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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. So, the poll indicates that 11 people are saying that this is the most important feature and thing that needs to be worked on, in the entirety of MD? For those that said yes, would you say this is true? That there is nothing else at all that could make your MD experiance better than changing how fast you can create rituals?
  2. Please follow the bug reporting guidelines and search first. The error you are reporting is identical to: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/15552-regenerational-ritual-of-youth/
  3. adventure log takes ages when frosty logged In Red mine later
  4. *coughs* Hi Mur :P
  5. Chewett

    Ann 3177

    Actually im currently compiling a list of bugs and classifying anything that is user visible bugwise as high priority, Its already got 40 items on it and I am currently using this as something which can help me direct use. Still waiting on dst to test it out a bit more (which she has probably forgotten) until I officially release it.
  6. Chewett

    Ann 3177

    Thats cool, So as I said, focus on things you think need to be improved before Stage 13, specifically, rather than general "fix things" Let me explain something, I think you misunderstood no one (the player) has provided me the information I needed to add in healing, Now I can do it. I think you thought I was waiting for someone to provide me the data? Previously it was on the back burner as Murry wasnt replying to emails about it)
  7. When the 80 20 rule (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pareto_principle) means: Mur does 80% of the work in 20% of the time Chew spends then next 80% of the time fixing/implementing the last 20% of code
  8. Chewett

    Ann 3177

    1) could be done, I have some plans Murry and I concocted with that. 2) could be done, I have some plans Murry and I concocted with that. 3) Yeah no one sent me the stuff I need, that should be able to be done soon 4) No one wants that position 5) Thats not going to happen yet. I ask people because I want a current view, if you take exception to that dont post. :) You seem to have a problem with the concept of me asking other people for their opinions. You dont have to give yours... Mur doesnt do this, perhaps people find it strange that I value other peoples opinions and want to work on what would be most interesting for the most amount of people. The only thing is lacks is the healing, which as I said above, no one provided me with the nesscary data I needed to fix that up. It needs some sylistic tweaks but once that is done it should be ready. Moving it over to the ritual creation page might take longer as there is drag and drop funkyiness there.
  9. Chewett

    Ann 3177

    The answer of "No because reasons" doesnt really help because it doesnt let us know what specifically people think we should work on. Im looking for things people think should be worked on. If you dont want to have any input into the dev process of MD, I can ofc just do whatever I want coding wise. But I personally like to talk people what they are interested in being fixed. So Im asking here. So for you, im asking specific things that you think needs to be worked on. So you feel that the HTML stuff could be added to a couple more pages and be made much cooler?
  10. Rewriting things is never the way to go unless they are small, you typically arrive at the same place after a lot of work, with problems in different places. Although there are some parts which I want to rewrite (Key being want, rather than being allowed to :( )
  11. Dear Mur, You promised a discussion about favours, we have still not had a discussion. If it is so impossible to talk to you as a coder, what the hell did DD do to you to talk to you being just a player? Oh yeah, and im not going to be doing those kind of things to you Sincerely Chew
  12. Years more likely. As a note, and a question to you Mur, You told me to stop work on A25 because you realised(As I had told you before) what a mess the code was when even you couldnt understand it. Has this changed?
  13. Chewett

    Rickroll Quest

    Then rophs owes me another point.
  14. Chewett

    Ann 3177

    If you look at: Stage 12 - 548 Days Stage 11 - 634 Days Stage 10 - 484 Days Then actually we have been more productive in Stage 12. So your vote is for A25 to finish before Stage 13? We could be here a while lol. Links to announcements please rather than vague "I think this was done during stage 12" You would say title docs would need to be done before stage 12 ends? As in them being sent or? Such as? Again, Such as? ---- Im looking at specific things we can work on, rather than general "Things should be pretty".
  15. Also see: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-30026398
  16. QMR are dead, I havent spoken to any of them recently about it, no one wanted to have their quests rated so its pointless.
  17. Yup
  18. Exciting, Thank you for testing this. I shall add this to redmine and look into it.
  19. added to redmine.
  20. redmined and confirmed.
  21. Removed the HTML, dont use the toolbar!
  22. Specifically relating to BPG remined.
  23. Added as a known teleport bug. redmined.
  24. Cool ok thanks. redmined.
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