Due to my curious nature, I'd like to ask around a bit as to what you guys think some of my more premium creatures would be worth.
Note, please take this seriously, you dont have to give me the maximum bid, but something you think is fair (I'm a mod so spam posts i'll delete myself), and if you actually have that offer, would you offer it for that creature? It would be more interesting for me to see bids consisting of things you actually have, and then possibly saying how much more coins you estimate it would be worth.
Depending on what I see I might actually try to take you up on it, also depending on what creature.
So, here the details on which I will not go into all details, unless really requested:
Darkling (ID 1000, Age 1245, All Tokens, No transfer yet)-20g
GG (ID:125065 , Heavily tokened, huge age)
Santa (Age 629)
3 tokened aged rusts 5g+
2 aged reins, untokened 10g+
Tainted Angien ID 666666, Age 163, no tokens
2 shades (tutorial, no tokens, some age, not too much) -10g
Excuse me for the messy order, but I'm tired.
Feel free to PM me if you wish to make a silent bid, on your request I won't release it as the highest I received even if it is- I'll just write overbid, anonymous.