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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. Yeah, iv been bugging mur to make it a little more standardized, i had a list of issues he needed to fix, but im not entirely sure if he has lost it The storage being different is an intresting one i hadnt seen, Are you using aoau?
  2. Here is an example of what i have been doing myself. Iv started from both ends and had started this a couple months ago. Iv done about 200 announcements and currently have 1700ish announcements in my database in this format. If you want something like this i can export it in any format and hand it over, or complete the rest. [attachment=2827:Announcements.zip]
  3. I had initially started this for my own benifit so as it would be searchable to more easily find infomation, so will offer my help if it is wanted.
  4. it will be moved to offtopic if you wish to spam pictures, No matter if it is a quest or not.
  5. I Would take that bet Eitherway lol Its an intresting idea, But i dislike gamberling in general unless you really can afford to lose what you are betting (which should be ok since its MD and you dont "need" anything). But then what about the whole "family friendly" side? i dislike the idea of minors betting and such, But i agree that you shouldnt nesscarily ban them since most MD'ers iv met (young and old) are very responsible, I just dislike the idea.
  6. So whats the real carnival about? Iv never really heard about it so am intrested, And how can a carnival encourage pornography? It is a rather risqué Carnival?
  7. Which is what i was going to contact you about, Ailith is MIA and i doubt she will be running the birthday. And doesnt have access to this section due to something she requested. So only Mur can see this, IF he even takes the time to look
  8. You will be missed and remembered by us. Hope you have a nice life in the other world.
  9. Chewett

    If not MD...

    i find it intresting that Pip you said you would be "obsessively mointering Youtube for new videos" I find myself obsessively monitering either travian (new T4 on a uk world just started) Facebook (URGH gotta hate it) or the forum (makes sense lol) I decide i will "stop" one thing, and then i find that the entirity of the "internet" usage for me is the time i open a browser to "just check" something. Anyone else do this? or am i just a little mad
  10. The Logic is perfectly sound, But how does the system know when an ofer is "better" or not? people value different things differently. The system works fine if people use it correctly.
  11. Burns is a good coder, ask him. If you need any help with anything, Advice is always free.
  12. Most hilarious... *SARCASM*
  13. Well, Since it isnt explained, or described i think it needs to be written down somewhere on the upload page, to clarify. Because no one really can give the "correct" answer apart from Mur.
  14. *cough* [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/9317-i-cannot-make-a-gallery/"]FAQ -> i cannot make a gallery/[/url]
  15. When did you start/learn to draw? what would you recommend to someone starting learning? anything in specfic/what did you do?
  16. Its rather ironic how you mention "calculating it yourself" and then get the date wrong.
  17. [quote name='CrazyMike' timestamp='1302004928' post='81891'] It would also be nice if when clicking on the player's name in mood panel allows for messaging, like having friend list. [/quote] I can most defainately say that wont be implemented, because mur doesnt like stuff like that. If he wanted people to "easily" message others, then he would allow you to type in a name and message them. The second option is intresting, but i wouldn't necessarily say its useful.
  18. Wow, i just LOVE some of that art! Its really good! What do you draw with?
  19. Chewett

    If not MD...

    So, because i can imagine the forum will fill up with, to be frank, complete and utter rubbish, i will add at least one thing that i would be intrested in reading. So What i want to know, is what you would be doing if you spent your time (and money) on something other than MD. It intrests me of what people do, so please post what you would be doing, no matter how nerdy, or boreing it is. People intrest me What i would be doing: A) Other online Games - Recently i have found Minecraft an intresting game, being able to spend hours collecting resources for a massive pixel based image, or making my a castle. its a bit like Lego for bigger kids . I would also probably spend some more time completeing Oblivion, before Skyrim comes out, Since iv created numerous chars but never really completed the main quest to any length. B) Intresting Programmings - I Find programming something incredibly intresting. Since i have a large amount of computers at my disposal where i work, Im currently working on a system which can command multiple computes to work on a "problem" or just bounce an image between multiple computers. An example of that i am working on is to take any amount of computers and have the computer "bounce" an image between those monitors. The reason is mainly for intrest, since i find computers rather strange beasts. C) My Robot! - This is my long ongoing project, iv been slowly collecting parts, but with my limited cash and tools i havent been able to buy that laser cutter (£5k+) or multiple steel cutting tools. The current state is that i have a couple motors, a lazer that can light matches and burn through baloons, And a bunch of electronics. Slowly im building it together but it looks like it will most definatly never be finished. As i said, im intrested in the people behind MD, What makes them tick, Whats your "hobby"? Note: this is in the OFFTOPIC section of the forum, and therefore wont qualify for "most creative post", If you want to try and win this, go spam somewhere else
  20. This post confirms i want all the pimps you have at 2 sc, Unless ofc someone else wants some for 2c and i would gladly share half of them
  21. It seems too powerful at the last level, with both all those aura's and the heal/regen all. In comparison to some of the other creatures currently in the game. also, companion cube FTW!
  22. Something broke the register script, and therefore a lot of your stuff isnt working. Iv forwarded this to someone who should be able to help.
  23. jokers + pimpes 2sc Each
  24. All Pimps, Imps, BP 2 silver
  25. BUMP Since im using the ally chat more and more, it would be REALLY useful for it to be fixed.
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