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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. post what you are willing to pay and i will post if i am willing to sell.
  2. [quote name='apophys' timestamp='1304495650' post='83877'] I'm sure there is an available buffer in MD of 30 adeptable people, the losing of which will not drop any mp6 down to 5. I'm aiming for that.There wouldn't be more than one client at once, so no more than 30 adepts could be taken at once. As long as this union is not functional, there will be mp5s who try to gather adepts separately, and long-term, making a much larger overall adept drain.I'm simultaneously trying to make some people who are not currently adepts of an mp6 to become so, if only intermittently. [/quote] The Problem is, the "30 buffer" wont be the 30 people that will apply, you will get people who will sell themselves for greed and maybe even ones who "want to help" But The problem will occur that there are some people who just wont adept anyone, You remove adepts from valid mp6's and if you take "a few" from each, you could effectively kill all mp6's in one fell sweep. Shem is completely right, People wont want your "help" of getting to Mp6 during times when you are not selling yourself when they will be dropped once the next buyer comes along. [quote name='Burns' timestamp='1304499866' post='83881'] I like this thread, a little more than Shem's even because it's obviously not a joke this time.I mean, who wouldn't like a list with the people who sell their loyalty for a coin? Makes my life as ally-leader and quest creator so much easier... [/quote] I find this immensively funny, And kinda agree
  3. So i could join, and get a motion passed that effectively disbanded the society? But more to the point, What do you say that you are effectively removing one MP6 from their place as helping? Helping people go up who have no intention of helping and at the same time removing adepts from real MP6's that have worked hard to get them, for the sake of greed? If it was a public service, it would be a free organisation instead of taking silver, which would make it much friendlier if co ordinated with MP6's Have you spoken with the MP6's about your idea? Because since they will be the ones effected.
  4. Have a Great Birthday Amoran?
  5. Isnt Alyons account disabled while he is investigated for his abusing?
  6. As R has said, forum reputation is completely meaningless to the game, but it does reflect on your posts. Forum rep shows the general "liked" factor of your posts, But many people are more likely to -rep someone than +rep them.
  7. Happy Birthday Yoshi, May it be intresting.
  8. [quote name='Fyrd Argentus' timestamp='1304294788' post='83692'] I have one age 254 with blooddrop and oxfangs.What's it worth to you? [/quote] he asked for untokened Fyrd Selling two Jokers for a friend Age 494 ID:547408 Age 455 ID:606025 9 silver for the pair, or 5 silver seperately, (selling to anyone for 1 silver more, or that price if he doesn't want them)
  9. Who are you again? Oh well, welcome back newbie
  10. When typing in your email, you need to type it exatly as you registered, Meaning that although Test@googlemail.com and Test@gmail.com is the "same" email, it isnt the same in the MD database,
  11. Happy Birthday Burns!
  12. 2 Sc for the imp.
  13. He means ingame, walk over there and have a look at what he is referring to.
  14. I havent seen anything implemented, but i guess you should probably contact the address to see what whoever checks it thinks of your artistic style.
  15. are you sure the email account is tied to your magicduel one? I got numerous emails from many different accounts from MD. try recovering your password and see if you get an email then.
  16. From what i haev seen previously normally some art is requested to "view" then you are comminsioned in some way to make some art for the game, depending on how it is recieved more art might be requested. But, the main point that is repeated is that it must be the same style as MD, as in paper and pencil, nothing computer drawn.
  17. [quote name='apophys' timestamp='1303807342' post='83431'] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFLXp0BF6xY[/media] [/quote] <insert relatively rude word> Yeah i really like that one
  18. asking questions is fine, going back to asking Mur of all people for a direct answer is pointless, since thats not the idea of research and he most likely wont give you a direct answer. People were helping giving you their opinion, thats a nice type of collaborative research.
  19. You are allowed to research what you want, Who cares if someone else is also researching it, They wont nesscarily publish their research and if you dont know about it then you likely will never hear about it. Dont ask and try and get spoonfed the answers to everything, look, investigate and learn.
  20. upload it somewhere then use html to display? the Img tag
  21. I dont know if its meant to be here but http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/9442-job-opening/page__view__findpost__p__82376
  22. yeah, because a closed topic will stop me. The gallery will be updated as soon as i get approval to ask for it.
  23. The gallery is broken, sue me. I shall be talking with teh MD council to try and get the upgrade. Happy Shadow?
  24. It would require some specific code to take the image and make it a negative, there is no function that i know of in php or MDscript to do so. On the top request, im not sure you can.
  25. This is closed due to stupid posts, If you seriously wish to apply please send me a forum pm.
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