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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. So you wont be using the duplicate nominations to remove categories with large amount of people?
  2. send it to coder@magicduel.com with the full version for me to review please.
  3. If you are told to keep something secret, you should, the translators didnt. I have been trying to have a discussion RE spoilers for a while. Personally I think we need to properly document the combat so people can actually learn things and work with it, instead of keeping it all spoilery. Because Iv worked with you and know you. You are not good at planning.
  4. Im not involved with this until some things are cleared up, Mur you have an email. It needs to be organised, properly, and we need a decent standard and not everyone using different things. Also, I dont trust many people in the game not to share it. People are too friendly and dont have self respect. See: the translation people, nearly every single one of them SOLD the story mode texts. E.g. Did you know you, as a normal player, can taint angiens. No one has yet found that spoiler and since I dont share secrets no one has done it. I point out this, because for a time you used the forum (hidden section) and then Kyphis has been (unsure if he still does) made google docs (which are horrific) and its all disjointed and useless.
  5. Make it paginate and auto scroll through the pages. Simple, Mur do it!
  6. Wont the trading reset it?
  7. no you dont get a say, shush you. VOTE AILITH!
  8. Ailith should be allowed to win categories. Because there is no way she can change the results. VOTE AILITH! DOWN WITH GRIDO! VOTE JOHN SMITH! EDIT: Solution for min/max problem If there is only one person in a category, I nominate JOHN SMITH. ok?
  9. Grido Disagrees.
  10. John Smith for them then. Someone nominate Ailith and Eon plz, thanks.
  11. Adventuring Award - dst Champion Fighter - Eon Helper of the Year - EE Most Popular - Ailith Outstanding Service to MD - dst
  12. I would have said thats part of the organisers duty...
  13. No we dont ban for it, But we do reverse the bid and sometimes take part of the coin for the treasury. Depends on who does it, if they should have known better, etc. Please send me a message.
  14. It was announced... Multiple times.
  15. If Mur isnt going to do anything I will eventually get around to making it look better when im back. Tis my job.
  16. The system as I designed it never forgets anything. However I have on many occasions de-alted people. Iv no clue how Mur will handle it since I emailed him telling him that he needs to deal with this when I am away. Normally council would but...
  17. I have rewritten it above. Compare grido's version with mine.
  18. - There will be a maximum of 10 categories. Do not specify how many cateogories. - There will be a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 players nominated for each category. Previous years you have arbitarily decided who is in and out. This is entirely unfair. I raised concern on this previously and you were flippant. I do not feel this is the correct response. Please give a public answer one way or another. - Past winners will be allowed to be nominated again, however, if there are more than 5 names nominated when it closes, those will be the first removed. Unfair. Remove this. If they are the best they should be in with everybody else. You are trying to give more people a chance to make it "nice". - Mur cannot be nominated (sorry Mur), and Chewett cannot be nominated for Top Techy (or another award along the same lines). Remove my name and that restriction. I havent made MDscript this year so could not be nominated anyway. If I did make some I would like to be able to get it. - Previous Fossil (or a similar award if that does not exist this year) winners, cannot win again. Why? There is absoluely no reason to have this restriction other to be "fair" again. Make it so that the best fossil can get the award. Simple as that. - There will be no restriction on the amount of voters, there will however be a limited timeframe to vote in - this will be 11 days. 11 is arbitary, make it two weeks to be entirely fair. As thats two full work weeks and two full weekends. - If you vote for yourself in anything, all your votes will be discounted. When was this ever a rule? Why? Whats the point?
  19. Fix helper of the year so its biased for LHO's. I doubt this will be approved since the "leader" of the awards is also LHO leader. Helper of the Year For the player deemed to have been the most helpful. The area of helpfulness the player focusses on can vary. The voter should realise that even though they may not get on with, or have been helped by one of the nominees, this does not mean that the player is not indeed helpful. Fix this? Rookie of the year For the player deemed to have made the most progress since they started their account. The player must have created their account since 1st November 2012 and have more than 20 AD at the time of voting. By progress it is meant a step towards a defined role or position (not necessarily official) within the realm, or integration within the community to a large degree.
  20. No, It breaks publicmeeting spells. Edit for Mur: To clarify publicmeeting is currently broken when large numbers of triggers are in the box.
  21. Please search before bumping old threads. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10887-player-profile-link-in-chat/ Check redmine before reporting: http://md.chewett.co.uk/redmine/issues/24 closed your new ticket.
  22. Let me put it this way, Mur is different and doesn't always follow what people should or normally do. If he doesnt like something he will just decide to ignore all emails in their entirety. --- This topic is closed to new ideas, I might split off Kittie's posts
  23. Probbaly not a concurrency issue, I will look into it later redmined in the meantime, moved.
  24. redmined, approved, moved.
  25. Having an avatar means you dont see the armor they are using -> less tactics (although with todays fight system I dont think thats really "true", but it was before)
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