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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. When items are added to the shop somtimes they are not marked as "one time" and thus will appear when it resets, In regards to if its been fixed, Only Mur or Ren can comment on it, as such there hasnt really been a reply. Or if someone notices that it hasnt appeared when they reset their shop, that would answer that it has been fixed.
  2. [quote name='Grido' timestamp='1309356854' post='86868'] "Besides the large role she played in legends such as Khalazdad, [b][u][color="#ff0000"]Grido[/color][/u][/b], Granos, Zeiphener, Kragel, etc "huh? [/quote] I believe what grido is pointing out, is what "large role" did she play with him? [color=purple](No need for a new post) Correct - Grido[/color]
  3. [quote name='apophys' timestamp='1309200862' post='86833'] I would like to point this out: my AdBlock Plus addon for Firefox blocked all of these banners except the two wider ones. AdBlock Plus is a very commonly used addon.Just checking if I disabled it correctly: are there 7 banners in the post, or is it still blocking something? :PWell-made banners, btw. [/quote] Yeah that was probably because it detected the size of the bannars and that fact the images are stored under a "banners" directory its a clever program that is killing people trying to make money. Apart from that, yeah there are 7
  4. Youth comparitively is surely pointless, Since compared to one they are a noob, and another are a damn old vet. Its whacha do that counts, Not how many times you have bothered to visit a page. To illustrate the point further, one of the oldest players in the game, third on the Active Vet List, Vilinec, Not many people can claim to have known, or even seen him. To me, A Legend is someone who has done something for the game, something that has effected or made it better in some way.
  5. I dont doubt you are old, I already checked your age, and your ID number surely proves that you did come from said era, But as back then, Spoilers were spoilers, While one does not have to specifically join an alliance to enter either of the lands, It does help if you yourself do not know how to, or cannot enter said land, Since you would be able to recieve help in regards to Jump To leader. You wont find specific answers on the forum to this question, There is much new land to explore since you left, The Tribunal has also openened, which you would not have seen, Investigate, there is much new things.
  6. To tell you outright would be a spoiler, You will need to go around and find your own ways to enter such places. I would advise further research into lands you can currently access, For they will lead you to better find ways to get into the land you can visit, Have you looked in the archives and loreroot?
  7. It is essentially bragging, Which i detest, The facebook share button is on the forum, yet it is mostly/entirely unused
  8. Yeah, Nad saw a spelling mistake in the first one lol Otherwise they look intresting, Intruiging, and i think they will appeal to more people than you will think, they look unique
  9. again, the background doesnt really fit in with MD style, which i guess whoever approves them wants. Iv never uploaded avatars, Nor do i really know what im doing, But with the background is worse, since its not just an item, it becomes more like a scene. In regards to who approves them... i dont know, since i dont deal with them, i guessed it was Mur?
  10. Im assuming you mean you uploaded the one you have as your forum avatar? Is your role a seabird? normally the avatar will represent the role, where the avatar is normally a person in full or part.
  11. No, i just checked with another alt, it does indeed give time, But with the different text, it certainly is a little confusing. Ofc, as i said, It only happens the first time you select principles, next time you have the 10 principles and the correct text as in the printscreens
  12. [attachment=3024:bug1.jpg] Here highlighted all of the Principles have the correct english name, except for Time which has the english and romanian name Also here, there are only 9 principles to chose from. This only happens on the first time you pick principles, after that you get the second printscreen [attachment=3025:bug2.jpg]
  13. Good Day of Birth to you both Darigan and Firsan
  14. Yeah, rather than "monthly" i agree that Days of Tranquillities are nice, But sometimes it isnt convient, wheras normally im free on the same times each week.
  15. Searching for previous topics i find. [topic='3764']small collection of new ideas and missing features[/topic] [topic='2819']ritual creation having two attack weapons[/topic] [topic='1981']ritual creation/organization[/topic] [topic='1644']rituals[/topic] And it took more time to format and type out the post than to find these topics.
  16. Since i didnt seem to have noticed the second page when i read this the first time, and did at first turn into a fullblow rant, i will be removing new posts i consider to be to rantish or rude (mods and all) I will send you the contents of your post and you are welcome to re post it after removing certain things. This will only be applying to posts that are considered not to the point, rude, or just trollish. MB can contact me if he wants anything else removed.
  17. For me, Its not so much the days of the month, but that certain days of the week are better than others. So as the dates written, will keep falling on different days, sometimes it will be ok, and other times it wont be.
  18. I did mention it was a long time ago
  19. [quote name='Fire Starter' timestamp='1308735450' post='86571'] I see a more reasonable change to be able to create att/def rituals [b]without[/b] the need to have available targets within sight, but I want to hear the [b]cons [/b]for that.Sorry Fyrd, if you think this is spam I will remove it. [/quote] [quote name='dst' timestamp='1308739904' post='86572'] Con: so you can socialize. So you can go out of the box you hide in (so players may not be able to attack you). Also, the forum has a feature called Search. If you use it, you'll find at least 1 topic discussing this issue.[color=purple]I believe there's 3 or 4 actually - Grido[/color] [/quote] To spam the topic, There is a a LOT of topics discussing the idea, and if i remember correctly it is something mur has talked about before, and said it wont be changing. However that was a longer time ago, But i guess it also fits the same theme "no pms to everyone", But i guess you would be against that also?
  20. yeah... its not something on our side, its something todo with your computer. antivirus, update XP to the latest updates, possibly re install but i do think that its always a monmentual task reinstalling the OS if you havent prepared for it.
  21. This topic uses open source alternatives... mostly http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/9102-avatar-tutorial-for-windows/
  22. Hmm, thats very intresting, I use a similar configeration on my comptuer as does 50% of MD judging from the stats on the forum. Does anyone else experiance errors such as this? If you experience errors with all three browsers, then its most likely an error with the OS or internet capability, since the rendering engines for those browsers differ. Is there any times when it happens more, or less. Does it happen on any other websites?
  23. the code looks like the direct transfer of the infomation of the page, As you can see the HTTP header at the top, which isnt normally shown to you, since its more for the browser to do things with. Since iv never seen something like this happen, im guessing you are using a funny combination of browser/operating system? Whats your OS and Browser?
  24. Chewett

    Volume Control

    and then you just get more reports of people saying certain things didnt appear? the logs use popups, and many rubbish browsers (google chrome) give a very small icon saying you got a popup and it blocked it! Surely you just get issues with popup blockers then?
  25. Have a very good birthday
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