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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. The main website is not supported if you do not run flash simply put. Im not looking to "fix" that at the moment. If you read what Burns says, he is talking about the mobile version of MD. Which there are two URL's last time I checked, and I wanted to know which one he was using.
  2. I trust you dont have an image? What mobile URL?
  3. Well im on a break from MD because people and Mur doesnt fix bugs so please be patient.
  4. Item Transfer Log</font></b><br /> Chewett 05/12/11 00:05 <br> Asthir 19/01/15 00:06 code<br> Mirus 24/01/15 11:31 code<br> Asthir 24/01/15 11:33 code<br> Miq 24/01/15 11:43 code<br> Mirus 24/01/15 11:44 code<br> Asthir 24/01/15 11:45 code<br>
  5. That error message shows you are casting the spell on yourself and is failing as you already have the key.
  6. Oh I know why it happens, Its just about finding the instances that its introduced and fixing it. Typically a sign of bad data sanitisation, iv fixed a load of places this happens in MD already.
  7. Old PL's are broken like that, they can only be fixed by their authors or someone manually doing it all.
  8. I like what Z is posting, its quite good, needs some tweaks but quite good :) Will review later
  9. Where does it happen? In chat? What items does it happen in? Do you mean item names?
  10. Probably all medals: Ideally they should be shortish descriptions, something like script - Given to those who have achieved proficiency with MDScript demonstrated with an exceptional use of their ability. a25.gif artworks.gif award2008.gif award2009.gif award2010.gif award2011.gif award2012.gif award2013.gif award2014.gif award2015.gif bosshc.gif forum.gif fossil.gif goldartworks.gif goldaward2008.gif goldaward2009.gif goldaward2010.gif goldaward2011.gif goldaward2012.gif goldaward2013.gif goldaward2014.gif goldaward2015.gif goldbosshc.gif goldforum.gif goldfossil.gif goldheads.gif goldlho.gif goldmech.gif goldpuzzle.gif goldveteran.gif heads.gif king.gif kingslayer.gif lang_de.gif lang_en.gif lang_es.gif lang_fr.gif lang_it.gif lang_nl.gif lang_pl.gif lang_po.gif lang_pt.gif lang_ro.gif lang_sv.gif lho.gif lucky.gif mechstar.gif music.gif public.gif puzzle.gif script.gif server.gif spacer.gif spender.gif subscriber_bronze.gif subscriber.gif subscriber_gold.gif subscriber_silver.gif veteran.gif writer.gif
  11. ITC's can be used to prove ownership.
  12. Please use the codenames for each medal, as shown on the medal page. my medal list for help: king king writer writer goldfossil goldfossil goldveteran goldveteran goldforum goldforum script script goldlho goldlho mechstar mechstar goldaward2009 goldaward2009 award2011 award2011 goldmech goldmech goldheads goldheads goldaward2013 goldaward2013 goldaward2014 goldaward2014
  13. Ann. 3311 - [2015-01-20 02:46:31 - Stage 12] - Permalink - Posted By Chewett The medals that you have attained are visible on the medals part of the profile page (leftbar profile link). We need the descriptions written for every medal, please collaborate on the forum and write these. Many thanks.
  14. This should be resolved, if its not make a new bug report. Ann. 3305 - [2015-01-16 21:06:15 - Stage 12] - Permalink - Posted By Muratus del Mur Idle window bug when traveling fast was fixed, if you still see the idle mode window (red), try cleaning cache (or press ctrl+F5) first, and if it still happens , post on the forum.
  15. Ann. 3310 - [2015-01-20 01:51:07 - Stage 12] - Permalink - Posted By Chewett A display bug with the Alliance detail pages in the capital buildings has been fixed so they don't display large amounts of errors.
  16. Still? I just tested and seems fixed.
  17. Ann. 3309 - [2015-01-19 00:32:16 - Stage 12] - Permalink - Posted By Chewett A quick fix has been added to fix the SQL error when using an invalid ATC. This uses the same format the error handling uses in the page which is not very user friendly, so this will be improved in the future.
  18. Ann. 3308 - [2015-01-19 00:22:18 - Stage 12] - Permalink - Posted By Chewett Fenths have fixed so that they properly reset to 0/0 and do not grow each day.
  19. I got it the first time, you dont need to post three times guys...
  20. ---- Fixed up, Will investigate into why a broken file was uploaded and not checked.
  21. Mur broked it lol
  22. What version of IE?
  23. Chrome and opera use the same rendering engine now, which is why both have the bug :) Assuming you are using opera with a major version higher than 12? aka version 13+
  24. Then, if others get items you would like then you will have to find a social solution. This is not to give people lots of personal role related items, this is to increase the number of items in MD by adding minor "flavouring" items. If you dont like that idea, you dont have to buy them :)
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