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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. closed for now, unless it really breaks things for people. I dont like the cloud...
  2. Needs to be resolved.
  3. libbug, reopen if it still occurs.
  4. old, create a new topic if valid.
  5. New interface loads uber fast :) closed
  6. bamp, still occurring?
  7. bamp
  8. awesome, added to redmine.
  9. Im going to close this, open it if it happens again, but I know it did happen to me a number of times.
  10. But testing alock amberrune works? How does it fail? nicely or with errorrs?
  11. added to redmine.
  12. Still occurring?
  13. closed as not occurring.
  14. related to: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/15552-regenerational-ritual-of-youth/ closed this one.
  15. Silvertongue is still broked probably?
  16. also this issue: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/7742-no-fight-report-after-being-attacked/ Redmined.
  17. Also this issue: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/15439-battle-log-shown-a-warning-message/
  18. Its odd...
  19. Still occurring?
  20. Add in a link to click to it, to make it nicer. added redmine.
  21. Added to redmine.
  22. known about, but possibly not on forum, redmined.
  23. awesome! One ticket down!
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