Btw its TEAM CHEWETT for the win :P I have been thinking about cleaning up the forum for a while because I agree there is a large amount of negativity and some people and instances make me want to quit. Let alone people that come to MD newly and immediately get confronted. Mur and I are good friends, but the problem is, is that he doesnt deal with criticism very well (he is used to running this game purely himself) and therefore sometimes throws his toys out the pram and runs off in a strop. This is the first and hopefully last time I have had to do something as drastic as threaten leaving if he did not listen.
Microsoft Security Essentials. Normally I find most problems where computers have recieved viruses are entirely down to the users to be perfectly honest. I run very little antivirus, do comparatively a lot which could possibly cause them and have never had issues.
Most people have papers ingame to describe their characters (ask someone ingame to help you get them). Currently we are in a transitional period where the dev's are working on a load of code changes to make MD suitable for new players (currently it isnt to be perfectly honest)
If you are active, post here, Need to compile a list of people with their activity, role and other information for Murry to review and trust with some things.
If you think you "activity" is unknown, you might want to post details of it.
Originally I was informed by mur that it definately worked, after some review I was unsure if it did indeed work and had to leave it.
I will try and have a look into it again but Mur is playing with these stuff in A25 and im unsure if its in a current working state.
Some roles have to be given when they are created, others need to be worked on. The BHC leader cannot have "worked" making a BHC before it was implemented, therefore it was given to someone who had done a lot related to BHC (fighting). If this role was to be implemented, I would be interested to see why the candidate feels themselves worthy.
Noobs See: Actually, The second highest repped item is my asking you to reply to my email... which you havent...
Linked thread: Closed other one, using this one.