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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. Happy birthday assira :)
  2. We dont have an image for it :)
  3. Modified, thanks :)
  4. For clarity blackwoodforest sent me a player ID To ask my question again, you say it doesn't work but do not explain why, could you be a little more verbose please? When the account was created did it say you would get them? When the account joined the game did it get 5 credits? Have you read or been told this account should get credits (if so where please)
  5. What do you mean It doesn't work?
  6. >Land Affinity? I think Mur suggested this one in our emails actually.
  7. Where did you find the link? Iv removed it since I dont think we use it anymore. It links to an old page on our old md-archives site.
  8. Could you rename the topic to somethin more appropriate? Such as "rename land loyalty" Changin the name was discussed and planned by Mur and I when we discussed the idea of this change, we just didn't decide on what the name would be
  9. And its still a problem?
  10. Browser and such?
  11. Second one. image?
  12. Let's try and remember the people have different views so don't tell people their choices are bad, just use the reputation system :) Remember that an opinion cannot be right or wrong, it's an opinion. Unless it's mine which obviously means it's right :p
  13. Unrelated I don't believe this type of weather has been officially approved as rain by the U.K. Society of rain clouds
  14. Post closed :)
  15. Closed :) I might open this in a couple days time. People need to cool down before I start banning everyone If people want to discuss this, please open a new topic, but be civil and stop flaming each other in a massive cluster of hate :) Dont worry, I know this and will consider a solution depending on what Mur and I decide. No requests.
  16. AL generally has the issue of people not wanting to take an active role in things, generally you need to push along rather than having an AL documenting what is happening, say looking at the loss of the alliance, since then little has happened. The start of an AL was planned to be using some A25 things (since its not scripted, merely a start is generally) but I have been so busy with christmas and now birthday its definately not ready.
  17. Here are my three speeches I was not able to make on the night, written for the speeches project I have asked the archivists to document and post. I won three categories this year. Top Techie Thank you all that voted for me in this award, I am most appreciative of everyone who felt I deserved to win this year. I stand here thanks to many brilliant minds and helpers who have led me to become the coder I am. They encouraged and showed me the many interesting things you can do with web programming, the most important being making a community out of a basic roleplay game. I must thank Cutler, Liberty, Rendril, dst, no one, Lightsage and Murry amoung many others. I dedicate this reward to Cutler, for he was a Top Techie. Outstanding Service to MD Thank you all that voted for me in this award, I am most appreciative of everyone who felt I deserved to win this year. Another year goes on, and another awards ceremony is passed. Over the last year some of the changes I have worked on have brought MD another step closer to being a game I can sit back and be proud of. It is also another step closer to AUTUMN2050 but I am proud to say that we are getting quite close to being able to finish off that project (that is close in a MD sense). A lot more of my work has been running the game this year which while great I am still going to be trying to push onto you (this is a game where the players are meant to be able to change :P). I will take this nomination and award win that some of you (at least) are happy in what I am doing for MD and I shall attempt to continue the work. While my time for MD diminishes as my job/life gets harder MD will always remain in my heart and I shall find time to work on it. This reward I must thank the players that have supported me in running MD, there are too many to name. Thank you all. Most Popular Thank you all that voted for me in this award, I am most appreciative of everyone who felt I deserved to win this year. Im a little surprised at winning this award, mainly because many of you know that I can be quite blunt and bloody minded of rules and other such things. For all these faults I do apologize, most profusely. I know I can be like this and am working on it day by day to improve them. Many of these come from my severe lack of time and general mood towards dealing with questions which ideally should be asked to others. Therefore many messages I send can end up being short and blunt. But I am quite pleased to have been given this award by the public, I have met many friends here and call a great deal of you my good friends. MD has always been a place you to go to and just talk to friends about random and crazy things and I have met some of the best minds here too. Many of you know that I have been here since the beginning, I am very pleased to have joined the game and met you all. Thank you.
  18. I apparently missed this, mea culpa HAPPY BIRTHDAY LORD CORG.
  19. Indeed Mur, happy Birthday
  20. We have plans for that, its a known thing. Go to MP4 and get two more :)
  21. 5 silver to each :)
  22. Ann. 3845 - [2016-03-03 23:22:57 - Stage 13] - Permalink - Posted By Chewett 0 likes Like MD Birthday - Run by the Chewett Hello one and all, this is an update announcement to declare that I am now officially running the MD birthday with help from Lin and a couple other members of the Kings council. This superseeds the announcement declaring that the KC is running the MD birthday. I am looking for day hosts for the remaining days. Lands who sponsor and work on a day and produce decent quests will as usual receive coding for their land along with rewards. Contact me asap as the land days are going fast. Day hosts are responsible for organizing quests during the day. These events would be smaller quests and similar other little meetings that require everyone meeting at the same time. They wouldn't be expected to run all the quests but organise others to run quests during their time. If a land wants to theme a day it would be great. For now if you wish to apply for a day or ask questions please send me and Lin a forum pm. Festival long quests will be running and you wont need permission from day hosts but if you are running something where people gather please seek approval from day hosts and get it put on the calendar so we dont have events clashing.
  23. Indeed Eon, happy day, if not birthday.
  24. This has been fixed a while ago.
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