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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. added a little bit about forum mods
  2. Anyone who has previously applied to be a forum mod and still wishs to become one please contact me via forum pm or post here. Anyone who wishs to become a forum mod who hasnt contacted me previous can also do so. A little bit about mods. Forum mods are around to help other users with the forum mainly. They will move, close and delete topics that others uses might want deleted They also help keep the forum clear of spam, and deal with problem users. It doesnt confere any special powers ingame, and is a completely voluntary role You are not obliged to do anything respectively, but complete inactivity will lead to your demotion
  3. Thanks BFH, will remove him from the list.
  4. I will be porting a list of people every day for the next couple of days, If you cannot find your way out or are too lazy to leave the tribunal post here and i will teleport you when enough people have posted First Port will likely be in 24hrs List: ~~ none ~~
  5. on the homepage? lol, then again i havent visited the homepage in months...
  6. Many of you will not know, nor ever seen these wallpapers, Iv just stumbled upon the announcement while summarizing them. Wallpaper 1 [img]http://magicduel.com/art/wallpaper/1.jpg[/img] [url="http://magicduel.com/art/wallpaper/1-1024x768.jpg"]1024x768[/url] [url="http://magicduel.com/art/wallpaper/1.jpg"]1200x1024[/url] [url="http://magicduel.com/art/wallpaper/1-1600x1200.jpg"]1600x1200[/url] [url="http://magicduel.com/art/wallpaper/1-1920x1200.jpg"]1920x1200[/url] Wallpaper 2 [img]http://magicduel.com/art/wallpaper/2.jpg[/img] [url="http://magicduel.com/art/wallpaper/2.jpg"]1280x1024[/url]
  7. I got mine prettymuch as soon as it was announced since my ID is 1619, Patience is the Key.
  8. 2 silver for each Imp, Pimp, Joker 4 silver for the BP
  9. The archives done have the organge dots yet, Since its a new land it will take a while to get them, So i guess its just a waiting game for them to be added.
  10. The AV list is hardly definitive. Espically since you only need a year and some realm presence to get one Awiiya. Dragonrider has every chance to get one depending on what Mur believes.
  11. redneck, xcercses, Junior,
  12. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJlo0hWnZWc[/media] Nice little piano tune? Why not spice it up a little.
  13. I think more of an encouragement would be if avatars which were lower quality were not given credits and moved to the vault, and could only be traded amoung people, That would mean if you cant shift your avatars yourself you would end up trying harder to make ones that are decent.
  14. 2 silver for each of them
  15. Happy Birthday, May it be merry.
  16. Here is the Current (or nearly current) list of people who are participating in the MB Birthday. Please can you post in this topic you ID of the account you are using for the festival (which should be your main) and which team you are on. This is for something Mur wants. Example Chewett - 1619 - MD I will be deleteing replies once iv read and updated the initial post MD: [color="#2e8b57"]1619 - Chewett[/color] [color="#2e8b57"]17096 - dst[/color] [color="#2e8b57"]7022 - Yrthilian[/color] [color="#2E8B57"] 17192 - Prince Marvolo[/color] [color="#2e8b57"]50659 - Shadowseeker[/color] [color="#2e8b57"]39390 - Ivorak[/color] [color="#2e8b57"]63991 - lightsage[/color] - Tarquinus [color="#2E8B57"]29677 - Pipstickz[/color] [color="#2e8b57"]53832 - Burns[/color] [color="#2e8b57"]81422 - dragonrider7[/color] - cutler121 - Kafuuka - Jester [color="#2e8b57"]62639 - Rhaegar Targaryen[/color] [color="#2E8B57"]137291 - phantasm[/color] [color="#2e8b57"]104972 - Kyphis the Bard[/color] [color="#2e8b57"]139999 - Esmerelda[/color] [color="#2e8b57"]143975 - Shemhazaj[/color] - Tipu - Mighty Pirate [color="#2E8B57"]181546 - Mith[/color] [color="#2e8b57"]148016 - Sasha Lilias[/color] [color="#2e8b57"]181413 - bfh lighthing[/color] [color="#2e8b57"]187066 - Fyrd Argentus[/color] [color="#2e8b57"]195746 - Esmaralda[/color] [color="#2e8b57"]67640 - Eon[/color] - Yala Sviseusen - Luke27 [color="#2E8B57"]202015 - Azull[/color] - AmberRune - Brulant [color="#2e8b57"]111191 - The Warrior[/color] [color="#2e8b57"]208902 - xrieg[/color] - mocove - Geigon - Redmyth - Shiona [color="#2E8B57"]211676 - Passant the Weak[/color] - Blade Kuroda - display name [color="#2e8b57"]123236 - lone wolf pup[/color] [color="#2e8b57"]173793 - ERO[/color] - Amoran K Kol [color="#2E8B57"]92018 - ZenTao[/color] [color="#2E8B57"]202358 - AmberRune[/color] [color="#2E8B57"]173265 - Sephirah Caelum[/color] - ZenTao - Asterdai [color="#2E8B57"]211676 - Passant the weak[/color] TB: [color="#2e8b57"]11799 - Metal Bunny[/color] - yokin [color="#2e8b57"]14308 - Rex[/color] [color="#2e8b57"]7251 - Grido[/color] - Firsanthalas - baiano - Udgard - tankfans - I am Bored [color="#2e8b57"]48895 - CrazyMike[/color] - Sharazhad [color="#2e8b57"]105889 - Clock Master[/color] [color="#2e8b57"]136253 - Handy Pockets[/color] [color="#2e8b57"]129416 - Mya Celestia[/color] - adiomino [color="#2e8b57"]135726 - MRAlyon[/color] - darrydabby [color="#2e8b57"]169860 - Aelis[/color] - Miq [color="#2e8b57"]91545 - samon[/color] - lepus [color="#2e8b57"]194753 - Ravenstrider[/color] - Vicarious - Agis Asticles - VonUngernSternberg - Kay Ingild [color="#2e8b57"]202147 - Fire Starter[/color] [color="#2e8b57"]204343 - Evil East[/color] - Phear the Wolf - Belexar - Hedge Munos [color="#2e8b57"]208870 - Maebius[/color] [color="#2e8b57"]208462 - duxie[/color] [color="#2e8b57"]209391 - TTLexceeded[/color] - Groundnuts - Arcane Wanderer - ChildOfTheSoul - daes - n_junj_u - Knozz [color="#2e8b57"]217583 - Mordred Nitratos[/color] (ALT OF METAL BUNNY, specifically made to help out with the festival) [color="#2E8B57"]216206 - deadwalkerVIII[/color] [color="#2E8B57"]92070 - MRHoly One[/color] [color="#2E8B57"]169242 - Yoshi[/color] [color="#2E8B57"]211728 - Tissy[/color]
  17. Here you should post any quests that are related to MD Birthday, Or any results of the quests.
  18. install nix, Problem solved.
  19. *cough* MD Euro-millions lottery Syndicate!
  20. working in opera, I didnt even have to enter the co-ords, someone had done it already when i got there
  21. I spent some time today playing around with Firesheep which was quite intresting. Basicly it hacks into your facebook account by looking at the data passed between your computer and facebook. It only works if you are on the same network and not using HTTPS but when i tested it at a local coffeshop i found a couple accounts of the people using the internet there. to see if you are protected look at the URL, If it says [size="3"]http[u][b]s[/b][/u]://www.facebook.com/....[/size] Then its already secured (https means its secured, it might also have a padlock), But if its only [size="3"]http://[b][/b]www.facebook.com/....[/size] Then you are at risk to this type of attack. [b]I stress that it is only a problem if there are multiple people on your wireless network, But it can be fixed easily so you might as well enable it to increase account security.[/b] To fix it, Go to: Account -> Account Settings -> Account Security And check Secure browsing (https) Browse Facebook on a secure connection (https) whenever possible This will increase your security whenever you use facebook, But it wont help if you accidentally leave facebook open [b]TL;DR Goto: Account -> Account Settings -> Account Security And check Secure browsing (https) Browse Facebook on a secure connection (https) whenever possible[/b] Since i know quite a lot of you use facebook, You might be interested, since it only takes a moment to increase your security.
  22. Bravo, Very nice.
  23. priority1 - 08/03/2008 - 1:06:11 AM Artists are welcome to try their skills in building MD avatars, the deal is like this: <br> i pick only the avatars i like, t[b]hose avatars cant be used anywhere else once they become MD avatars, (no forum avatars, no web gallery, nothing and i mean it[/b]) , and you receive 3 credits for each avatar that you make and its added to the MD avatar gallery. Avatars must not be cartoon like, or comics, or anime, or that type, keep the magicduel look&feel please. If i like your work more tasks are available and for greater number of avatars (assuming i like them) i can pay you cash. Oh ..and one more thing..they dont have to look like the current ones,...just do your best and email the results to manu@magicduel.com , put subject "MD Avatars". Thank you, good luck.| This is an old announcement i just came across while summarizing them. And although it doesnt specify they "own" them, It does seem like it due to the bolded part
  24. Hmm, Very interesting, Heck i will apply Active days: Enough Reason why i want to apply: Personally i feel i fulfill your criteria, Iv seen MD grown up, having been here since before it was playable so will undoubtedly lack much knowledge to complete the quest but i can try it eh? I also would say i am very organized due to my job IRL and on the forum. I would love to attempt this mystery quest, and hope you pick me as one of the participants.
  25. i would still call it a "bug" but is intresting that they are two different objects, Probably takes data from the running page, which are different.
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