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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. The items are not planned to be anything really really specific to a role, buying loads of items to get the one or two items you suggested that fit with your role will be really ineffective with the number of items that are going to be there. The likelihood it will be non unique, and random, so there will be a possibility of getting multiple, and also the possibility that one item will never generate due to random. You will have to trade around to get specific items you want, Our suggestion is not to fixate on any of these items suggested but trade around items as and when you find them ingame. Buy a load if you want, but they are to add flavour and NOT buy role specific items. If you want role specific items, you use a WP and make them. This is the difference between a WP and 1$, a WP gets you an entirely customised item, 1$ could get you (not yet finalized) a random item which may or may not be interesting to you. Trading, once this feature comes out, will definitely increase as people try and collect items they consider interesting.
  2. A coin for the ferryman
  3. Can I have both of those items please? Im at GoE if you want to pass them to me :)
  4. Imagine it says not implemented, Your perception is at fault.
  5. Its not intended, if it is indeed doing this.
  6. I would agree here, iv built a couple of (brick) walls before, and never used heat...
  7. Fixed?
  8. I think iv found the bug, there is a slight issue with some browser detection code and an include I recently added in. Gimme a minute :)
  9. As we said in chat, you need the avatar feature unlocked before you can have an avatar :)
  10. Closed, there is no point to continue.
  11. What im saying is, How do _you_ know if everyone knew about it. From what I can see it was mostly isolated to a minority and not a majority. Iv no clue how many people knew about it. You can say everyone knew about it, and therefore I need a better report channel, but if only a few did, then its a moot point surely?
  12. Do you know a huge majority knew of it? I see you, dst, saying they did, a load of people saying they didnt.
  13. Actually no. The first stage If its abusive, you should contact me directly.
  14. We havent had any issues recently with viruses so I think its unlikely it came from us :)
  15. Due to bugs in our forum software, you may be unable to upload a forum avatar. If this is the case and you wish to, please contact me and I will look into fixing it. Its broken, based on the groups you are a member of, so some people it will work for, other people it wont.
  16. Correct, then we need to change it. How do you suggest we change the bug reporting guidelines. No one actually follows them, even LHO's that rush to bug me, so im not entirely sure how effective it actually is.
  17. Thats unrelated to the bug reported above. If you this is still occurring please make another post. Fixed, Was a result of me changing something around 2AM and not checking it, one line fixes are best fixes!
  18. You misrepresent this entirely, And I feel this is quite unfair Change. Firstly, you pick the number 50%, If that number of people knew about a bug, and were abusing it, it would have been fixed months ago. You will then point out that clearly a large number of MD'ers knew about this, Quite possibly indeed. However I have not heard about this bug for a number of years now. Perhaps its hidden away, told via pm, etc, but then how could I know that it was traded around? I had not even thought about this bug for quite a long time now. You question why its a waste of time fixing things like this? Because it is. For people to enjoy MD, you dont need to bugless, working perfectly. There has been a tremendous number of issues with MD codewise, and people have still enjoyed it. If one person reports a bug, and I hear nothing else about it for months, leads me to believe that its minor and few others know of it. Therefore it doesnt get fixed. "Well why didnt you fix it immediately?" Well, becuase I wasnt actually a coder for MD when I first heard of it. And why didnt I fix it when I could? Because I had not heard of it for so long, it was not in my mind to do so. There are a number of bugs and abuses, that honestly will take months to fix properly. Why dont I fix them? because for many of them, only I know them. Its much easier to spot abuses from looking at the code, than someone randomly stumbling onto it. Im not going to spend my time fixing a bug, that no one can find, or even worse, that its theoretically possible to trigger, but practically impossible. Why dont you make a list? Well, as Iv said above, its very hard to track what bugs are being abused and what are not without setting up honeypots and people are so greedy in MD. I personally doubt im going to get anyone asking "is this a bug" because they are greedy and dont want to possibly lose an exploit they have been using. Im not in favour of giving people a list of things to abuse, some of which can be game breaking, when possibly no one knows of them. ---- What do you propose to do? Just tell everyone every bug? Well MD will be broken within minutes. I fix things as and when they come into the public and need fixing. Currently there is one abuse relating to images that it appears people are still using, and im planning to set up some auto banning code for. So if you see a lot of people suddenly getting banned and requesting unbanning, you will know they are abusers. What can people do? Well if you are using something you are unsure if it is an abuse or not, and you get caught, you are likely to face some exciting punishment. This is why bug testers need to report bugs, because then if they get caught we wont be banning them forever. So, if you are worried, report the "abuse" and you can be properly informed as to what you are/aren't allowed to do with it.
  19. If people want to come ask me about bugs/features that are undocumented so possibly are abusive, feel free to. But I dont really have time to fix them so asking would merely confirm if you shouldnt post it publicly or not.
  20. Indeed, The checking, and revealing of some clickables will be an active effort.
  21. Because thats how it was coded and how it has been decided it will be. Or, if you want something more "mythical" think of it like this clickables have a "lifetime" and require some "effort" to sustain them. Those clickables that have passwords exist until their password is forgotten. They are not easily visible but those who have the combined effort to remember and pass on the password, they continue to exist. This effort is a community effort to remember the password. Normal visible clickables have a lifetime until they are automaically hidden, these require an effort by the owner to keep the clickable "alive".
  22. Yes, These items are not going to be usable.
  23. It was not intended to function as it did, it has been changed so now you cannot view scripts that have expired.
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