---- Again : you are MP5 don't you ?
  10. Did you read the page of achievements REMAINING ? There are 3 targets to achieve to pass over from MP3 to MP4: - number of wins - number of loses - exp / heat While fighting shades should not increase wins/loses ... you should receive a message every time you passed one of the targets. Thus you should receive 3 messages. As for the bull ... you have an MP5, don't you ? You should remember that you never fight the bull.
  11. I am sorry, that is doesn't make sense. I think that you (Bwf) believe in Santa (or maybe not). Have you even seen it ? Do you expect / buy gifts ? Now ... what is this different ? I will tell you : KC is a player. (a real person) and he is allowed to use that feature or not. Now this is as dumb as : if I don't see it or I can't have it then it should not exist or ever be mentioned again. As in every other game, there are some stuff that you don't see every day or you need to get some exp/age before you get to see it. So ... grow up and you might see it. ----- This was my last intervention in a this topic unless you ask something smarter.
  12. If you haven't seen them ... it doesn't mean they don't exist. Yes, it is an NPC that is located as said in the note, but it wasn't used (haven't seen it myself) in a long time. Also, knowing that it is a real player ... does that mean that it has to be there for you ? He will use that feature at his own will regardless of you being there or not.
  13. Following Ungod's post I can respond to Aeo: I see the citizenz like this : - alliance ppl are ... the legal ones inside the land. - citizens with no alliance ... they are like immigrants. They are allowed in the land but have not much power. Unfortunately, in MD, it is easier to kick out a person from an alliance then it is from being a simple citizen. ------ maybe this should be moved to a separate topic about citizen vs allied
  14. A land does not require to have an alliance , see the No Man's Land. But on the other hand, it doesn't have a king either. The kings are / were elected from a well defined group called "alliance". As it has no alliances ... NC king is just RP. A queen of NC ... just another RP role. On the other hand ... Dst could claim more rights on NC then you currently have. Lets be real : Dst conquered Necrovion.This is the first time a land has been really conquered. Now ... I don't say that NC should be closed for good, but there should be some spoils of war and Dst should be included in deciding the future of NC.
  15. Nimrodel
  16. you have MP2/3 because you didn't pick the 3rd principle. Go sac a creature and you will get that principle. [spoiler]each altar grants different principles[/spoiler]
  17. Any other reason ?
  18. Disclaimer: if you don't know yet what "burst" is ... then don't read this :) it is about a secret feature. I've been wondering (not really) for quite some time : Why ppl use the "burst" button? ---- Note: this is a ... semi-serious topic. Please sarcasm within limits and criticism out ;)
  19. Do you use javascript in your code ? ------ If I remember well, using javascript in personal docs was forbidden. (something that Chew tested ... I think)
  20. It all depends on how Mur wants / sees the MP6+ advancements. As of one of his latest comments, he wants an evolution kind meaning that MP6 will be an improved MP5, an MP7 will be an improvement of an MP6 and so on. This could be good if they also keep the requirements (demoting directly to MP5 if the condition for MP6+ are no longer valid) The other solution (in contradiction to Mur's statement) would be to have each MP with a different role and rules. This would allow ppl to be promoted to MP7 without being a viable MP6. This would be a valid solution but this means that the features available for MP6 are not supposed to be automatically available to an MP7+ . It all depends on Mur's decision of higher MP inheriting inferior levels' features.
  21. No one

    MP6 and AP

    There are just 2 points that I'd like to point out: 1. As I know, getting to MP7 is not from MP6 ... yet. And similarly for MP8. What I mean is : after MP5, upper MP levels are ... branching / morphing in different ways . There is little to no connection with the MP5 and that is why they should be tweaked individually with specific features. 2. Also, if an MP6 miss-behaves ... the adepts can chose to get him down. MP7 has no such option. With the above, I can only say that extrapolating from "MP6 are good" and "people reaching mp6 are not the type of people that will go wild" to MP6+ ... is not a valid one. If you want to go in details ... there is just one MP7 out there. And it is not good and it is known for its abuses. I am not saying that you should remove the feature ... nobody does, but this should be limited to MP6 only.
  22. No one

    MP6 and AP

    @Miq: I get your point. [spoiler] [/spoiler] I don't know about you, but unless I go through gates ... I lose almost no AP. The only exceptions are East, some locations in MDA (that are still under testing and should be fixed) and lab2. Also, with the right amount of pickles, one can enter the throne room. So, race ... there is a minimum change. But I get your point. Heat wars ... :) MP6 are excluded by default as they get heat from ALL worshipers thus they would win without moving.
  23. No one

    MP6 and AP

    How does it limit something ? It has only given MP6 the "power" to travel the entire LotE (until Mur's Dominion gate) and the entire Lab (lab 2) without stopping ... on top of what normally they or us could do. As for the gift ... even if I don't understand it ... I am ok with it ... but only for MP6.
  24. Today we have a surprise from Mur : Care to share your thoughts on this ?
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