Free Magistra. Why? She has not apologised, she claims she cannot since i have ignored her ingame pms even though there are many ways to contact me. I will not remove her from my ignore list. She has hurt me, i wished she never accused me of doing something i did not do, but i was the one to encourage her to report what was troubling her, so it is partially my fault. The logs show nothing happened to her account, no one has been on it, nor does the server show anything in the logs about it happening. So why free her if she has not apologised? Jailing her does not make it better, it cannot remove what has happened, it does not help the pain. All it does is try and stop this happening again. Having seen the community react to her, this is punishment enough. MD is a great game, but sometimes you guys on the forum are the most offensive and horrible people i have met, but also some of the people that i value knowing the most, and am happy to call friends. I am not singling out anyone, or blaming anyone, i know im rude and offensive sometimes, and have lost friends in being so. If the forums did not contain our history, i would delete it and ban everyone, But it is part of our history, our legacy. Free Magistra. Give her a chance, see what she does, Then judge her as you see fit. She has the opportunity to apologise sincerely, the opportunity to make amends, to do something amazing here. Or she can do nothing. But know this if this chance is granted, The community will be watching you Magistra. Free her, give her a second chance, and see what she does with it. Because sometimes, you guys stone someone for making a mistake, someone who could be great. Mur gave me a chance to do many things for MD, from being a mod to now coding for the game. We as a community should give Magistra a chance. Free Magistra!