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Everything posted by Udgard

  1. Okay, okay! Stop it guys! Can we not not stop this fighting? The miscommunication problem has been cleared, so let's just close the topic and stop all this, ok?
  2. Yo-ho-ho? Reminds me, lol, of a living-skeleton, lol!
  3. I suppose this is like the air ward poem?
  4. I agree with shadow for the exact reason he has posted; circle of flames. THough, as I haven't read the Kelle'tha Order statement book again, I am not sure what it is going to be used for. Other than that, I would suggest timeless shot, which is accessible in all level to everyone, and requires quite a deeper thinking to understand than some other spells.
  5. lollol, raised to the power of lol hundred and lol times, is the lollest cure for your lol disease. That's lol I can say.
  6. HI and welcome. We love the game too =D
  7. Udgard

    First step

    If you're still interested in a sponsor, I'll throw in a 317 age (by the time of this post) elemental and heretic archer (the archer might differ in age a few days, but the point is that they can be maxed rite away even after a few trades). Depending on the amount of participant, I will also throw in a spell page. I wanted to throw in a custom item/wishpoint as well, but that would lure too many alts, so I'll scrap that thought. :unknw:
  8. I think it's here =D This is and old thread after all...
  9. As for rachel kramer's druid pic, I remember seeing it during the around the 1st festival.. In fact, I saved a copy of that picture in my photobucket...
  10. Yes, we're working on it =) It should come out in a few days or so..
  11. It's probably just me, but I think if the 6-8 people mentioned trade big amounts of coins, then the coins will get spread to the other players, and the economy will flow. It is unavoidable that the $$ rich will have the advantage (FYI, I'm a pure free credits player, so I suffer as well), but once they use their coins to trade for the items they want, then the coins will spread to the others. Now without a price limit, they would pay higher for the items they really want, because they will value their silvers less-simply because they have so many of them. But if there's a price limit, then those with a lot of silver can just offer the items at the limit price and buy (then hoard) more items due to the lower price. @storm: I believe that people would want mroe than 3 of the role related items, especially as their role grows. It is probably one of the reasons for Kragel and my role, to create custom items for people who want to compliment their role more and more. And for those custom-made items, I believe it's ok if they don't want to trade it out, even when they have more than 3.
  12. Hmm.. it's probably hard to do that.. For some items, I would not pay 20 coins, but for others I might consider that amount ridiculously undervaluing the item. It would all again return to how a person values the item and the coin..
  13. I can also help with the wishpoints if you want =)
  14. Udgard

    Happy B-Day Kal

    Happy b'day tris!
  15. Question: Will you sell yourself again in the slave market should there be another one? xD
  16. Happy birthday! =)
  17. Thirded
  18. [quote name='Burns' post='30036' date='May 3 2009, 04:58 PM']allies are there for a greater good and to serve some purpose, not for peoples private 'YAY, i'm cool and own an ally'-complex [right, i'm talking about the Creators or whatever they call themselves these days][/quote] Er?
  19. Just a note , Mur said that items are supposed to be a rare and special thing, not something common and easily obtained. The implication would be that people are undoubtedly going to collect these special things, just like how people colelct creature types and spell pages. It will cause troubles as item flow will not go fluidly, but seeing how items are supposed to be rare and special, it will take quite some time until there is a lot of items in circulation. I am hoping that in the near future Kragel and I can make a more fluid item system using raw materials that are easier to get and will be circulated in large enough quantity, which will be what is fluidly traded, and the custom-made items that are more rare and is a more appropriate subject for collecting/high-price trading.
  20. Udgard

    Items idea

    Actually, I am planning something like this with Kragel (well, I have yet to speak more about it with him, but we've talked about the early idea). While there is no direct method of destroying an item right now, Kragel and I will collect 'raw materials' items, such as metals etc as a required ingredient when requesting custom-made items, and then we will throw the item away to an alt named dumpster or something (well, you get the idea) so it will practically be used up. Of course, the item will be returned to the game's circulation periodically, most probably through quests that give raw materials as rewards. Actually, I'm thinking of proposing the same method to help regulate silver (and later gold) coin flows in the market. World bank anyone?
  21. Udgard

    Items idea

    We share the same thought =D Well, I just thought of a more modest uasge of items, but it would be even greater if it can be as various in usage as your idea has stated. It's probably gonna take some time before (if) it gets implemented though..
  22. Happy b'day! Enjoy 20. Life's pace going to change on 21.
  23. I REALLY want to hire dst =D But I'm dirt poor.... T_T
  24. Er, we can't stack same token on same creature? O_o THen again.. I think that's a good idea.
  25. [quote]Interestingly enough, I am a different kind of roleplayer. You see, whereas some say that stats and stuff are not necessarily RP stuff (and I understand how you see that), these things are integrated into the game/realm.[/quote] I agree here again. In fact I believe that it should be a strong part of RP. If someone wants to RP as a super-powerful warrior, they may! But as long as their in-game stats supports that. That is what it means to role-play according to your character's real condition, and not god-modding. It is much worse to see players who RP ridiculous amount of combat prowes when their stats do not support that.
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