We all know the crisis that is currently occurring. Our Monarchs and Friends are Dead. We must do something to try and resolve the matter.
I, along with my friends and other Seekers will be holding a Heat Letting Ceremony at Angiens Ferry. During we shall talk with anyone else there, About what can be done, and what has occurred. I hope some of you will want to say something, about our dead, about how you believe it happened or how it can be resolved.
The event will be held on Sunday 24th. It will be held twice, Once at 15:00 (server-time, GMT+2) and again at 22:00 (server-time, GMT+2) This is to facilitate multiple timezones. The 24th is also a Sanctuary day, So there will be no fighting at the meetings.
I have been in talks with most monarchs and Z, and most agreed that they will be in attendance or will send representatives.
For this, the general scheme of the event will be thus:
Introduction by Me
Small talk about the process of letting heat, the significant of Angiens Ferry (heat letting optional)
Talks, Comments and rituals by assembled Members
General conversation about events, open to everyone.
If anyone wishs to specifically have a slot, to talk for a period of time, Or perform some kind of ritual please send me a pm stating what you wish to do, including the meeting time you will be attending.
Since there will be two meetings, each with differing people attending, their contents will surely differ, and if you have time for both, it will be interesting to bring any foresight gained in the first, to the second.
Hopefully we can progress the issue of our dead friends, and possibly find a way to help them in their current predicament.
This thread can be used to say you are coming, Or comment on the event, or merely ask questions regarding it.
I hope to see some of you there.