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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. Iv fixed the main issue with this, the chrome issue however is still present and needs further investigation.
  2. I believe I have fixed this issue, had to fix up a load of methods for the new PHP version.
  3. Common items + a25 ritual preparation and learning areas + combinations = More learning when casting things?
  4. We have two sets of questions in already, some really good ones, Hurry before all of your questions have been submitted already and you lose out!
  5. You promised me that you would colour in one of the aramors that only had one level in exchange for some menial coding. Sadly you forgot :(
  6. Iv always rewarded those who have reported cheating. And if you report someone for cheating, feel free to send me a PM to tell me and get a reward. I can do it silently so you dont even get found out that you reported someone.
  7. I merely posted to remind people of my past entry for any interest it could have and therefore feel free to give my reward to anyone.
  8. The full details will be published at a later date. but yes you get points for answering questions correctly, I havent fully decided how each round will allocate points and they might change. As I said above, if its your question, you cant answer, or I wont accept your answer. Im not sure how I can say "You cant answer your own question" clearer? I would be upset to hear of anyone trying to cheat in what is to be just a fun trivia session, and anyone reporting another team for cheating or attempting to cheat would end up with a reward and the cheating team would be... dealt with.
  9. You do not answer your own question. The aim is to try and make non impossible questions that people can answer.
  10. Update: All teams must submit 4 MD themed trivia questions with the answers. These will be used for round 2 against others in a sudden death style round. During this round questions will be asked to all teams and the answers will need to be sent in via PM by ONE team member. You score points based on how many people successfully answer the question during the time limit. No points will be given if no one is able to answer your question (which means it cant be too obscure or hard), but the maximum will be given if 1 team can answer, after that the more teams that answer the question, the less points you get. Failure to submit questions will mean you will lose out on points that round. 4 are needed to ensure that there are few duplicates. "valid" questions are ones that have not been submitted to me before, and if you submit a duplicate question to me then that question is lost (So send them in fast!)
  11. This is a MD Birthday quest and therefore first place is also likely to get an anniversary creature.
  12. Chewett: It would be interesting if spells degraded as they were continually pumped into spellstone Chewett: As a result of completely "forgetting" their uses, each time you pump all your knowledge into a stone Chewett: Slowly over time, losing more and more true knowledge of the spell.
  13. So, Actually we are in a LOT better position than I thought we were. I was under the impression that the festival started Wednesday! LOL So, in terms of organising rewards, planning quests, we are miles ahead of where we were last year, and have a lot more going on! Lots has been organised much earlier than I planned too and I apologise for pushing anyone to get things done but getting things done much earlier than planned means we can actually relax for the first time ever. Slight changes will be made next year but actually this has been the best organised festival ever compared to last years one. I think the main "bonus" is the day hosts, they have (and are still being) awesome and we have a lot more going on than before. Im slightly unsure about the shorter length of the festival compared to the past one (last time it was two weeks) but I think this will pack even more things into the time period. If you need any help, feel free to come talk to myself (forum PM's are answered fastest) and lets make this amazing! :D Make sure your events are on the calendar http://teamup.com/ks47203195036f6e5c/#/ and if they arent contact me again :) Keep going MD, this birthday is going to be FANSTASTIC!
  14. Next year, we will host it like the council did. Day hosts inject too much delay into it. The discussion and back of forth of rewards worked well last year and previous years. We will keep to that structure, we have trusted and relied on day hosts too much and so I will form another group to manage it this year. If anyone wants rewards come to us directly now, ASAP. Im trying to do as much as I can atm.
  15. Indeed Miq, happy birthday!
  16. Rhaegars point is why council always did them after and made them all TBC. If people are unhappy Z/Sasha, then just write TBC.
  17. Some questmakers ask for way too much, some ask for way too little. We dont want to flood the market with morphs so cant just say yes to all sadly.
  18. Then why dont we just say everyone's rewards are decided later and even the playing field?
  19. Which is why we are advising things one way or another :) Next year we will just do what council did, everyone gets told their quests will be sponsored, we work out it all once the quests have run.
  20. We are trying to balance the rewards cross people, some people are rewarding massive rewards for their quests and some are rewarding essentially nothing.
  21. Day hosts make requests, we approve them. Anyone have problems with day hosts, contact me and BFH. As for the deadline, give me it on the day, or after if you need be, if im around I will work as hard as I can to get you stuff.
  22. Some stuff just blew up and there going to be busy this weekend rather than coding MD which I had planned. Hope everyone is well Chewett
  23. Yes you are right, it could have been given and considered a reward.
  24. You raise a good question, why do LHO's have chatban and toadspeak if they are not meant to moderate and deal with things? Perhaps we should remove this from them, and make people who actually know the rules have these powers?
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