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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. Bug report: You can change tags with these tools. Is this not something not allowed anymore?
  2. As requested when I disagree with you, I shall send the information privately. Your lack of respect to those that give their time freely to MD is the reason council resigned.
  3. The problem is is that Mur has changed how it was all planned and I dont know how much of that was itentional until he replies to my emails. Personally I think it should be working as it was previously described and everyone can find out. The major issue is that Council and I worked towards this tag plan, so everything is set up properly for it and now Mur changed how he wanted to implement it screwing up loads of things. Personally I still think it should be implemented as it was planned as that will also help a lot of issues be resolved. But until Mur replies, we dont know whats going on and its all a little bit broken. See, this is the issue, standards...
  4. It should be, this is the issue with Mur changing his plans. He will fix the spell, I made a bug report. The second tag should be visible in brackets. No tags should have brackets in them now. The item should be modified to work with this new system. Again Mur should fix this, bug report already on forum.
  5. Previous tags were never stored, therefore will be given when the new system is working properly, there will be a thread made for this.
  6. See bug thread: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/15971-tag-description-bug/
  7. Totally different. Your ring was broken, mine was not. Yeah they talked to me, I will do it at some point.
  8. originally there would be two "levels" of tags. Primary one, or descriptive one. This would be purely cosmetic and give you a title in MD. This would be related to your role. The second one, would be a job related title. This would be something that would influence your skills and other things. These are the ones that would evolve and be obtained more easily than the more RP related primary tags.
  9. Odd... Bug in conversion then
  10. Code Guardian (12 Points) Expires: never | Type: 2 Keeps code alive and constantly fixes what Mur breaks :) rnMaster of the Forums. rnTrust Points 12/12. Strange m's appear for no apparent reason.
  11. Under Murs new plans, I will not be fixing this. He will review, and fix to the correct state. If you need any more information about this Mur, please ask. ---- This is where, we all worked towards having two tags, to have two purposes, and since you implemented something against what we were all working towards, its broken the system. You will need to decide how this will work now. Also those that have them, I dont recommend using them, they are likely to break everything.
  12. Mur again, please review and fix so we can use it.
  13. And I disagree with this, I prefer it how Mur originally planned it so that we specifically had jobs and titles, keeps the addictiveness higher. But meh.
  14. Not that, chrome safe mode.
  15. Chewett logic => If you speak english you are american.
  16. Poked mur to review that sunfire.
  17. 2 reasons I have one: I got one free My company made some of the stuff inside it As for data access being expensive, UK we have decent data rates and prices, Because of your lack of competition in america they kinda screw you over. If I didnt have an iphone, it would be an android, because I value being able to take pictures, and having email to my phone and internet wherever is very important in my line of work.
  18. It looks something related to yours... Tried resetting chrome or in safe mode?
  19. Thats how I have been trying to get Mur to realise how it was originally designed but that is not currently how it works.
  20. You have two of the same tag, one is a type 1 and one is a type 2 Unsure if this is intended though, although they are technically different types so therefore different.
  21. Are you running an adblocker or something? looks like you are blocking some of our content. Works for me on the same browser. CAn you edit other papers?
  22. Cleared cache and such? What happens when you press edit from the papers page at the bottom of the screen?
  23. Iphone has literally no options for anything.
  24. Cannot read font
  25. All lands should have tools to give our their respective summonby tag. Tainted is much more important than you realise. I veto this idea.
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