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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. Well, You could look up the announcement ID, etc, but that takes time and I personalyl dont know all of their ID's off by heart (even if the rumors say I can :P)
  2. Please can we try and make topic titles a little more descriptive Thanks for starting the topic Syrian. Also: WittyLeWat is broken.
  3. Its not really using the same process we do. The colours dont bleed through like they should. Look at the clickables and such ingame :) Thats my professional view, Im not sure what Z wants, eitherway I really like it, looks like an ally logo.
  4. The important thing to mention, is that there is a very specific thing in MD that is "the taint" and actually very few members actually have this. It is a specifically defined thing based on accounts and lore. Mur mentioned it recently ingame when people were RP'ing the taint and no one actually listened, then we moved onto something else.
  5. The majority of MD artwork is hard drawn which then has colour overlaid. Things like alliance badges should be hand drawn I believe. Item images and avatars definitely need to be.
  6. Please report all bugs in separate threads. Your name thing will be ignored on this thread.
  7. Your perception of how MD's day works was wrong.
  8. Chewett


    Yeah it was some apache freezing glitch we are keeping an eye on.
  9. Firstly Aeo, please dont reply how you did, it makes it really confusing to try and work out whats being said. The information, was actually my personal information. Google decided it would publish a lot of my details onto their google plus service without my knowledge or permission. I did not actively put any of my details there (it even put my phone number there) but as they were associated with my account google decided it would publish them all. The details are on my account as I use that for a number of things. So, I would argue it was not my fault at all, I am not technically illiterate.
  10. If you collect it, it should stack. I need to review how this works but its likely that it doesnt use the new functions. I will decide on how collecting items from creatures should work, it will potentially stack but also potentially degrade too. Perhaps it will increase at a logarithmic rate (aka slower the more it has stored).
  11. A noble ambition, well done Blackshade! :)
  12. Chewett

    "The Warden"

    It is an interesting idea. It could work but it would need to work alongside other roles since there is not enough people in jail. To those that worry about people being subjective. Everyone is subjective, some people can remove themselves from the equation and make them appear fair. However generally this means they are unfair to themselves but this is generally tolerated. It doesnt matter that there is no one who is absolutely fair becuase thats impossible. In short, ignore those who tell you the role is pointless as you cant find a fair person, they are being naive, we have given many more important and powerful rules to those who are considered biased. And please people, dont just shoot down an idea becuase you dont "get" it, its rather rude. I spent a decent amount of time coding a whole new "punishment" interface for PoE for her dream role which includes punishment such as stat damage, temporary bad effects and similar. Repurposing a similar item could be interesting to see. I like the idea, sounds pretty cool.
  13. I dont understand this. Please clarify. Is it not that, every single bid extends the auction by 24 hours? This was what I suggested to you to run the auction and how I read the rules. In this case he was perfectly within the time. Please clarify Firestarter.
  14. All tea runs from the same script. Therefore this tea will have exactly the same issues as the normal tea.
  15. Really good artwork, looks amazing :)
  16. Ah Happy birthday EE! Sorry I missed it, I hope you had a good one :)
  17. We now have enough to pay the current bills, any more will be used to attempt to get the main account out of the negtive :)
  18. Spam: ID:799997 Aramor Assassin ID:800000 Aramor Assassin ID:800008 Aramor Assassin These probably will go to Mur's collection of rare creatures. Might get pimped too.
  19. Damn, I like aged creatures...
  20. Indeed, Apologies for missing it but happy birthday Azull :)
  21. Indeed, Happy Birthday!
  22. Unless anyone has any more recent information, his release was discussed between Mur and I (last week or so), and denied after he left a rather sweary message while discussing release. Unless something has happened I dont see him being able to compete in this auction.
  23. I have had people using my name, to try and "protect" themselves and threaten other players by telling people "Dont mess up by quest, Chewett wont like it if you do that". That person got right and truely shouted down when someone pinged me about it. Do not use someone in authority to try and "protect you" by name dropping. If you are telling someone that "Chewett wont like this" and it comes off as a threat, then there will be issues. Dont speak for others if you are not sure. Especially not those in authority.
  24. While I do enjoy seeing people trying to determine what bugs are, and telling others how to deal with it. Can we not please? Unless you have the authority to tell people that "oh we know about this" then please dont. Actually, I hadnt thought of this bug, its a very smart way to get creatures into your ritual when they shouldnt be. I like it. But it is a bug, and we will eventually fix it.
  25. 1 gold
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