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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. no, it does exatly the same for the maze. Some poor guy got taken out of HC for a bit because we thought he was cheating because he moved so fast though it, since we assumed the logs worked.
  2. Chewett

    MP3 group(s)

    [quote name='Quashen' timestamp='1316022218' post='91980'] since nobody and mp3s usually don't have the strenght and dedication for such an important (trust me, it could be.) grouping I suggest we close this conversation and .. MoM, Guillak and I (for the moment), will go further and look for the most dedicated mp3s ever, around MD, for a private Group and probably in the future, a new Alliance. Nice knowing you ..some of you.. I think most of you already quit, but if you really can proove yourselfs to be truly dedicated to MD (that doesn't mean obsesivelly spending hours and hours on it).. you're wellcome. [/quote] Seems very defeatist, and quite rude to some of your fellow mp3's. Its not entirely surprisingly that they dont want to train if your tone is as such. I could name numerous MP3's that attained many great things as could nearly anyone else you talk to.
  3. Chewett


    they limit you on invites? iv given mine away to tons of people and havent seen that? they just started doing it?
  4. you should contact me via forum PM and as an additional note, please read the entirety of the thread before sending me questions that i have already answered here.
  5. So, A week after posting it, I see around half of the private forums havent bothered to contact me. So they will be hidden on friday the 16th There can be no complaints after me hiding these forums if you do not bother to contact me. I need infomation from ALL people who are running private forums. This means any alliance forums, or similar that are hidden from all but selected members. If you are unsure if your group leader has contacted me, ask them. It will save some time if i close the forum and you have to try and get it unhidden.
  6. problem solved, closed.
  7. as i said, What addons do you have?
  8. are you using flashblock, Noscript or any type of blocking program installed on firefox? The code is saying that it cant find the heat device, which is probably because you have "blocked" it from loading. Hence why you cant see it.
  9. Good idea Shara
  10. [b]Pothos[/b] decided it was a good idea to give one member -49 reputation yesterday, and he was only stopped from continuing this by the fact that he had also given another member -1 which means he most likely hit the maximum amount of negative reputation in a day. For this he has been given a minimum 1 week banning from the reputation system, and if he continues this once the ban is lifted the time period will be substantially more. Using the reputation system to show your dislike is fine, Going through someone posts and specifically marking + or - on them is not fine and will be punished.
  11. You see what you see from your point of view. Unless your mentality changes from "everything is stupid, pointless and evil" then your point of view wont change. Its very hard for people who start complaining about X and Y to see the good of MD, becuase they are fixated on the bad. Im not saying you are complaining, or making any such comments, But it is very easy to focus on the bad, and ignore the good. I look at MD recently, In the last couple months iv seen the kings be killed and be revived in a large event, and the whole necrovion event, not to mention the whole MDA festival. if you dont pay attention, you can just say "oh just an alliance was lost" but if you actually spend some time in MD you will see a hell of a lot of stuff happening. I just ignore people i dont like, i dont have to deal with them (apart from in my offical roles, and then i just be offical) and i get along perfectly fine.
  12. Really you should start your own paper, so as you can get it running and not need all this pointless "acceptance" from everyone else. Make it good yourself, dont try and revive something you didnt have a hand in before.
  13. [quote name='Kyphis the Bard' timestamp='1315228873' post='91479'] Aye, remember what happened when he introduced the idea of creatures keeping experience on transfer, and then [b]how that ended up working in the end.[/b] [/quote] You mean, that ended well in your opinion?
  14. Not sure, Someone asked me to add him to a forum so i thought they believed he did play, Anyways this should be left until someone does contact him. or whatever.
  15. Yeah, see really it shouldnt be holding that much data, especially not fixed strings as thats what the content sections were for.
  16. Wha??? so this isnt holding user data? Please dont tell me this is holding quest text, that isnt going to change each time.
  17. his email he used for it has the word "spam" in it, from the entireity of it, which i wont be posting, it prettymuch spells out that its a spam account email, But i have done that to see if he does check it.
  18. To point out, if someone had the CTC, they could take the morph as soon as Mur melted the snowmen again Aka DONT DO IT!
  19. [quote name='xrieg' timestamp='1315080451' post='91341'] As the new feature seems to be still in idea phase maybe there is still some time to reconsider... Balance is a fine concept - but as it is I believe MD is very much inbalanced towards geriatry already. There were quite a few major developments that were basically closing the door wide open so far: drachs, angiens, top crits levels.... Also, crits aging independent from character aging. They all create situation, where activity is secondary to the characted registration time. I understand one reason is to help MD build its own identity and myths, based on players that are active the longest. You are right - resources changed the balance a bit, they may change economy more - we shall see. Still, no amount of resources gathered and currently available cauldron goods will buy a single drach old players have abundance of... I am enthusiast of making crits more unique (like: registering their number of wins, transfer history - see new ideas section).... but I do not like the idea of rewarding just the fact that somebody recruiited them very long time ago.... It's further inbalancing the game towards age vs activity. Unless the hinted development is a part of a major change rewarding activity too. [/quote] you relise nearly ALL the drachs that were recruited, were killed off becuase mur didnt want them to be that easily available. As an old player, Not one who has a lot of coin, I disagree totally, Because some of the newer guys have much better, older and rarer creatures than me. As an example, My first drach was won in a quest, This was after MANY people younger than me had drachs, darks, windy's. Because i am not a trader, i dont move around my creatures for maximum profit and dont have the cash to buy stuff. Eon isnt old, but he has all these cool creatures. Nearly every festival and christmas TONS of creatures are given out, many to people who then dont survive the next year in MD. I dont see your point at all. As for your point "register date is more important than activity" i only see creature age as that being effective, Since you clearly dont know about what we had avalile back then, And if mur said he might make it more important? so what? I read this as an idea, a thought of his. You relise that 4 years ago Mur said that he "though" Chapter three would be released? Perspective and actually finding out some infomation before making sweeping foolish judgements are needed Xrieg, You are a nice guy, But damn you complain.
  20. Malaikat Maut forum password had to be reset due to an unexpected error. This means that obviously it isnt what it was so pm'ing him wont work. If you want the new password you should either contact me or reset it using the email option. Hopefully someone can pass on this message if/when they see him, since obviously i cant pm him on the forum. Sorry for the inconvienence caused. I shall update the post when the message has reached him. Thanks
  21. So, the time comes around again to check out what forums im looking at, who is running them and such. If you are the "owner" of any private forum. Meaning that you currently run or asked for a private forum to be created. You need to contact me with this infomation: Name of Forum: Description: Name of Group that use the forum: Short reason describing use of Forum: Selected Second in Command: The selected second in command will have full power over the forum as the leader does if the leader disappears for a period of 1 month with no communication. A week after posting this, Next Saturday, i will be looking to hide all inactive forums. After a month they will be removed from the forum. If you are currently a member of such a forum, And that you are unsure if the leader will see this, and wish to make sure the forum isnt hidden and removed, you should contact me stating your problem.
  22. no... its the same as buying mutation, or anything else. its perfectly fine.
  23. Dont worry about the game (logging in ) im sure we will be fine! Ima gonna hatch some plans! Have a nice rest Mur!
  24. [quote name='Liberty4life' timestamp='1314984971' post='91248'] idk, i am not really interested in creats nor items, so pure gold however.... there is a special discount for c/p spell docs that i dont have edit: shame on you mur, has more AD [/quote] actually i was tied with him at one point, and if i logged in before him, all the time until he logged in i "technically" was first, but he cheated and piosioned me so i lost some days.
  25. Whacha want lib for the angien? I trust i fulfil one of the two criteria for it?
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