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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. [quote name='jmaster' timestamp='1311354801' post='88605'] That is too stop people from continuesly pulling me away from what I am trying to do, If it doesnt work then prices will still drop but If people keep saying my prices are high and bothering me about it they will just continue to raise. I dont care if they sell fast, I am a patient Man. So please people only reply if you want something, and not bash on my business, I dont do it to your guys so I ask for at least the same respect. [/quote] Surely as more people bother you, you will raise the prices, And thusly even more will bother you, so the cycle continues. Where does it stop?
  2. oh dear. a wodcutter needs some retraining? closed
  3. what is the full id? i dont see why you didnt post it but if you really dont want to post it please pm it. thanks
  4. simularly with water. i am selling the water dowsers stock for half that price
  5. Update: A friend has reminded me that the 24th is actually a sanctuary day, This is good news indeed for people who are close to skill damage and unable to go out in large crowds. Main post updated
  6. We all know the crisis that is currently occurring. Our Monarchs and Friends are Dead. We must do something to try and resolve the matter. I, along with my friends and other Seekers will be holding a Heat Letting Ceremony at Angiens Ferry. During we shall talk with anyone else there, About what can be done, and what has occurred. I hope some of you will want to say something, about our dead, about how you believe it happened or how it can be resolved. The event will be held on Sunday 24th. It will be held twice, Once at 15:00 (server-time, GMT+2) and again at 22:00 (server-time, GMT+2) This is to facilitate multiple timezones. The 24th is also a Sanctuary day, So there will be no fighting at the meetings. I have been in talks with most monarchs and Z, and most agreed that they will be in attendance or will send representatives. For this, the general scheme of the event will be thus: Introduction by Me Small talk about the process of letting heat, the significant of Angiens Ferry (heat letting optional) Talks, Comments and rituals by assembled Members General conversation about events, open to everyone. If anyone wishs to specifically have a slot, to talk for a period of time, Or perform some kind of ritual please send me a pm stating what you wish to do, including the meeting time you will be attending. Since there will be two meetings, each with differing people attending, their contents will surely differ, and if you have time for both, it will be interesting to bring any foresight gained in the first, to the second. Hopefully we can progress the issue of our dead friends, and possibly find a way to help them in their current predicament. This thread can be used to say you are coming, Or comment on the event, or merely ask questions regarding it. I hope to see some of you there.
  7. [quote name='BFH' timestamp='1311184288' post='88372'] Like the idea, but if not well implemented might seem like a colorful disaster. [/quote] Colour... in my MD? Never!!
  8. come on guys, these birthday wishs are getting earlier and earlier. The next "obsessively early" guy gets a ban. apart from that, HAPPY BIRTHDAY CURI!
  9. Z is an either or, meaning that it possibly could have been chosen, and also possibly just been random. If you picked someone truely random, then you wouldnt bother to really look for some kind of pattern. Wheras at the current we are looking for, and trying to ignore him from the searchs. Effectively picking him, makes logical deductions and path following harder, since he is possibly a red herring. So you cant rule him out.
  10. [quote name='Handy Pockets' timestamp='1310926677' post='88165'] Chewett How long did it take for this group that gathered , at the Ferry, to be noticed by Mur and found themselves in theAdventure Log? [/quote] I am unsure, we didnt really anything would come with it, so didnt count or anything. It was probably a week or so, from when it all started and people started doing things.
  11. [quote name='xrieg' timestamp='1310934594' post='88180'] I mean: with regen timer solution MP3 learns moving in MD world the same way higher MPs do - their gameplay is just more fastpaced in some aspects. Turning off viscosity would require to develop in the future two sets of rules MP3 and MP4+... and I guess not all implications may be obvious then at a first glance (more maintenance). Unless the difference would be basically setting effective viscosity for MP3 to be 0 everywhere and some location entrances would be inaccessible for MP3BTW: shouldn't the thread be moved to New Ideas forum section? [/quote] i dislike your idea because you are just speeding up the gameplay at MP3 where they should actually have it slower so they can learn. Also, faster regen and such wont really help, as in those locations it will still be painfully slow walking around there. Also, increasing the regen will increase server load, which isnt good, last time Mur increased it it lagged everything up a bit... And wasnt so fun since you couldnt really use the extra time.
  12. [quote name='Vicarious' timestamp='1310932707' post='88177'] The only thing I see that would be exploitable here would be the fact that someone could create an Army (Liberty *coughs*) of MP3s to alter the Viscosity, but if the MP3s couldn't be affected by the viscosity, it stands to reason that they shouldnt be able to alter it either. [/quote] No, thats not exploitable either. When viscosity is lowered, Alts are checked before it is. meaning that you can move the entire Lib army through an area, and only lower it by 4. Because only the first account moving through will lower it.
  13. I really like this idea, i agree with you entirely. The quest that requires movement through it has become much harder and longer to accomplish.
  14. I have posted up an article on [url="http://md-archives.com"]MD-Archives[/url] which details what happened before and up to when the alliance was formed You can read the article [url="http://md-archives.com/articles/seekers-of-enlightenment-the-foundation.html"]here[/url] If you wish to know more about SoE, this is the first article you should read. You can comment on the article on this post or by posting a comment on the website.
  15. Handy has left the Seekers to go work with the Water Dowsers She has worked with us, and shall continue to work with us while she also does work with Nad. We congratulate her on moving to the Dowsers and wish her the best of luck with them.
  16. its been done deliberately. Closed.
  17. I dont understand what you mean, I ask if it is going to be made public, and you said that if you want a copy i should ask for one? So can i have a copy?
  18. So, let me guess. You will then be selling the information that you gained through people helping? Or will it be public? also, whats the reward? And what reward is there if someone gives you data you already have?
  19. SoS Pipstickz (1623) Granos (545) Ailith (115) Jester (15) Calev Anan (12) all active, cept for calev Anan, who i personally havent seen, and therefore does not mean he is inactive.
  20. Low item ID's traded within the last couple months [attachment=3049:oldest items.jpg]
  21. [quote name='Nimrodel' timestamp='1310762836' post='88013'] @Chewett: There are people who've branded Loreroot as chaotic. Veterans. Would you have expected the same of Firs? For instance, Him becoming a part of MDA or something like that? [/quote] I believe they were being rude. And yes, and no, i would not expect firsen to do something akin, for he is very much a part of loreroot. Rooted to the spot so to say. Loreroot is more like a brotherhood to me, groups of friends ganging together helping themselves.
  22. I might be very surprised if handy joined necrovon, or somethink akin, But anyone knowing jester knows he moves in mysterous ways. He hasnt joined another main land, and probably has a very intresting or good reason. As Granos has pointed out, Why post it up and cause a commotion? Surely talking to him would resolve your issue? He is a king, he can do what he wants. Necrovon is a rather more chaotic land than as i mentioned Before MB, it wouldnt fit if someone like handy went off and did similar, But to me, knowing necro, it kinda fits.
  23. Using magic i can tell the oldest coin traded the last couple months is this one [attachment=3047:oldest coin.jpg] You also need to remember that coins have ID's just like items, Meaning that the "first" item id, wont nesscarily be a coin, Much more likely to be an item of some kind.
  24. closed, you guys all went offtopic. Who cares if Jester isnt part of his land, Its his citizens to worry about, if they indeed care.
  25. search the forum before posting bug reports. This has been reported before. A couple of times.
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