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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. Added playername to returned data
  2. This has been implemented
  3. I implemented this a while back
  4. This has been resolved since we no longer provide a link
  5. The forum where threads are moved when the idea is either implemented or dismissed for the time being. If an idea has been dismissed then you are free to bring it up, change it and such, but it still may be dismissed again.
  6. They are going to stay unavailable at MP3 for now
  7. They are going to stay unavailable at MP3 for now
  8. I think its great that you want to apply and will support your application!
  9. One reason why we are not yet relasing MP1 Clarification: I now only have 1 principle :(
  10. Function mds_current_weather() This is used to get details on the current weather in MD Returns: boolean e.g. false //There is no weather currently in MD of note String e.g. "heavyrain" //Current weather in MD as a string Example: @va = mds_current_weather(); if(@va == false) { echo "there is no weather, boring"; }else{ echo "The weather currently is: " . @va; }
  11. Iv just redone this, it might work now?
  12. Chewett


    Protip: cite your sources: http://imgur.com/b1Ykx61
  13. I think the forum skin is screwed up, I will recode it when I get home.
  14. I need a series of tasks done to sort out the forum. The first one is that I need a post that details all custom md script functions and a link to the post that details it more, of it exists E.g. Mds_store_heat - steals your heat - link/no link If you are starting this task post here so two people don't do it. Pm me if you want to help with others
  15. On opera it brings up a sharing popup. Have you tried pressing the sharing icon instead of the #5
  16. To get it i click the #5 and/or the sharing link next to the #5 and a popup comes up with the url.
  17. Fixed :) Rules are constricting, To properly and fairly deal out punishment and reward you need a human element to decide. This is MD. If you want rules and laws, im sure the (IRL) justice system is interesting :)
  18. No, There is no point attempting to specifically define all cases similar to defining all offensive words. Pretend it doesnt exist, It has never been applied nor is it ever likely to be applied. If you are going to do something so bad to the forum that you deserve an ingame punishment then the likelyhood is you are going to be totally banned from MD.
  19. This is on discretion of Mur/Council for serious offences that the moderating team feel deserve some form of global punishment. This would include but not limited to serious offences that warrant a total banning from MD. Its unlike to occur, but shall exist in the rules for cases where it is necessary.
  20. 799997 Aramor 0 160 330/330 Ready for Upgrade 800000 Aramor 0 160 330/330 Ready for Upgrade 800008 Aramor 0 160 330/330 Ready for Upgrade
  21. It might be that because the threads have hidden posts and its giving you bad stats, In all cases i cant do anything since this forum software is exceptionally poor.
  22. Im not getting links like that: see example link: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/14231-destruction-of-alts/?p=137640 What are you doing to get the link? I have found that if you create a post, then ask for the link without reloading, it will give the wrong one.
  23. Actually there are a load of people that could do what you say, three seems incredibly conservative. But, of what you said, I interacted perfectly amiably with your alt, had some suspicion that it was you, actually getting two pms from people telling me it was your alt since they saw me talking with you. Did it matter to me? No. From what I saw you annoyed a Great deal of people and wanted a fresh start, this seemed fair so I didn't care who you were. Your dislike for me appears to being represented in blaming me for all your problems which is sad and I pity you for this. I have wronged people, my friends, I am sorry for this, but you were not one of them.
  24. "soon"
  25. The codes will disappear, Not if you have redeemed them to award them. If you have a WP code from the 06 birthday, use it. If you have used it or have one from another festival its fine..
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