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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. [quote name='Master' date='26 February 2010 - 10:20 PM' timestamp='1267222848' post='55353'] We really need that NEW RPC system Mur was talking about he wants installed ! Having RPCs ( not as they were ) Is still needed, and not only on this choice matters but in others as well. [/quote] When did Mur mention "new RPC System" because what i think you are refereing to is already in effect... [quote name='Phantom Orchid' date='26 February 2010 - 11:18 PM' timestamp='1267226335' post='55362'] Here is a couple of cents worth of advice - Veteran's (# of active days) get to write what they would like to see in AL (the setup for this past test would make this easy - just have to only allow certain players access to it), and then each path is voted on by everybody else (whether in-game or in forum). Additionally, if there is a forum discussion for each leg of the AL, then we can all have fun bashing our brains together trying to figure it out and make sense of it Just a thought. [/quote] Naha! just letting the Vets decide makes the game boring. Most intresting ideas comes from new players that havent been tainted by inaction or by the thoughts that you cant really do anything with the storyline. What you need is something like 10 random comments from the top 50 Active Days 10 random comments from alliance members 10 random comments from non alliance mp4/5 10 random comments from no groups 10 random comments from the top 20 highest "pointed" people (explained below) basicly, firstly all the comments from the active days are put into a section, 10 are picked out, Then all the alliance member comments will be picked out, and 10 are chosen and checked for no duliplicates against the first and this continues until the 50 comments are picked out If mur assigns a rating to each comment, there can be a fifth ranking of best ideas, so that some of the people with the best ideas will have a greater chance as there will be the final draw for good ideas people. and also Phantom *cough* [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/forum/4-storyline/"]Game Storyline - Discussions about the game storyline. Help us decide[/url]
  2. [quote name='cutler121' date='27 February 2010 - 01:26 AM' timestamp='1267234007' post='55373'] If you are in jail you can still be part of an alliance? That would be a large oversight! As I said earlier this player has no respect for others, don't expect him to act or speak in an appropriate fashion. Maybe an IP ban would work better. Cutler [/quote] the jail area is just another scene, So you can easily escape from it, When being jailed you are removed from your alliance (99% sure) but you can rejoin Although there are many ways of easily escaping... the punishment if you do would be much greater than the initial one. If he is out of jail i definately think he needs to be put back there as soon as possible. Otherwise he hasnt really been punished... And if he keeps breaking it, then there can be better ways of dealing with him
  3. [quote name='Yoshi' date='26 February 2010 - 11:41 PM' timestamp='1267227660' post='55367'] And what if you don't have any crits because you sacced them? [/quote] Make a "basic" deck with all the normal crits in and add the CTC thing in for the Rare crits like drachorn. I know people would love to know all their details but this is MAJOR spoilers, i wonder what mur would say about it...
  4. [quote name='apophys' date='25 February 2010 - 08:28 PM' timestamp='1267129697' post='55229'] The "cache" is what you have temporarily downloaded onto your own computer by visiting the site.True, if everyone has a piece of the site in their cache, it might be possible to recreate md-archives from the pieces. [/quote] actually she is right, Google Caches all pages that they index, so you can get a lot of stuff from google even if the site has been taken offline Unless Mur can get a later backup, The latest will be one that i took from December the 2nd since no one was actually assigned to back it up, and my "monthly" backup plan went astray after i got so busy. So, if you uploaded something after the 2nd december i would definitely start piecing it together if you havent got it all together
  5. [quote name='Yoshi' date='24 February 2010 - 07:47 PM' timestamp='1267040870' post='55112'] Well, it very well could be right. I'm not going to go into the logic of it, but with similar brain teasers, it's possible for most every number to be correct. [/quote] Actially, its not possible for EVERY number to be correct, Here is a little tip, If EVERYONE choses 100, 2/3 will be 66, so pick lower than that number unless you think everyone will pick 100
  6. [code] Got error 127 from storage engine http://www.mmorpg100.com/in.php?id=2877&session_id=lXk6iZj1uSK73EZsXbNgAnxa [/code] only found one error for some reason, i remember two before...
  7. There should be NO tempory ve/vp and such for tempory creatures. It was announced when trading came out.
  8. [quote name='Laphers' date='23 February 2010 - 03:57 AM' timestamp='1266897469' post='54994'] That's an oversimplification towards all new players. I remember when I was mp3 and hit cap, it was way too early. I learned way more in mp4 than I did in mp3. And I feel that I learned things in mp4 that I should have learned in mp3. The game wants people to learn how to play it but it relies on older, more experienced players to help. [/quote] But thats the point, Mp3 is the beginner stage that you learn the basics of the game, Its in the later Mindpowers 4 and eventually 5 where you can try out all the different creatures and learn about the stragity of the battles and what creatures are good Vs what. The Problem is that MP3's cap has been raised so much that people make alts to go make "uber" mp3's then people like Redd copy them. MP3 was never a stage to stat grind and such, its just that the raised cap allows that, I would say that most vets probably spent 2/3 weeks at mp3, and were not sitting there slowly getting the correct amount of exp to max X and Y because they were just learning the rules. MP3's follow the example of the noobish alts that people make to statgrind at mp3, thus spend ages getting beaten and try and beat them by employing the same tactic. People leave at the mp3 stage as they have had all the fun of the battle system, yet dont see anything else because they have not learnt about magicduel by going through the story several times or exploring it. they just go to stat grind, and once someone disrupts their plan they get annoyed and leave.
  9. [quote name='ladytwin' date='21 February 2010 - 03:54 PM' timestamp='1266767649' post='54903'] if we play more in the game and spend less time in this forum then *chuckles* i think things will be more fun [/quote] The issue with this idea is also the issue with all of these ideas: "Run an Adventure log story yourself" "Get more people interested in RP" "Get alliances up and doing interesting things" "Get Kings to organise events" All General points with no actual answer of HOW to accomplish something. If someone could pull it off it would be great but...
  10. What's the point in making a vote to gauge the Publics opinion if people using ALTS to change the result! A few people have used alts to add more votes to "Yes its a good idea to get rid of GGG" So if you want an accurate number for that poll, take away 2 or 3 votes from that one. As of now it would be around 15 yes - 25 no For now i will ignore who has done this, But if i see ANYONE doing this again, ALL their accounts will be banned indefinitely. Im sorry Fenrir that people have decided to try and force one result, and i will make sure no one else does this if anyone else votes.
  11. Its been Spoilerized,
  12. There are two widely accepted views of Infinity 1. Infinite Infinity This is where infinity is infinite so ∞ + 1 = ∞ 2. Finite Infinity ∞ + 1 != ∞ (Note: != means does not equal) Finite Infinity is used in Further Pure mathematics, in Number Sets and Banach Spaces Wheras we would normally describe space as infinite because there is no conceivable end. So if we then apply both ideas to the problem. Dst would be correct if you were going to be using a value for infinity that was infinite. So if you just moved each person one room up you would have one room free. But if you were to use Finite Infinity then there would always be an infinite rooms full, Therefore there wouldn't be a room spare. However Both these forms of Infinity are only valid in certain circumstances, Just like light is sometimes seen as a particle (a photon) and sometimes seen as a wave because both these ways of viewing light is correct, but in certain circumstances its easier to view light in one way or the other. NOTE: if you are more intrested why these both fit and the proof i would definitely try and google Professor Timothy Gowers While attending one of my yearly lectures in London he was speaking about infinity and its use in his PHD thesis.
  13. 8 16 must be right!
  14. GGG is an intresting place, and for it to get to the point where people are saying its the reason MD is failing means its done pretty well. Some people use it to farm wins for their angiens, Some use it for the stats, and some just use it for some easy wins to get them out of Skill Damage. Because it is so useful i can defaintely see it being "reset" somewhere else if Mur one day decided that it wasnt allowed because its useful for people to sit there gaining tons of wins and a few stats. Unless there was a way to redirect the traffic somewhere so that it would be both fun and easy to find someone you can have a GOOD fight with, Then places like this will grow. I walk around MD looking for someone i can kill, And only find the Statgrinders at GOE who will 0-round kill me, and anyone else who idles outside on par with those stat grinders. There is no way i can kill someone who is outside a Sanct in normal MD because they are the ones who have spent years and millions on the MD shop to get them every token possible. So unless you find a way to make people stay outside sanctuaries or make it so i can fight poeple that are on par with me, There is no way that the GGG and places like it will go away. Because people want to be able to train without losing all their vit in one battle.
  15. Im not entirely sure about that, Initially i thought it would be that you pressed Login Twice, but that would give you a logout cooldown of something like 12 minutes or whatever the max is...
  16. Please dont assume your account is "being hacked" every single time something strange happens If you notice your crits are gone, or something has changed then then you cna start saying someone has got your password. It could just be a peculiarity of MD, if it happens again or you notice things gone from your account, say so. Otherwise i would just forget it and label it as one of MD's oddities
  17. [quote name='Redd' date='16 February 2010 - 07:20 PM' timestamp='1266348033' post='54602'] Doesn't it bother anyone else that an MP3 can give away 70k-ish exp in a non-damage fight? Probably not, because it happened to me. But what if it happened/starts happening to newbies? I bet the issue won't get the same reaction. [/quote] I dont really think new players will mind, they arnt focussed on mindless grinding to become the best MP3, they would probably welcome the free exp...
  18. To comment out more than one line sadly you can only use // on every line For some reason /* is blocked... So there is no other way i know...
  19. Thats enough Spoilers Look at the fight log and look what your creatures can do. Its pretty simple if you have a look at those two things. Closed
  20. Deal done Thread closed
  21. [quote name='apophys' date='16 February 2010 - 05:09 AM' timestamp='1266296947' post='54583'] This is a major GGG violation and should be treated so. However, I doubt the perpetrator can be found and identified with certainty. [/quote] That is the main problem and the reason i said Redd should just forget it. Even if you can find someone that also got attacked that day, and has a print screen of the attack, and it was the same style of ritual, you still cant prove it was them because you dont know if they attacked you Redd. The only way to prove it would be to see the log, But since that went there would be no way to prove it.
  22. Buying 2 gold coins for 14 silver each.
  23. And the fact that if you do kill the NPC's and Mur uses them for something, you wont be able to attack them again, Which could screw up any new feature mur decides to do with them...
  24. Redd, Honestly it just looks like something happened that wasnt according to your plan, so you want special treatment so you can get yourself back on "the plan" Firstly the exp will not be removed from you By Mur. You will have to accept that just move up a mindpower and forget about it. Secondarily what are you trying to achieve? If you gained personal exp that means that someone lost against you. And if you really wanted to stick to your plan perhaps you should have been more careful. The problem i have with this topic is that you have no idea if someone purposely did this or if it was your fault. And this would effect how you should behave massively. There is nothing you can do or anyone can do to stop something like this, it is perfectly within the rules so i dont see anything wrong with this. You just gained a bit of exp and that wasn't according to your plan. So suddenly you think that they are "out to get you" If you look at all the other MP3 grinders i see none of them complaining so it isn't likely someone targeting everyone... Plans dont always go to plan, but if you cant take it when one little thing goes wrong, i cant see how you will survive the rest of MD...
  25. [quote name='LadyDawn' date='15 February 2010 - 04:44 AM' timestamp='1266209055' post='54496'] When I joined MD, that would be exactly 60 days ago (yes, a jungling in this world) I have seen a great game offering different sort of challenges to overcome and such, meet some realy nice people etc. It was "fun" in all regards. [/quote] This issue is much older than you mention. This issue has always been here, But perhaps we are just more open to fight about it now. There has always been abuse, cheating, scamming and exceedingly bad rudeness. I would say that if a player just played MD and didnt read the forums they could probably blissfully ignore most of the abuse. I agree that today we have reached a pinnacle of what is happening. But with the fact that some people cant forget issues and move one (ref [quote]As for Prince Rhaelgar.../sarcasm on well, congrats to those of you who picked him out for your crusade, you seemed to study history of crusades well and know how to pick your victim. /sarcasm off[/quote] one example in this very thread) then this community will fail. Becuase we are small we cannot hold grudges against people. We need to learn to accept what people have done and move on. If this doesnt change, and change soon then Magicduel will fail. Less and Less people will come and more and more will leave. Before i recommended a lot of friends to play, Nowadays i have explicitly told them not to play again. This is not something one person can do now. It is something that everyone needs to think about and do something about in how they play.
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