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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. Sounds fun. Although seriously, While only an idea atm, having a "utility" shop full of items that are useful such as removing tokens, etc, will probably be implemented over the coming weeks.
  2. I agree we probably want another shop but I am unsure how to reclassify things as yet.
  3. 5 gold coins and some rarer spellstones (PM me to pick which ones you want and for what places)
  4. No it wont. One reason: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/15988-christmas-dash/
  5. 1 WP if you deem it a fair reward.
  6. Unsure what you mean by "not enough time" because dsts report was a single line of text to me...
  7. And you reported the bug?
  8. Mur gave him the powers, only Mur can remove them.
  9. As a note, DD should be banned from this quest (and any other "racing" type questss) as it is unfair to participants due to his exceptionally large AP max and regen time. It is entirely unbalancing.
  10. For clarification, my below comments are devoid of DD knowledge, so iv no clue what he said. If so, I apologise, he was telling me it was not valid, disqualified, etc. DD is still a very new player and didnt know what might possibly come up. Edit: Furthermore, Its unrealistic to name bugs and cheats which Eara used, which are not allowed.
  11. I would have to agree with that. His understanding of illusions led me to waste an evening "fixing" a bug that didnt exist in them.
  12. Agreed. Furthermore, how would you like it if your enemy suddenly gained your lands tags because of illusions?
  13. Email him
  14. Her submission was not a valid submission.
  15. closed it works although takes a couple hours apparently. Instructions on page are wrong so didnt appear to work.
  16. No, it looks like rophs keeps the coin, the 1sc doesnt go to the person who paid.
  17. Ok then, the offer for similarly high stakes rewards are open to others.
  18. It allows modification of tags, it does not allow giving new seperate tags, This is how the new system is meant to work no? Also, when changing tag via this, the main tag is changed but my tag in the tag view does not. Please actually check before dismissing a bug :P
  19. Dst is correct, the avatars were there for a very important purpose, Removing them destroyed the quest.
  20. 1) MD isnt fair, biasing it to certain lands means you need to balance it more if you want it balanced 2) Not at all, it means that if you wish to get into certain areas they require it. Makes it more interesting by giving people additional ways.
  21. Why is that wrong?
  22. Without flash MD doesnt work. Any errors experianced due to lack of flash will not be fixed.
  23. I remove all nomiations for John Smith.
  24. Soon, Iv been trying to set up the voting for the last couple days but have been busy. Will try and get it going tonight.
  25. The summon tag will likely have to be selected in some way. The item should still work at it does. But no more details can be given until Mur fixes it.
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