Surely it was a 'working' game already? we had combat, roleplay, quest making abilities? We are in perpetual beta unless people have forgotten that, it was named to changes as we fully intend to keep adding, changing, modifying. MD changes, in a years time it wont be the same as now. Its changed a lot. I see each stage as a major iteration of change. And I dont see A25 being fully developed when Mur is the only one working on it (under his own choice) and tells people that he doesnt fix bugs for a while atm. Im not planning ahead to stage 15-20, im saying that I feel that there are going to be a large number of big changes before MD is at a point where we will comfortably start pumping money into advertising. But what Mur does with his money is entirely his thing, so if he decides to start tomorrow, then its his choice :)