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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. As an additional note to this: Many of you know I value my privacy, MD has NEVER cared about who you personally and we have have punished people for using IRL information against others. This isnt just a matter of respect, we have rules for this. If you share someone elses private details, and they are unhappy you have done so, you will get punished. Be careful with what you share. If it was an accident then we will be more lenient, but in many cases we cannot tell if you are lying or not, and it will go down as a black mark on your record. Some of you will remember in the RPC day we had something like the personal logs now, which let you make comments about players. Its still there, and we still use it from time to time, you just cant see it. We dont like doing this heavy handed stuff, but sometimes shaking people and reminding them that there are PEOPLE behind these characters, is important.
  2. Interface is broken in dreams since when Mur made the big changes to the interface for A25, dreams never got fixed it. We will probably end up fixing it in the interface rework. Unless certain agitators like to use it, then it might get fixed earlier. Its going to need some code rewrite anyway because how it redirects is rather silly.
  3. I have a load of changes to the ritual page that iv potentially lost, or not yet uploaded. its on a long long long long long long long list
  4. Document it yourself? Make it a community effort?
  5. Ann. 3477 - [2015-05-04 01:57:25 - Stage 13] - Permalink - Posted By Chewett There will be 3 10th Anni Aramors being auctioned off for coins. The first one will be auctioned off starting on the 6th. Bidding will be done by the forum. Each auction will end after a 24 hour period has elapsed with no bidding. Further details will be on the individual forum threads. CODENAME: MD ANNIVERSARY ---- First of 3, finishes once bidding has ceased after 24 hours, coins only. Note: All Day hosts, and those who run a quest will be getting 1 aramor. I am still waiting for people to get some votes and to get back to me on some final things before this can go ahead.
  6. Ann. 3483 - [2015-05-05 23:14:18 - Stage 13] - Permalink - Posted By Chewett Knowledge documents have been fixed so others should be able to view them.
  7. User error, not a bug.
  8. You are always cropping the images massively so I cant see the whole picture. You have actually cropped out where the active days should be... have you just missed it?
  9. IT DOES now it just gets you stuck apparently lol
  10. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  11. Dreams, Rheaggy! Also research interface unless someone more able comes forward. Iv added you to THE LIST, and will contact you once iv dealt with the first wave of peoples :D
  12. Come back in a month when you have played MD for a little longer please :)
  13. Right. We have a current list of people working on things and things that could be added to: Current people: Samon - cauldrons Syrian - creatures Assira - heat Veins Aeoshattr - Night Mode No one - resources Dst - illusions JadenDew - SceneActivatable Pipsticks - Spell Documents - (Requested more time since he was informed later about what he had to do) Grido - Spells - (Hasn't answered at all) Tal - Creature recruitment Locations - (Hasn't answered since I answered the question she made about the doc. file format, so I suppose that the document itself is ready but not availabe) ---- The following list contains possible features to document. Head contests - Torch contests Combat abilities - Cause fighting Shop items - Inventory items - Scriptable Items - Armor items - Land weapons - Totems Player DNA - Personal papers - Titles Citizenship - Alliances Hidden letters Research Interface Affiliate system MDScript Mind Power 6 Protectorate WPs Announcements Rebel System Wiki Advertisement Dreams --- Some of these items are smaller than others. Post here if you want to "take" one and I will approve it.
  14. You sure? We dont use the href link anymore...
  15. Fixed, thanks for suggestions, I was considering that beforehand :P
  16. Its likely due to the way some of the "fixes" in the past have been applied, only applied when someone logs in, etc. Im trying to move Mur towards fixing everyone, and not having a load of in place hacks. To fix people as they do something. So I will look into this
  17. http://i.imgur.com/iT32kwl.png When clicking on any small tab squares (achievments, pl, etc) It redirects to /dlg/ giving a 404... BAD IE! Spend a while mucking around with it, all basic solutions are not cross browser.
  18. Fixed
  19. Ah yeah I thought it might have been that. Avatars generally get broken for people who buy avatars. Data structure in players settings gets broked. Thanks peoples.
  20. It was 9am. Fixed. Thanks bored.
  21. Fixed now, closed.
  22. I fixed this!
  23. This is a rubbish bug report lol. Ban the fool! I cant quite remember what the issue was atm.
  24. reported, solution found, closed until fixing. Not looking for more feedback.
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