So, Actually we are in a LOT better position than I thought we were. I was under the impression that the festival started Wednesday! LOL
So, in terms of organising rewards, planning quests, we are miles ahead of where we were last year, and have a lot more going on! Lots has been organised much earlier than I planned too and I apologise for pushing anyone to get things done but getting things done much earlier than planned means we can actually relax for the first time ever. Slight changes will be made next year but actually this has been the best organised festival ever compared to last years one.
I think the main "bonus" is the day hosts, they have (and are still being) awesome and we have a lot more going on than before.
Im slightly unsure about the shorter length of the festival compared to the past one (last time it was two weeks) but I think this will pack even more things into the time period.
If you need any help, feel free to come talk to myself (forum PM's are answered fastest) and lets make this amazing! :D
Make sure your events are on the calendar and if they arent contact me again :)
Keep going MD, this birthday is going to be FANSTASTIC!